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Strange chat 2019-04-07

Normally people visit my website to buy data sold by me, but in April 2019 a strange person offered to sell me database of car buyers from all new car dealerships across India, 1.5 million records. He was speaking very bad english mixed with hindi and we didn’t understood each other, when I asked for a SAMPLE with few rows to see what details he have about each buyer, he said “bulk orders only” and asked me to do bank transfer. How I can pay without knowing what I get?

I have his phone and email, he is living in Mumbai. I am not from India so I cannot meet him. Is there anyone from Mumbai who can help me and meet him in person, check database before paying then share database with me (I can pay you half of the price of database) then I will sell it to other people interested?

Read below chat if you can understand his broken english. His phone 9326030671 and email [email protected], keep me informed what answer you get!

Chat started on Sunday, April 07, 2019 8:24:41 PM

(8:24:41 PM) *** Visitor 23771429 has joined the chat ***
(8:24:43 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there, visitor from India, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(8:30:57 PM) Visitor 23771429: I have all model car owners database 2018
(8:31:08 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(8:31:16 PM) Teoalida: from where did you got such personal data?
(8:32:38 PM) Visitor 23771429: corporate level
(8:33:43 PM) Teoalida: a lot of people asked me for car owners database, I told them that is personal data and shouldn’t be distributed, and now you came saying that have this…. how we can keep in touch?
(8:35:31 PM) Visitor 23771429: My contact number is 9326030671
(8:35:41 PM) Visitor 23771429: I m staying MUMBAI
(8:35:44 PM) Visitor 23771429: Ok
(8:35:45 PM) Teoalida: I don’t like talking with phone, can you give me an email?
(8:35:56 PM) Visitor 23771429: Ok
(8:38:15 PM) Visitor 23771429: And Order basis you will get the database bulk only
(8:38:31 PM) Teoalida: and what do you mean with corporate level?
(8:38:40 PM) Teoalida: are you from a dealership? or insurance company?
(8:39:12 PM) Visitor 23771429: Dealership all corporate level
(8:39:26 PM) Teoalida: and how many rows does it have?
(8:40:22 PM) Visitor 23771429: Means
(8:40:44 PM) Teoalida: how many rows in database?
(8:42:45 PM) Teoalida: but actually what was the reason for contacting me? did you saw what I wrote on my website about car owners database and want to direct you the customers asking me for such database? or do you want to sell me database to redistribute on my website?
(8:44:35 PM) Visitor 23771429: Yes you have lots of customer
(8:44:49 PM) Teoalida: yes, I have…
(8:44:57 PM) Teoalida: about 20% of messages from indians are about car owners database
(8:45:08 PM) Visitor 23771429: Ok
(8:45:20 PM) Visitor 23771429: To mujhe ek ek kat ke
(8:45:31 PM) Teoalida: so how we can make a deal?
(8:45:50 PM) Visitor 23771429: Customer ki requirement bataye
(8:46:45 PM) Teoalida: english please
(8:47:20 PM) Visitor 23771429: Where you from
(8:47:39 PM) Teoalida: can you give me an email address to keep in touch?
(8:47:44 PM) Teoalida: or Google Hangouts or Skype?
(8:48:07 PM) Visitor 23771429: I say Where you from
(8:48:30 PM) Teoalida: Romania, as you can see I am selling databases for multiple countries
(8:48:50 PM) Teoalida: did you though that only indians sell databases or why did you assumed that I am in India?
(8:49:28 PM) Visitor 23771429: Only I have India car owners database
(8:49:46 PM) Visitor 23771429: Romania out of india
(8:49:49 PM) Teoalida: and 90% messages asking me about car owners database are from India
(8:50:01 PM) Teoalida: people from other countries don’t ask for this
(8:50:13 PM) Teoalida: so I have a lot of potential customers from INDIA asking about indian car owners database
(8:50:18 PM) Teoalida: how we can make a deal?
(8:51:07 PM) Visitor 23771429: make the payment and you will get database all brands
(8:52:01 PM) Teoalida: and what do you want me to do with your database?
(8:52:03 PM) Visitor 23771429: Requirement …. please
(8:52:14 PM) Teoalida: do you want to post it for sale on my website?
(8:52:15 PM) Visitor 23771429: Car owners database
(8:53:41 PM) Visitor 23771429: Per Lead 60 paise only must have to buy bulk only
(8:53:54 PM) Visitor 23771429: Indian currency
(8:54:09 PM) Teoalida: how many leads do you have in total?
(8:54:21 PM) Visitor 23771429: All India
(8:54:37 PM) Visitor 23771429: U will get
(8:54:54 PM) Visitor 23771429: We have lots of database car owners
(8:54:57 PM) Teoalida: I don’t understand… are you selling partial databases based on number of leads that we require?
(8:56:03 PM) Visitor 23771429: No
(8:56:24 PM) Visitor 23771429: Sir I’m database vendor pan India
(8:56:46 PM) Visitor 23771429: Aapko Lena hai data to payment karo database lelo
(8:56:49 PM) Teoalida: do you have any corporate website where you are selling this?
(8:57:32 PM) Visitor 23771429: Sorry no details
(8:57:37 PM) Teoalida: and give me an email, I want to forward you few emails and chatlogs from people who asked me for car owners database in the past
(8:57:45 PM) Visitor 23771429: You can buy
(8:58:17 PM) Teoalida: give me also a sample database with 10 owners…. something that I can show to my customers
(8:59:30 PM) Visitor 23771429: sir sample not give this is a corporate level database ok
(8:59:54 PM) Visitor 23771429: You can buy and get database
(9:00:18 PM) Teoalida: how I can buy it if I don’t know what I will get?
(9:01:44 PM) Visitor 23771429: My address my contact my also my address my contact my details proof is given
(9:01:49 PM) Teoalida: and how we can pay you?
(9:03:00 PM) Visitor 23771429: I will send my bank details
(9:03:10 PM) Teoalida: send it
(9:03:16 PM) Teoalida: your english is bad, I hardly understand you…. can I show this chatlog to my friends from India? maybe they will understand what do you do and contact you to talk in hindi
(9:03:20 PM) Visitor 23771429: You can pay
(9:03:59 PM) Visitor 23771429: Yes my English is not good
(9:04:37 PM) Visitor 23771429: My all contacts is indian customer
(9:06:05 PM) Visitor 23771429: You will payment the amount
(9:06:28 PM) Teoalida: you didn’t even told me what is the price for whole database?
(9:06:46 PM) Teoalida: I don’t understand what do you want from me!!
(9:08:06 PM) Visitor 23771429: All database price 1 lac rupees only you will get all database
(9:08:34 PM) Teoalida: 100,000 Indian Rupee equals
1,444.45 United States Dollar
(9:08:58 PM) Visitor 23771429: Database count – 15 lac all pan India
(9:09:11 PM) Teoalida: so 1.5 million car owners?
(9:09:33 PM) Visitor 23771429: India rupees
(9:10:25 PM) Teoalida: your price is very good given by how many car owners you have in database and given by how much companies can earn by telemarketing all these owners
(9:12:32 PM) Visitor 23771429: Lots off company purchasing database in India I will give u all latest database
(9:12:49 PM) Visitor 23771429: Bank details send
(9:13:54 PM) Visitor 23771429: Reply
(9:14:23 PM) Teoalida: and how do we do future updates?
(9:15:38 PM) Visitor 23771429: Axcel formet
(9:16:16 PM) Visitor 23771429: Corporate Server
(9:16:34 PM) Teoalida: are you sending me new Excel files with updates every X months?
(9:17:04 PM) Visitor 23771429: Yes with Latest update 2018 years
(9:17:17 PM) Visitor 23771429: Month wise
(9:17:41 PM) Visitor 23771429: With Date of purchase
(9:18:41 PM) Teoalida: do I need to pay extra money for updates?
(9:19:34 PM) Visitor 23771429: No sir
(9:20:08 PM) Visitor 23771429: Only 60 paise per lead
(9:20:32 PM) Teoalida: I will tell about you to few of my past customers from India to see what they think about you and we will be likely to make a purchase
(9:20:39 PM) Teoalida: meantime leave an email address
(9:21:45 PM) Visitor 23771429: You can buy 15 lac database total amount 1 lac rupees paid india rupees
(9:24:06 PM) *** Visitor 23771429 has left ***

Chat started on Monday, April 08, 2019 1:31:17 PM

(1:31:17 PM) *** Visitor 23771429 has joined the chat ***
(1:31:18 PM) Visitor 23771429: Hiiii sir
(1:31:30 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(1:31:31 PM) Teoalida: hello
(1:31:37 PM) Visitor 23771429: What happened sir
(1:32:05 PM) Teoalida: I haven’t emailed others yet
(1:32:34 PM) Teoalida: I need to look through customers list and see who I can email first to ask what they think about you, before emailing others
(1:33:49 PM) Visitor 23771429: Ok
(1:39:31 PM) *** Visitor 23771429 has left ***

Chat started on Monday, April 08, 2019 2:33:45 PM

(2:33:45 PM) *** Visitor 23771429 has joined the chat ***
(2:33:47 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there, visitor from India, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(2:35:55 PM) Visitor 23771429: Sir you buy database
(2:36:03 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(2:36:06 PM) Teoalida: ?
(2:36:11 PM) Visitor 23771429: Finally
(2:37:16 PM) Visitor 23771429: Tell me
(2:37:25 PM) Visitor 23771429: Sir
(2:37:41 PM) Visitor 23771429: You purchase the database
(2:38:19 PM) Visitor 23771429: I have lots off dabase 2018 yr
(2:38:23 PM) Teoalida: most likely I will purchase
(2:38:32 PM) Teoalida: but you didn’t told me what database contains?
(2:38:40 PM) Teoalida: does it contain residence address, email, phone, etc?
(2:38:42 PM) Visitor 23771429: Database
(2:38:42 PM) Visitor 23771429: Database
(2:39:44 PM) Visitor 23771429: Yes all the details in Excel format
(2:40:02 PM) Teoalida: I want to see all columns that it contain, send me a sample?
(2:40:11 PM) Visitor 23771429: All car owners database available herw
(2:40:13 PM) Visitor 23771429: Here
(2:40:39 PM) Visitor 23771429: No sampling sir
(2:40:55 PM) Visitor 23771429: Must have to buy bulk database only
(2:43:54 PM) Visitor 23771429: Columns in name , contact number, address ,e-mail I’d , city ,state petrol ,Diesel loan
(2:44:04 PM) Visitor 23771429: All details in format
(2:44:45 PM) Visitor 23771429: Sir you purchase database finally
(2:44:48 PM) Teoalida: but from where this data comes from? do car dealerships ask your email address when you buy a new car? most drivers if they aren’t in IT they may never use email.
(2:46:00 PM) Visitor 23771429: Sir no more details please
(2:46:27 PM) Visitor 23771429: No more details ask me please
(2:47:00 PM) Visitor 23771429: Where this data comes from etc
(2:47:40 PM) Visitor 23771429: You buy database tell me now
(2:48:22 PM) Teoalida: I will email few people and get back to you
(2:50:01 PM) Visitor 23771429: Sir this is the database corporate dealership level ok you ask me where this data comes from u
(2:50:50 PM) Visitor 23771429: Ok
(2:52:03 PM) *** Visitor 23771429 has left ***

**** <****>
Jun 26, 2019, 11:26 AM
to me

Yes, I do remember you.
I called this guy and he is quite nuts. Keeps repeating the same thing. I have everything and you have to buy everyhing.
He does not even know how many records he has in the database!
On the plus side, the fields he mentioned are correct and unique to Indian car ownership.
Has promised to get back to me.
Will keep you posted.
Best regards,

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