United Kingdom Car Database Make, model, generation, version, image, new cars only (15 columns), 567 model series, 15328 versions, 0.4 cents / row – 76.40 USD Make, model, generation, version, image, specifications, new cars only (68 columns), 567 model series, 15328 versions, 1.5 cents / row – 229.92 USD Make, model, generation, version, image, new and old cars (15 columns), 2926 model series, 96804 versions x 0.2 cents / row – 193.61 USD Make, model, generation, version, image, specifications, new and old cars (68 columns), 2926 model series, 96804 versions, 0.5 cents / row – 484.02 USD Electric and hybrid (subset, also included in above packages) specifications (68 columns), 6284 versions, 2 cents / row – 125.68 USD Add to cart Checkout Added to cart previousTire DatabasenextIndonesia car databaseShare this post to friends You may be also interested in... American Year Make Model Trim Specs European car database Middle East GCC car database India cars, bikes, trucks, buses