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Gross floor area, saleable floor area, and efficiency explained

Hong Kong use an unique system where Gross floor area include a sharepart of common spaces, thus two blocks with identical apartment units but with different number of units per floor had different gross floor area stated for each apartment, because in the block with fewer apartments per floor the common areas were divided to fewer apartments. In other countries Gross floor area meaning is like Hong Kong’s Saleable area.

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Housing statistics

Per total, 53% of housing are owner-occupied. Is hard for me to make estimation about average apartment size in Hong Kong or about the ratio sqm per person, due to lack of detailed statistics about housing system, high income inequality, many people living in extremely small 1-room apartments, illegally-divided apartments, as well as boathouses, caged homes, rooftop huts and other forms of inhumane homes.

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Timeline of tallest buildings

Tallest buildings in the world

Philadelphia City Hall (1901), Singer Building (1908), Metropolitan Life Tower (1909), Woolworth Building (1913), Equitable Building (1915), Bank of Manhattan Trust Building (1930), Chrysler Building (1930), Empire State Building (1931), World Trade Center (1971), Sears Tower (1973), CN Tower (1976), Petronas Towers (1998), Taipei 101 (2004), Shanghai World Financial Center (2008), Burj Khalifa (2010), Jeddah Tower (under construction).

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Digital Cameras Database

Digital cameras database

If you are looking for a database of digital cameras specifications in Excel format to create a website, use in a repair shop or anything similar, I created an Excel database for you. Contains 36 camera brands with a total of over 3800 models.

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Countries database

World countries database

Are you looking for a database of countries in Excel format with their facts and figures, for research or to create a website? I made a database for you. Took few hours to make a scraping script which extract data from The World Factbook and create a CSV file. Takes about 35 min to extract the 268 entries, and I can update anytime you want!

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Skyscrapers database

After making databases of HDB and condos from Singapore, as well as public and private housing estates from Hong Kong, and other databases, in November 2015 I started making a database of skyscrapers, to study evolution of skyscrapers over history.

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Airports database

Airports database

Are you looking for a database of airports and other airfields in Excel format for research or to make a website? I made a database for you, you can open XLS file, save as CSV and import in SQL if needed.

ID 100%, Ident 100%, Type 100%, Name 100%, Latitude 100%, Longitude 100%, Elevation (ft) 87.33%, Continent 100%, ISO country 100%, Country 100%, ISO region 100%, Region 100%, Municipality 89.67%, Scheduled service 100%, GPS code 74.11%, IATA code 16.58%, Local code 52.24%, Home link 5.43%, Wikipedia link 17.86%, Keywords 17.22%.

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Solar System Database

Solar System Database

Are you looking for a database of planets and satellites in Excel format with their facts and figures, for research or to make a website? I made a database in 2014 with planets and main satellites, sourcing data from

Given by high number of free downloads, in 2019 I made a larger Excel database containing EVERY celestial body listed on NASA website (1 sun, 8 planets, 5 dwarf planets, 190 satellites) and offer for paid download.

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SEO SPAM from India

SEO SPAM from India

Webdesign companies do exist all over the world, but 90% of spammers sending unsolicited emails and phone calls are from India, usually start-ups and unexperienced teenagers claiming that are big companies and fool naive people to outsource work to them. Not all Indian companies are spammers, but the (5%?) doing SPAM damage reputation of Indian IT industry and reputable companies suffer as well.

They guarantee that will push my website to top of Google search results, 101% recovery from Panda and Penguin penalties, etc (for your info: no one can guarantee #1 in Google. What if multiple websites in same niche apply for their services, who will be #1?). I asked them how they do that, but most of them do not provide details, they just insist to get paid and let my website on their hands.

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Football stadiums database

Football Database

Download free SAMPLE: 2018-FIFA-World-Cup.xls

Took me about 5 minutes to compile this table sourcing data from Wikipedia using “XPath Helper” extension for Chrome.

If you are interested in similar table for all FIFA World Cups 1930-2018, UEFA Euro Cups and other football tournaments, please contact me.

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Excel colors

Colors database RGB & HEX

First time I made such table was in 2004 (15 years old) when I spent few days making in Paint an image with 48 hue levels and 32 lighting levels (Excel 97-2003 was limited to 56 colors).

In 2018 I remade it in Excel, adding RGB values for easier use, the job took about 4 hours, 48 hue levels and 16 lighting levels. In 2019 also made a Scalable Vector Graphics table with HEX colors.

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Palatul Cantacuzino "Micul Trianon" din Floreşti Prahova

Palace Trianon 3D design in AutoCAD

This palace is one of the most beautiful 3D modeling works that I ever designed in AutoCAD. Many people were impressed not only by the beautiful 3D renders, but also for excellent model geometry that makes it to look like 18-19th century neoclassic architecture. Some people asked me how I got the idea to design such complex building, and suggested to change some details to make it better, BUT…

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Website penalized by Google and my solution

I added too many keywords in image ALT tags on 2 pages each with around 100 images. These 2 pages have been the first to be penalized by Google, in mid-2013 for few months they were no longer appearing in searches and traffic dropped with 90%. I should have taken this as a WARNING that I do something wrong, but I did not paid any attention and continued adding ALT tags stuffed with keywords. On 12 October 2013 whole site was removed from Google search results for most keywords, causing traffic drop from 500 to 150 daily visitors. On 9 January 2014 remove the ALT and TITLE tags. Surprise, next day 10 January penalty was lifted (after 90 days).

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