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China car database

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China Car Database SAMPLE.xls

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Coverage: earliest car included is from 1985, but number of cars get significant only after 2000s. Is also well known that automotive market in China boomed recently. Each calendar year in which a car was produced is a separate row in database.

I translated column headers into english, but since I do not speak chinese, some may be incorrectly translated.


Over years several people asked me if I can make a database of chinese cars, but I never been able to find an english car website from China. In June 2019 an Indian company asked me to create databases for over 10 countries, for China we didn’t found any english website, and customer said that is OK with chinese language. We choose to extract data from (254 makes, 1341 models, 30319 versions, as 22 June 2019).

Only 6 people purchased this database by 2022 when first customer asked for an update, but I found only ~13000 models, I don’t know if they removed half cars compared with 2019 or I did something wrong, but didn’t spent any further time on this project and never published any update. As 2024 no longer display car specifications so is impossible to update this database anymore.

If anyone know a Chinese car specs website (preferably in English) I will create a new distinct database.

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