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Funny messages, weird customers and unusual questions

This page shows funny, weird and unusual questions that I encountered during my years of live chat customer service. Indians are the champions in asking off-topic questions.

SERIOUS customers usually begin chat with questions like this:

Question: Hello Teoalida, we are a tire shop in France and looking for a database with european cars produced last 10 years that include OEM tire dimensions for every model, what would be the price?
Answer: You can buy 2005-present package at 150 euro.

Question: Hi, do you have a basic database with only year, make and model of US cars? Don’t want to spend big $$ for full specs database.
Answer: Of course I have, here is

Other people check samples of all databases I am selling and AFTER this they start conversation to ask discount motivating that want to purchase multiple databases. I also get numerous people asking questions about update frequency, modes of payment, etc (even if these are already answered within website text so asking me via chat or email is not necessary).

American ask for custom data set then buy a standard data set (very FAST purchase)

Example of happy customer!

Strangeness of Indian people

So, I am selling databases to various companies around the world, but students and other people doing non-profit stuff also find my website, they usually see that my services are expensive and out of their budget and DO NOT disturb me with messages. I also get visitors from companies looking for other kind of data that I do not have, which again they go away without even contacting me.

People from India are different, they message everywhere is a chat available within few seconds after opening website, regardless they are companies looking to buy databases or students looking for free stuff,  asking questions about my databases then attempt to convince me to sell much cheaper than listed price, sometimes asking questions unrelated what I am selling.

Results: high number of leads from India that NEVER convert into paying customers. A pain in the ass for any business offering services online! These idiots should check what I am selling and how expensive it is BEFORE disturbing me unnecessarily with messages.

Indians also ask for databases that I do not have, aggressively demanding me to create them. At some extent, these Indians helped me to understand what other databases may be on demand, to create them, but in most cases they did not got enough sales and I abandoned updates. Due to high number of requests from India I though that creating Indian Car Database in August 2015 will have big sales potential, but it brought me people wasting my time asking to give them databases for FREE or $10.

I started being contacted by even more Indians asking me for additional databases of bikes and trucks sold in India. OK, I created India Bikes Database and India Trucks Database in 2016. Other Indians ask random questions about cars that have nothing to with the databases I am selling, others even ask for databases totally unrelated with automobiles.

About 20% of Indians ask me for database of car owners with name, address, email, phone number, insurance expiry date, etc, which I have no idea how I can collect such info, only car dealers and insurance companies collect such info, personal information which is confidential and illegal to distribute. I made also a database of mobile phone (devices) specifications and I got numerous messages from Indians asking for database of mobile phone NUMBERS from certain countries. People from other countries rarely ask for databases with email or phone numbers, but in India email/SMS marketing spamming is national sport!

I also work in CAD design / architecture field, and indian customers are by the far, the WORST, 99% solicit my services with no intention to pay, often ending in time wasted for both me and customer. I also get off-topic questions, for example: I design own house models in AutoCAD, and some indian ask me if I have CAD plan of some random building from a random city. This do not happen with people from other country. Read more: BAD indian customers in architecture.

Examples of USUAL questions

18 Jan, 2013 (email, not chat)
My company transports vehicles and we use the height for determining price. Is there any way to get a database 1990-current of vehicle heights?

Sunday, 3 Feb, 2013
[16:49] Teoalida (trigger): Hello from website admin! What type of database are you looking for? I am glad to help you…
[16:50] Visitor: hi. looking for one that has
[16:50] Visitor: make model year
[16:50] Visitor: transmission
[16:50] Visitor: body type and fuel type

Wednesday, 6 Feb, 201323] Visitor: US Model data – Make, model, type, trim, fuel type, date launched, date discontinued- Maybe some others if you have it
[13:23] Teoalida: Such detailed database with fuel I have just for Europe… at this moment

Wednesday, 13 Feb, 2013
[2:00] Visitor: What I am looking for is a list of make, model, series and maybe doors & body style.
[2:00] Visitor: I don’t need all the other stuff.

[16:23] Visitor: I have a company in the netherlands which sells aftermarket parts for european and japanese cars
[16:23] Teoalida: and…?
[16:23] Teoalida: What do you need more exactly?
[16:24] Visitor: And i would love to have a list with make model model code engine code and production years
[16:25] Teoalida: see my Car Versions Database… but wait, what CODE ?
[16:26] Teoalida: btw are you same person who visited my website yesterday and done 20 clicks on all databases, but didn’t answered at chat (or maybe I was offline for a moment) ?
[16:27] Visitor: Yes i die have a look yesterday couldnt find one with engine codes and you were offline indeed

Now the WEIRD questions

Disclaimer: I publish ANONYMOUSLY only (some of) the chats that are not leading to anything, and worth for laugh, or I like to debate with other people. Serious chats, especially ones that lead to a business, will be kept confidential.

Losing a FREE offer

This happened on 31 December 2012. On 5 February 2013 another customer asked me for same thing but he was more patient to allow me understanding that USA use Model Year system where each year is on separate row, and I created (this being the 1st database made at someone’s request, as opposite of personal interest), which turned into a best-seller.

How IDIOT you can be to ask ME about a website that is NOT MINE (a competitor selling bad databases) and quit chat without checking my BETTER databases?

Country: New Zeeland
Page URL:

Chat started on Monday, July 01, 2019 10:36:02 AM

(10:36:02 AM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(10:36:04 AM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from New Zealand, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(10:37:57 AM) Visitor: demo not working
(10:38:04 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(10:38:06 AM) Teoalida: which one?
(10:38:26 AM) Teoalida: did you found a broken link?
(10:39:01 AM) Visitor:
(10:39:24 AM) Visitor: After entering details, it didnt return any results
(10:39:54 AM) Teoalida: maybe made and model is all what they offer?
(10:40:14 AM) Teoalida: BASIC
Include 244 Car Makes and 2927 Models data from 1906-2018.

Rows: 2900 total.
(10:40:47 AM) Teoalida: But why do you ask ME about other website?
(10:41:24 AM) Visitor: you enter yourself make :toyota, model:prius and see what happens
(10:41:38 AM) Teoalida: what was supposed to happen?
(10:41:43 AM) Visitor: to me it was blank, no data at all
(10:42:01 AM) Visitor: it suppose to show data otherwise whats the point of demo??
(10:42:08 AM) Visitor: it doesnt called demo
(10:42:13 AM) Teoalida: the demo is to show makes and model included
(10:42:21 AM) Visitor: bullshit
(10:42:22 AM) Visitor: bye
(10:42:24 AM) Teoalida: why you don’t check MY databasses too, to see how detailed they are?
(10:42:34 AM) Teoalida:
(10:42:54 AM) *** Visitor has left ***

No “seen” at last 2 messages. “Visitor has left” appear 30 seconds AFTER he closed website, meaning that he closed immediately after saying “bullshit”

This is the confusion that happens if someone ask for “2019 Japanese” without saying what vehicles he is referring to

Country: United States
Page URL:

Chat started on Thursday, June 20, 2019 5:29:36 PM

(5:29:36 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(5:29:38 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from United States, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(5:37:43 PM) Visitor: hello
(5:37:57 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(5:38:00 PM) Teoalida: what’s up
(5:38:36 PM) Visitor: before buying i would like to verify the db has 2019 japenese?
(5:39:05 PM) Teoalida: Japan database I created in April this year, 2 people bought so far… how often do you need updates?
(5:39:41 PM) Visitor: 2x a year would be good
(5:40:27 PM) Visitor: do you have a version optimized for import to sql?
(5:41:09 PM) Teoalida: just delete header rows and save as CSV and you can import in SQL
(5:41:41 PM) Visitor: great. thanks i’ll make the purchase
(5:42:19 PM) Teoalida: but to clarify… you need Japanese domestic market or Japan imports in USA?
(5:42:31 PM) Visitor: imports to usa
(5:42:44 PM) Teoalida: in this case use
(5:43:01 PM) Teoalida: this one got 100+ sales and I update at 2 months
(5:43:08 PM) Teoalida: what I said earlier I though that you ask about
(5:43:28 PM) Visitor: sorry.. motorcycle
(5:47:37 PM) Teoalida: oh, next time say more exactly what are you buying instead of putting me in confusion when you ask about “2019 japanese”
(5:47:48 PM) Teoalida: 1173 models from 2018
781 models from 2019
for Motorcycles
(5:51:46 PM) Visitor: my apologies and thank you for being available. this looks like the right product. thank you
(7:38:14 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

He did purchased Motorcycle Database at 6:01 PM.

Disrespectul customers who attempt to get FULL database for free like SAMPLE database

This happened in 2013, that time I didn’t formed yet a courteous way to answer chats. I regret that I did not told him Are you serious? A serious company will NOT deal with free databases (despite that I am aware that my website is also visited by poor students, but is more formal to treat every visitor like potential customer as company).

Monday, 30 Sep, 2013
Country: Portugal
Page URL:
[13:37] Visitor: hi!
[13:37] Teoalida has joined the conversation
[13:37] Teoalida: Hello
[13:38] Visitor: where can I find a full list of current car??
[13:38] Teoalida: i have Car Models List
[13:38] Visitor: i need to search by dimmensions..
[13:38] Teoalida: and the FREE SAMPLE include a sheet “List of manufacturers”
[13:38] Visitor: can’t find it..
[13:38] Teoalida: you want only makes? no models? now want dimensions? I am confused
[13:39] Visitor: car dimensions..
[13:39] Teoalida: Car Body Database have dimensions
[13:39] Visitor: yes, so where can i find it??
[13:39] Teoalida: on my website
[13:39] Teoalida: more exactly
[13:39] Visitor: lol, i’m talkin to you in your web site..
[13:39] Teoalida: What is the probem?
[13:39] Visitor: ok, thanks..
[13:40] Visitor: is it a full list??
[13:40] Teoalida: I though that is enough clearly visible CAR BODY DATABASE – Dimensions, weight, engine range
[13:40] Visitor: thanks
[13:41] Visitor: one more question, the list have all european cars??
[13:41] Teoalida: Why you don’t read?
[13:41] Teoalida: 1555 models, 2578 body styles, from 88 brands sold in Europe. 1945-2013 models with 99% completion for 1986-2013.
[13:42] Visitor: ok, thanks!!
[13:43] Teoalida: Just… I hope that you don’t confuse the FREE SAMPLE of Audi with the FULL database of 88 brands that I am selling
[13:43] Visitor: ok, I get it..
[13:43] Visitor: i read it..
[13:44] Visitor: you send me a full list..
[13:44] Visitor: but gess what is not a full list..
[13:44] Visitor: is just audi..
[13:44] Visitor: oh..
[13:44] Teoalida: That is a SAMPLE
[13:44] Visitor: thanks..
[13:44] Teoalida: so BUY the full list
[13:44] Visitor: .|.
[13:44] Teoalida: Hope you don’t dream to get all this amount of data for FREE
[13:45] Visitor: yes i hope..
[13:45] Teoalida: LOL
[13:45] Visitor: and i will get it..
[13:45] Visitor: thanks..
[13:45] Visitor: you suck .|.
[13:45] Visitor has left the conversation
[13:45] Teoalida: Sorry to tell you but nobody would spend such effort voluntarily and provide complete car dimension database for FREE
[13:45] * You are not in a chat *

Crazy indian visit CAR database website to ask about SCHOOL database

Look at this… I answered his questions in the context of CARS, but later, when I read the chat again and there is no sign that he was interested in CAR database. He is VAGUE and CONFUSING!
Is anyone else able to understand what he wanted?

Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Page URL:

Chat started on Wednesday, March 04, 2015 2:34:34 PM

(2:34:34 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(2:34:35 PM) Visitor: hi
(2:34:42 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(2:34:43 PM) Teoalida: Hello
(2:35:08 PM) Visitor: how many categories you have for sale
(2:35:23 PM) Teoalida: what categories do you mean?
(2:35:38 PM) Teoalida: Store categories? Europe, America and Worldwide without technical data?
(2:36:02 PM) Visitor: I need indian database
(2:36:25 PM) Teoalida: what amount of technical data?
(2:36:42 PM) Visitor: i want data to publish in my website
(2:36:49 PM) Visitor: any data is ok
(2:36:58 PM) Teoalida: or what details?
(2:37:13 PM) Teoalida: some websites such as car classifields buy only a Make/Model list
(2:37:27 PM) Visitor: like list of schloos
(2:37:29 PM) Visitor: colleges
(2:37:32 PM) Visitor: labs
(2:37:35 PM) Visitor: bikes
(2:37:36 PM) Visitor: cars
(2:37:43 PM) Teoalida: which I have Worldwide including cars from India but need to filter out what cars are not sold in India
(2:38:13 PM) Teoalida: if you want technical specs I don’t recommend buying from me because they vary a lot between markets
(2:38:20 PM) Teoalida: and how schools and labs are related with cars?
(2:39:13 PM) Visitor: apart from cars what do u sell
(2:39:17 PM) Teoalida: BTW, in case I will make a car database dedicated for India, how much do you pay for it?
(2:40:25 PM) Teoalida: I have a diverse life… including architecture, how do you are interested? Usually who is looking for car database sticks on car database. What are YOU looking for?
(2:41:14 PM) Teoalida: This is what you meant “how many categories you have for sale” you suspected that I sell something else beside car database??!!
(2:41:24 PM) Visitor: ya
(2:41:55 PM) Teoalida: How did you knew? I see you visiting me for 1st time
(2:42:11 PM) Visitor: ya
(2:42:20 PM) Visitor: in your site its written for sale
(2:43:51 PM) Teoalida: where? you’re weird…. well, what we should do now?
(2:44:50 PM) Visitor: I want some data to show on my site
(2:45:00 PM) Visitor: which is used for users
(2:45:06 PM) Teoalida: What is your site about? Can I see?
(2:46:01 PM) Visitor: need to develpe it
(2:46:05 PM) Teoalida: I assumed that is a car website, but now I think that you’re not really talking about CAR databases but about ANY data?
(2:46:22 PM) Visitor: yes
(2:46:36 PM) Visitor: so i need to some data
(2:47:06 PM) Teoalida: in this case how did you came first in my Car database section of my website? what was your google search?
(2:47:54 PM) Visitor:
(2:49:59 PM) Teoalida: Yeah, how did you came in WITHOUT looking for cars?
(2:54:13 PM) Teoalida: I can see that you’re not even decided what site to make and what business niche your site is targeting!!
(2:55:03 PM) Visitor: its content based website
(2:55:10 PM) Visitor: all data
(2:57:09 PM) Teoalida: I clearly see how undecided you are and how VAGUE you describe your website… For your info: my typical customers are specific businesses, like car classifields websites, auto parts shops, insurance companies, shipping companies, etc
(2:58:36 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Crazy indian need a database of… WHAT?

If someone visit I assume that he is looking for cars, so I answer questions accordingly, but the following guy is looking for… WHAT? This caused confusion and a funny chat. How did he landed on CAR database?

Country: India
Landing page URL:
Page URL:

Chat started on Tuesday, April 07, 2015 8:36:56 PM

(8:36:56 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(8:37:03 PM) customer service – Hello from website admin and database developer! Do you enjoy our databases? If you have suggestions or need any help, just drop here a message!
(8:37:21 PM) Visitor: hi
(8:37:28 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(8:37:32 PM) Teoalida: what’s up?
(8:37:59 PM) Visitor: Do you guys provide Indian Database
(8:38:01 PM) Visitor: ?
(8:38:41 PM) Teoalida: I provide Europe and USA now… I am sorry for you but nobody on internet is providing for other continents, I checked myself
(8:38:59 PM) Teoalida: but more exactly what type of database do you need?
(8:39:16 PM) Teoalida: I ask because I see you a STRANGE search “Tesla Card Users”
(8:39:44 PM) Visitor: May be you haven’t done your homework properly
(8:39:57 PM) Teoalida: what do you mean?
(8:40:00 PM) Visitor: anyways thanks for the help
(8:42:24 PM) Teoalida: do you think that is a good idea (not copyright issue or other problems) to use some software and scrap data from an indian website and sell as XLS ?
(8:43:11 PM) Visitor: What are you talking about ????
(8:43:20 PM) Teoalida: I ask…
(8:43:29 PM) Teoalida: as I am not sure either what database do YOU want?
(8:44:24 PM) Teoalida: I get many indian visitors and I wonder if I can help some day
(8:45:30 PM) Visitor: Well i am looking out for the database of 3D Designers
(8:45:41 PM) Teoalida: hmm…?
(8:45:50 PM) Visitor: or Scientific and research centers
(8:46:29 PM) Teoalida: hold on, you are on my CAR Database page… you’re interested in cars or in something else?
(8:48:28 PM) Visitor: dude i was just doing a research and from now where is was diverted to this page
(8:48:36 PM) Visitor: u can leave now
(8:49:21 PM) Teoalida: I rather don’t leave because I am curious
(8:49:33 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Serious but very WEIRD request: dimensions of tank lid

Country: United States
Page URL:

Chat started on Thursday, May 28, 2015 11:22:58 PM

(11:22:58 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(11:23:04 PM) customer service – Hi there… Do you enjoy our databases? If you have questions or suggestions for a database, you are welcome for a chat!
(11:28:56 PM) Visitor: hey i need the data base for the tank lid of every car on your data base. i would need the dimensions of the just the tank lid on the body of the cars
(11:29:08 PM) Visitor: if you could help me out that would be great
(11:29:13 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(11:29:19 PM) Teoalida: tank lid????
(11:29:35 PM) Teoalida: gas tank?
(11:29:43 PM) Teoalida: the 10x10cm thing on sides of car?
(11:29:44 PM) Visitor: yes the thing you push in to pour in the gas
(11:29:54 PM) Visitor: yes but they vary from car to car
(11:30:02 PM) Visitor: some are round some are squares
(11:30:27 PM) Teoalida: I know, may be rectangular, circular, ellipse, etc… how to measure in this case?
(11:31:06 PM) Teoalida: anyway, this is one of weirdest requests… how do you think that we can collect this data?
(11:31:20 PM) Teoalida: why would you need to know dimensions btw?
(11:32:29 PM) Visitor: im making a project that has to do with gas tank lids on cars. if you know any data base with information like this it would be great help
(11:33:08 PM) Visitor: even if its the database of body of the car that would take me one step closer
(11:33:27 PM) Teoalida: usually what is not provided in car manuals we are never be able to find online… to compile in a database
(11:34:04 PM) Visitor: so do you have any idea what i would have to do to aquire these dimensions?
(11:34:10 PM) Teoalida: Car bodies I have, do you need only cars sold in America or…?
(11:34:25 PM) Teoalida: measure directly on cars, this is the only solution
(11:34:33 PM) Visitor: damn
(11:34:49 PM) Visitor: so i would have to contact the dealers for this informatiojn?
(11:35:09 PM) Teoalida: how do you think that dealers have this info or bother to measure for you?
(11:35:24 PM) Visitor: $$$ is king my friend
(11:35:34 PM) Teoalida: What is your budget?
(11:35:47 PM) Teoalida: Do you really pay dealers and do they really measure to give this unusual info?
(11:36:22 PM) Visitor: if i have too
(11:36:57 PM) Teoalida: BTW, have you read the page about Custom databases?
(11:37:37 PM) Visitor: yes that is why i messaged you in the chat
(11:37:40 PM) Teoalida: – One of the weirdest requests was from a manufacturer of mosquito nets for 4-door cars, requesting a database with rear door window dimensions. No car manufacturer provide such info that is not on general interest… he can only measure manually on cars of his own customers.
(11:38:06 PM) Visitor: yea i guess its not in the general interest
(11:38:16 PM) Teoalida: SAME FOR YOU… and if you would have read it probably wouldn’t message me
(11:39:01 PM) Visitor: just trying to make cash here need this data base asaop
(11:39:05 PM) Visitor: asap
(11:39:59 PM) Teoalida: it’s referring at customizing existing databases… making new databases can be done ONLY if there is demand from multiple customers, otherwise I don’t have time… and for strange things like your tank lid dimensions is impossible

(11:47:26 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

I would like to know the aftermath of this case! One of the WEIRDEST requests!

Why I am not making database for India: most customers wants it for FREE or offer me $10 only

Location: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Tuesday, July 28, 2015 4:50:26 PM

(4:50:26 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(4:50:33 PM) customer service – Hello from website admin and database developer… if you need help, have questions or suggestions for a database, you are welcome for a chat!
(4:52:58 PM) customer service – What are you looking for, more exactly?
(4:53:13 PM) Visitor: can we get India database
(4:53:26 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(4:53:26 PM) Visitor: of make model variance fuel type cc
(4:53:27 PM) Teoalida: difficult
(4:53:45 PM) Visitor: do you have only europe database
(4:53:52 PM) Teoalida: How much would you pay for such indian car database?
(4:54:53 PM) Teoalida: Special mention for India, with 1+ billion population and booming car industry, it sent me about 8% of website traffic … after I serve every possible customer in Europe and America, next market to go will be India. But making an Indian database pose 3 problems: – Lack of reliable data source comparable with AutoKatalog magazine (Europe) and website (America) – The poverty of a third-world country (I am afraid that the customers will bother me selling for few dollars only) – The bad experience with some indians, their rude attitude and attempts to get work done for free, made me undecided if I should build an Indian Car Database. – See more at:
(4:56:07 PM) Visitor: okay
(4:56:19 PM) Visitor: bur every Indian is not same kind
(4:56:31 PM) Visitor: if you could build it for $10 i’m ready
(4:56:37 PM) Teoalida: $10? LOL
(4:56:43 PM) Teoalida: didn’t you see the typical prices of databases?
(4:57:31 PM) Teoalida: now don’t say that only my prices are high… mine are cheaper than and also come with regular updates
(4:58:44 PM) Teoalida: What do you want is similar with ?
(5:00:33 PM) Visitor: some thing like same
(5:01:10 PM) Visitor: i need data of all makes models varaints including fuel type cc type available in then indian market
(5:01:17 PM) Visitor: can you get it to me
(5:01:31 PM) Visitor: it should be up to date
(5:01:35 PM) Teoalida: I spend hundreds hours making the European databases
(5:01:42 PM) Teoalida: and you think that I deserve only $10 ?
(5:02:02 PM) Visitor: what is the best price you do
(5:02:05 PM) Visitor: where are u from
(5:02:08 PM) Teoalida: would you agree to use a shortcut… and use a software to crawl data automatically from a website?
(5:02:33 PM) Visitor: if you could do it even thats fine for me
(5:02:37 PM) Teoalida: from Romania…. poorest country of European Union
(5:02:40 PM) Visitor: from any of the system
(5:02:51 PM) Visitor: i need it asap
(5:03:00 PM) Visitor: i could give u $15
(5:03:13 PM) Teoalida: when I asked a cheap indian programmer company if can crawl a website for me, they charged me 500 USD
(5:04:21 PM) Teoalida: if I eve succeed to crawl a website, I will sell with 100 USD minimum… can you tell me what type of business are you with only 15$ budget?
(5:11:37 PM) Teoalida: ?
(5:33:59 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Confusing customer can’t explain what he wants

Chat started on Tuesday, September 01, 2015 9:23:40 PM

(9:23:40 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(9:23:46 PM) Teoalida: Hello from website admin… would you like to know more about certain car database? you are welcome for a chat!
(9:24:08 PM) Visitor: hi dear
(9:24:35 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:24:43 PM) Teoalida: whats up
(9:25:15 PM) Visitor: i need database for my website
(9:25:26 PM) Visitor: can you help me please
(9:26:16 PM) Teoalida: my current databases don’t help you?
(9:26:29 PM) Visitor: why
(9:26:49 PM) Teoalida: or what amount of data do you need?
(9:27:22 PM) Visitor: all car make and model
(9:27:53 PM) Teoalida: only? no technical specs? then this Car Models List should help you
(9:28:22 PM) Visitor: yes
(9:31:24 PM) Visitor: you can help me please
(9:31:59 PM) Teoalida: how I should help?
(9:33:09 PM) Visitor: if you can give exl all car make and model
(9:33:24 PM) Teoalida: Buy it… or what is the problem?
(9:33:31 PM) Teoalida: you don’t have credit card?
(9:36:56 PM) Visitor: if you have other data only car make and model
(9:37:30 PM) Teoalida: what do you mean? which other data more exactly?
(9:37:52 PM) Teoalida: BTW, years not needed? see also
(9:43:12 PM) Visitor: yes
(9:43:29 PM) Teoalida: yes??? I asked which other data
(9:44:58 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

I don’t understand what was the problem for his customer!

Strange American asking for fake names of car owners

Country: United States

Chat started on Tuesday, April 26, 2016 10:03:23 AM

(10:03:23 AM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(10:03:25 AM) Teoalida: Hello from website admin… would you like to know more about certain car database? you are welcome for a chat!
(10:04:24 AM) Visitor: I need raw car insurance database
(10:04:31 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(10:04:37 AM) Teoalida: what details it should contain?
(10:06:02 AM) Visitor: name address car type make licence plate age sex and other details related to auto insurance
(10:06:23 AM) Teoalida: don’t you think that is private info?
(10:06:50 AM) Visitor: is not real information
(10:06:57 AM) Teoalida: I sell data about cars, not about people, like
(10:07:02 AM) Visitor: i have project
(10:07:12 AM) Teoalida: quite confusing… so what I can do for you?
(10:07:56 AM) Teoalida: sell fake data that looks like hypotetical car owner name and addresses?
(10:08:08 AM) Visitor: yes
(10:08:27 AM) Teoalida: strangely 2 months ago I had one more person asking for same thing… fake names
(10:08:44 AM) Visitor: yes that what i need
(10:08:52 AM) Visitor: fake names
(10:09:43 AM) Teoalida: maybe would help
(10:09:56 AM) Teoalida: now let’s see if there’s any website that list generic street addresses
(10:11:20 AM) Visitor: I couldn’t find any website
(10:11:45 AM) Teoalida: looking on map of any city and picking random street names would help?
(10:13:13 AM) Visitor: but which data i use for car insurance
(10:13:34 AM) Visitor: i have no database right now
(10:13:52 AM) Teoalida: I don’t know about insurance, I am expert in car technical specs
(10:15:41 AM) Visitor: ok thanks i will research and i if i didn’t find anything i will contact with you thanks again
(10:15:55 AM) Teoalida: contact me again for….?
(10:16:08 AM) Teoalida: you should contact me if you need anything regarding cars themselves
(10:16:14 AM) Teoalida: not about people
(10:16:57 AM) Visitor: ok I understand bro
(10:37:53 AM) *** Visitor has left ***

The way I reply is not correct? Can someone explain what I did wrong?

Chat started on Friday, May 06, 2016 10:26:11 AM

(10:26:11 AM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(10:26:13 AM) Teoalida: Hello from website admin… would you like to know more about certain car database? you are welcome for a chat!
(10:36:55 AM) Visitor: Hello there
(10:37:02 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(10:37:03 AM) Teoalida: hi
(10:39:02 AM) Teoalida: can I help?
(10:45:59 AM) *** Visitor has left ***

Chat started on Friday, May 06, 2016 10:49:00 AM

(10:49:00 AM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(10:49:01 AM) Visitor: Need to know the details about indian database
(10:49:07 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(10:49:14 AM) Teoalida: more exactly?
(10:56:19 AM) Visitor: Like the exact specs and vehicles in it
(10:56:36 AM) Teoalida: Open the sample file to see what specs are there
(10:58:12 AM) Visitor: what about the vehicles
(10:58:40 AM) Teoalida: there’s all vehicles that are on Carwale
(10:59:57 AM) *** Visitor has left ***

Chat started on Friday, May 06, 2016 1:00:01 PM

(1:00:01 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(1:00:03 PM) Teoalida: Hello from website admin… would you like to know more about certain car database? you are welcome for a chat!
(1:03:03 PM) Teoalida: may I know what are you looking for, more exactly?
(1:04:45 PM) Visitor: can you please direct me to some senior representative
(1:04:57 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(1:05:06 PM) Teoalida: representative of…?
(1:05:42 PM) Visitor: im sorry to say but the way you reply is not correct
(1:05:54 PM) Visitor: id like to speak to any one else
(1:05:56 PM) Visitor: sorry
(1:06:03 PM) Teoalida: to who? this is one-person website
(1:06:36 PM) Visitor: No one in sales?
(1:06:56 PM) Teoalida: I am the only one who create databases and also offer sales support
(1:07:23 PM) Visitor: okay
(1:07:43 PM) Visitor: nothing else to know
(1:07:47 PM) Visitor: thank you sir
(1:07:56 PM) Teoalida: what is the problem more exactly?
(1:08:18 PM) Teoalida: and how “the way I reply is not correct”?
(1:09:00 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Indian thinks that I can tell him owner of certain car

Chat started on Wednesday, August 03, 2016 10:08:30 AM
Counry: India
Page URL:

(10:08:30 AM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(10:08:32 AM) Teoalida: Hello from website admin… would you like to know more about certain car database? you are welcome for a chat!
(10:09:38 AM) Visitor: Hi
(10:09:45 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(10:09:48 AM) Teoalida: what’s up
(10:10:26 AM) Visitor: I am on look out for address details of owner of one car
(10:10:45 AM) Visitor: its delhi registered vehicle
(10:10:54 AM) Teoalida: don’t you think that this sounds private info? selling database of car owners would be illegal, and if you buy it, what you can do with it?
(10:11:20 AM) Visitor: Its hit and run case…..victim is dead
(10:11:31 AM) Visitor: FIR already lodged
(10:11:58 AM) Visitor: Needs to provide the details to police
(10:12:14 AM) Teoalida: police does have such database, they will find owner quite fast
(10:12:40 AM) Teoalida: and how is this related with MY database of car models with technical specs and features?
(10:13:04 AM) Visitor: Sure …..but we are well aware regarding the functioning of the cops in India
(10:13:39 AM) Visitor: Just came accress ur site so I thought u might be of some help
(10:14:18 AM) *** Visitor has left ***

Confusing customer can’t explain what he wants

Chat started on Thursday, August 18, 2016 3:53:05 PM
Country: Qatar
Page URL:

(3:53:05 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(3:53:07 PM) Teoalida: Hello from website admin… would you like to know more about certain car database? you are welcome for a chat!
(3:53:17 PM) Visitor: hi
(3:53:37 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(3:53:39 PM) Teoalida: what’s up
(3:53:46 PM) Visitor: I need a list of car DB in xlxl
(3:54:04 PM) Teoalida: I have a variety of lists, what level of details do you need?
(3:54:07 PM) Visitor: Xlsx
(3:55:17 PM) Visitor: data base of all cars and models in qatar
(3:55:41 PM) Teoalida: this does help? is enough detailed?
(4:03:52 PM) Teoalida: ?
(4:16:07 PM) Visitor: no
(4:16:27 PM) Teoalida: so what do you need more exactly?
(4:17:27 PM) Visitor: xlsx
(4:17:47 PM) Visitor: list of cars in qatar in XLSX
(4:18:15 PM) Teoalida: can you be more specific if you need only car names, or also specific specs like engine power, fuel efficiency, dimensions, tires, etc?
(4:31:06 PM) Teoalida: still here?
(4:53:08 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Indian customer refusing a 60% discount (probably he wanted for $10 or whatever)

Chat started on Friday, March 03, 2017 11:04:39 AM
Country: India

(11:04:39 AM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(11:04:41 AM) Teoalida: Hello from website admin… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(11:05:47 AM) Visitor: ya
(11:06:03 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(11:06:05 AM) Visitor: all india car segment 2017
(11:06:06 AM) Teoalida: you’re welcome
(11:06:32 AM) Visitor: its avaible
(11:06:44 AM) Teoalida: see my samples, which one suit your needs?
(11:07:01 AM) Visitor: ok
(11:07:06 AM) Teoalida: do you want to sell you only current production models instead of whole database?
(11:07:14 AM) Visitor: ya
(11:07:39 AM) Teoalida: how many columns?
(11:08:32 AM) Visitor: all specification
(11:09:38 AM) Teoalida: ok, let me filter production models, price will be $50
(11:09:52 AM) Teoalida: instead of $120 for whole database
(11:10:49 AM) *** Visitor has left ***

2 people ask for car owners data in wrong place

Chat started on Monday, May 29, 2017 11:56:26 AM|
Country: India

(11:56:26 AM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(11:56:28 AM) Teoalida: Hello from website admin… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(12:02:26 PM) Visitor: how can download rto car detail ?
(12:02:34 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(12:02:44 PM) Teoalida: RTO… are you referring at on-road prices?
(12:03:59 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

(12:04:19 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(12:04:19 PM) Visitor: car database
(12:04:23 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(12:04:33 PM) Teoalida: what is the confusion more exactly?
(12:04:39 PM) Teoalida: see free samples and buy full database
(12:05:50 PM) Visitor is currently viewing
(12:07:12 PM) Visitor: how can car owners database
(12:07:31 PM) Teoalida: I offer data about car models, NOT about owners
(12:07:42 PM) Visitor: k
(12:08:07 PM) Teoalida: There is another website selling car owners data, hold on
(12:08:41 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Chat started on Monday, May 29, 2017 6:22:07 PM
Country: India

(6:22:07 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(6:22:09 PM) Teoalida: Hello from website admin… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(6:30:43 PM) Visitor: hi
(6:30:55 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(6:30:59 PM) Teoalida: what’s up
(6:31:19 PM) Visitor: yes I am looking car owners database with insurance policy details
(6:32:02 PM) Teoalida: 3 hours ago someone asked same thing, was your friend?
(6:32:17 PM) Visitor: no idea..
(6:32:18 PM) Teoalida: and quit the chat before I was able to give him link:
(6:32:29 PM) Teoalida: from me you can get database of car models, NOT owners
(6:34:16 PM) Teoalida: what do you ask is private data and only certain companies are allowed to access owners data from government website. Keep me informed if they allow you to access data?
(6:34:34 PM) Visitor: than that will not usefull
(6:34:56 PM) Visitor: because if I will not have policy details of car
(6:35:23 PM) Teoalida: are you insurance company?
(6:35:31 PM) Visitor: yes..
(6:35:51 PM) Visitor: I have started cars insurance company
(6:35:52 PM) Teoalida: I was just going to say to contact an insurance company and ask if they are willing to sell data
(6:37:37 PM) Teoalida: do you also plan to SPAM emails or SMS to owners to insure with you instead?
(6:37:55 PM) Visitor: no
(6:37:59 PM) Visitor: thanks..
(6:38:20 PM) Teoalida: is not that easy to start an insurance company
(6:39:12 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Idiot ask a question unrelated with my databases and call me ASSHOLE

Chat started on Thursday, June 08, 2017 9:22:49 AM
Country: India
Page URL:

(9:22:49 AM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(9:22:49 AM) Visitor: hii
(9:22:54 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:22:55 AM) Teoalida: hello
(9:23:13 AM) Visitor: can you please tell me that what is make and model of US165
(9:23:22 AM) Visitor: US166
(9:23:26 AM) Visitor: and US167
(9:23:28 AM) Teoalida: what US166 ?
(9:23:50 AM) Visitor: it is code of vehicle
(9:24:03 AM) Visitor: do you have any idea
(9:24:05 AM) Visitor: ???????
(9:24:06 AM) Visitor: ??????
(9:24:07 AM) Visitor: ???????
(9:24:08 AM) Visitor: ???????
(9:24:11 AM) Teoalida: what kind of code is this?
(9:24:22 AM) Visitor: its a vehicle code
(9:24:36 AM) Teoalida: how is the coding system named
(9:24:40 AM) Teoalida: I never heard before
(9:24:45 AM) Teoalida: is from United States?
(9:24:46 AM) Visitor: Thankyou so much
(9:24:52 AM) Visitor: u have wasted my 5 min
(9:24:55 AM) Visitor: :-0
(9:24:58 AM) Visitor: 🙂
(9:25:01 AM) Teoalida: and you wasted me 5 min too
(9:25:07 AM) Teoalida: with questions off-topic for my website
(9:25:20 AM) Visitor: it is related to your website
(9:25:30 AM) Visitor: but you dont know anything asshole
(9:25:35 AM) Visitor: byeeeeeeeeeeeeee
(9:25:37 AM) Teoalida: normally people contact me with questions about purchasing my databases, which yours is NOT
(9:25:51 AM) Visitor 25708570 has rated the chat Bad
(9:26:47 AM) *** Visitor has left ***

Indian asking totally off-topic question and don’t reply back

Chat started on Monday, September 04, 2017 6:48:40 PM
Country: India
Page URL:

(6:48:40 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(6:48:42 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(6:54:32 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(6:54:36 PM) Teoalida: what are you talking about?
(6:54:49 PM) Teoalida: how polling stations is related with the subject of my website?
(6:55:02 PM) Teoalida: well, I can also do web scraping and create databases in any field
(6:57:53 PM) Teoalida: ?
(7:00:26 PM) Teoalida: can you answer?
(7:24:20 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

I sent emails to 50 people to notify to download database update, and someone is ask me to remove his but don’t tell me WHO is he, which email to remove

Chat started on Wednesday, September 06, 2017 12:22:35 PM
Country: United States
Page URL:

(12:22:35 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(12:22:37 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(12:23:07 PM) Visitor: Please remove me from your email lists, thank you.
(12:23:28 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(12:23:29 PM) Teoalida: who are you?
(12:23:44 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

American looking for FREE stuff? or was actually an Indian using proxy?

Country: United States
Page URL:

Chat started on Friday, September 15, 2017 11:43:23 PM

(11:43:23 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(11:43:25 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(11:46:30 PM) Visitor: Charging for these is lame.
(11:47:08 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

For practice purpose?

Chat started on Sunday, September 17, 2017 4:32:19 PM
Country: India
Page URL:

(4:32:19 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(4:32:21 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(4:37:56 PM) Visitor: HI
(4:37:59 PM) Visitor: YES
(4:38:05 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(4:38:07 PM) Teoalida: more exactly?
(4:40:31 PM) Visitor: FOR PRACTICE PURPOSE
(4:40:42 PM) Teoalida: what do you mean “practice purpose”
(4:41:21 PM) Teoalida: Question: Hello Teoalida, we are a tire shop in France and looking for a database with european cars produced last 10 years that include OEM tire dimensions for every model, what would be the price?
Answer: You can buy 2005-present package at 110 euro.
Question: Hi, do you have a basic database with only year, make and model of US cars? Don’t want to spend big $$ for full specs database.
Answer: Of course I have, here is
(4:44:23 PM) Teoalida: so describe better what details do you need about each car?
(5:23:30 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Someone hates scraping services?

Chat started on Monday, September 25, 2017 5:13:59 PM
Country: Macedonia
Page URL:

(5:13:59 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(5:14:01 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(5:15:17 PM) Visitor: yes, we need database with part and catalog number
(5:15:27 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(5:15:34 PM) Teoalida: I have database of car models
(5:15:45 PM) Teoalida: how many rowsand columns would be for parts?
(5:17:53 PM) Visitor: I need a car parts base, for webapplication and shipping
(5:18:09 PM) Visitor: selling*
(5:19:13 PM) Teoalida: do you agree me to scrap data from another website?
(5:22:15 PM) Visitor: no, thank you for answering question
(5:22:18 PM) Visitor: good bye
(5:22:43 PM) Teoalida: so what are you going to do?
(5:22:55 PM) *** Visitor has left ***


Chat started on Thursday, October 05, 2017 4:17:47 PM
Country: United Kingdom
Page URL:

(4:17:47 PM) *** Visitor 7803013 has joined the chat ***
(4:17:49 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(4:18:42 PM) Visitor 7803013: Shut up
(4:18:48 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(4:18:53 PM) Teoalida: what is the problem?
(4:18:58 PM) Visitor 7803013: You’re talking
(4:19:10 PM) Teoalida: isn’t normal to talk with customers?
(4:19:26 PM) Teoalida: I help every day several people choosing right products
(4:19:36 PM) Visitor 7803013 has rated the chat Bad
(4:20:22 PM) *** Visitor 7803013 has left ***

Chat started on Thursday, October 05, 2017 4:46:11 PM
Country: United Kingdom
Page URL:

(4:46:11 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(4:46:11 PM) Visitor: SHUT UP.
(4:46:20 PM) Visitor: BITCH NIGGA
(4:46:21 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(4:46:24 PM) Teoalida: what is the problem?
(4:46:29 PM) Teoalida: why do you hate me?
(4:46:54 PM) Visitor: I want you to commit suicide mate
(4:46:59 PM) Teoalida: I am working at these databases for 14 years and you don’t appreaciate my efforts?
(4:47:15 PM) Visitor: sorry sir
(4:47:38 PM) Teoalida: other data providers don’t even offer customer support, they just sell “as it is”
(4:48:17 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Indian asking for blood banks in my CAR website

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Sunday, November 19, 2017 11:19:25 AM

(11:19:25 AM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(11:19:27 AM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(11:27:25 AM) Visitor: hi
(11:27:37 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(11:27:39 AM) Visitor: Yes I am looking on Blood banks in world database
(11:27:40 AM) Teoalida: what’s up
(11:27:57 AM) Teoalida: whaaaat? how blood banks are related to my car database website?
(11:28:30 AM) Visitor: when accident happens you should help users to find blood bank
(11:29:47 AM) Teoalida: I have no idea what made you to ask such off-topic thing in a CAR website
(11:30:47 AM) *** Visitor has left ***

Indian asking for employees performance

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Wednesday, December 20, 2017 9:16:38 AM

(9:16:38 AM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(9:16:40 AM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(9:19:09 AM) Visitor: looking forward for employeee wise performance for maruti
(9:19:21 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:19:38 AM) Teoalida: in case you didn’t noticed I am selling technical specs collected from sale brochures
(9:19:55 AM) Teoalida: from where I can collect employee performance?
(9:20:59 AM) *** Visitor has left ***

Agressive indian ask 3 times for something that I don’t have (owners contact numbers)

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Saturday, June 02, 2018 9:11:38 AM

(9:11:38 AM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(9:11:40 AM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(9:12:03 AM) Visitor: Yes
(9:12:18 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:12:18 AM) Teoalida: 🙂
(9:13:13 AM) Visitor: Can I get hundai, Honda, Toyota car details with contact number for Kerala..
(9:13:51 AM) Teoalida: what makes you to think that I have contact numbers?
(9:14:57 AM) Teoalida: have you checked my samples to see what I sell?
(9:14:59 AM) *** Visitor has left ***

Chat started on Saturday, June 02, 2018 9:15:04 AM

(9:15:04 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:15:04 AM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(9:15:06 AM) Teoalida: have you checked my samples to see what I sell?
(9:15:23 AM) Visitor: Let me see..
(9:16:22 AM) Teoalida: do a search “car owners database”, there are 5 sites selling that, but I am skeptical how such data was obtained and whenever it is real or fake
(9:18:28 AM) Visitor: Ok
(9:27:21 AM) Visitor: Actually I need private car registration number and chase number.. Culd you provide..
(9:27:57 AM) Teoalida: this isn’t what I provide
(9:28:26 AM) Teoalida: see
(9:28:53 AM) Teoalida: buying this from government website is the only way to have a complete and accurate database
(9:30:28 AM) *** Visitor has left ***

Chat started on Saturday, June 02, 2018 9:31:46 AM

(9:31:46 AM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(9:31:48 AM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(9:53:15 AM) Visitor: Hi can I get car registration number with chasis number ?
(9:53:26 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:53:38 AM) Teoalida: how many times do I need to answer?
(9:53:50 AM) Teoalida: also did you read the last paragraph in India page?
(9:54:18 AM) Visitor: Sorry. no?
(9:54:26 AM) Teoalida:
(9:58:21 AM) *** Visitor has left ***

Indian purchased Make-Model at $1 and ask for refund saying that “wasted money” because it do not contain version (he actually wanted Make-Model-Version at $40 but choose wrong package, he purchased right package afterwards)

Chat started on Sunday, June 10, 2018 10:41:09 AM

(10:41:09 AM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(10:41:11 AM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(11:18:59 AM) Visitor: Hi
(11:19:04 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(11:19:07 AM) Teoalida: what’s up
(11:19:39 AM) Visitor: I did buying India car spaces 5 columns
(11:19:57 AM) Visitor: in that i am not able see any version details
(11:20:09 AM) Visitor: only make and model details are there
(11:20:20 AM) Teoalida: what details do you need?
(11:20:43 AM) Visitor: I need version details of each vehicle model
(11:21:08 AM) Teoalida: version name or also power, torque, dimensions, fuel efficiency, etc?
(11:21:26 AM) Visitor: version name
(11:22:00 AM) Teoalida: if you need only version name then No specs package is enough
(11:22:40 AM) Visitor: in the sample i was able to see that thats why i bought that
(11:22:58 AM) Teoalida: sample and full database have same columns
(11:24:02 AM) Visitor: how will i know that the sample is of no use
(11:24:20 AM) Visitor: now money is wasted here
(11:24:31 AM) Teoalida: can you tell me your email address?
(11:24:40 AM) Visitor: ********
(11:24:59 AM) Teoalida: Downloads sold:

India car database – Make & Model (4 columns), 76 KB, 353 model names (can be given FREE if you ask for it)
Purchased by: ********
Email: ********
IP: ********
Amount: €1.00
(11:25:14 AM) Teoalida: you claim money wasted for 1 euro?
(11:25:50 AM) Visitor: 1 euro is not money is it?
(11:26:16 AM) Teoalida: if you care about 1 euro I can refund, but you purchased wrong package
(11:26:23 AM) Teoalida: the one containing version cost 40 euro
(11:26:51 AM) Visitor: then tell me the right package for me to buy
(11:26:55 AM) Teoalida: anyway I deleted this 1 euro make & model (without version) package, because it seems to not bring any benefits and is purchased accidentally by people looking for cheap stuff
(11:27:08 AM) Visitor: i need make, model and version of each models
(11:27:11 AM) Teoalida: No specs (5 columns), 663 KB, 600+ models, 4372 versions – €40.00
(11:27:44 AM) Visitor: ok fine thanks
(11:28:32 AM) Teoalida: you confused samples
(11:28:41 AM) Teoalida:
(11:28:49 AM) Teoalida:
(11:51:32 AM) *** Visitor has left ***

Database of mobile phone subscribers

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Friday, July 06, 2018 11:06:13 AM

(11:06:13 AM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(11:06:15 AM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(11:06:22 AM) Visitor: Hi
(11:06:26 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(11:06:29 AM) Teoalida: what’s up
(11:06:34 AM) Visitor: Looking for Airtel base along with handset details
(11:06:56 AM) Teoalida: do you want partial purchase of only 1 brand?
(11:07:12 AM) Visitor: Can buy for Vodafone also
(11:07:41 AM) Teoalida: these are communication services, NOT phone manufacturers
(11:09:16 AM) Visitor: No.. I’m looking for Airtel operator India data
(11:09:20 AM) Visitor: user
(11:09:39 AM) Teoalida: what details do you need about each phone if you are asking about operators?
(11:10:03 AM) Visitor: i need user MSISDN along with handset details
(11:12:19 AM) Teoalida: are you trying to get database of mobile subscribers?
(11:12:29 AM) Visitor: ok
(11:13:06 AM) Visitor: not beneficial for me
(11:13:25 AM) Teoalida: I am a bit confused about what are you needing
(11:13:41 AM) Visitor: are you trying to get database of mobile subscribers? yes…
(11:13:52 AM) Visitor: for Airtel India
(11:14:33 AM) Teoalida: details of mobile subscribers is confidential information of each operator and beside this is illegal to sell people’s personal information
(11:14:41 AM) Visitor: ok
(11:15:21 AM) *** Visitor has left ***

Probably another one looking for car owners

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Monday, July 09, 2018 1:12:21 PM

(1:12:21 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(1:12:23 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(1:13:49 PM) Visitor: i need car database in bagalore
(1:13:56 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(1:14:13 PM) Teoalida: my database have all cars sold officially in india, how it can be breakdown by city?
(1:17:10 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

I suspect this guy to be looking for contact details of owners of insured cars

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Tuesday, July 10, 2018 3:59:22 PM

(3:59:22 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(3:59:24 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(4:00:14 PM) Visitor: i need for wheeler data base for motor insurance data base
(4:00:23 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(4:00:32 PM) Teoalida: are you able to use any of my databases, cars, bikes, etc?
(4:00:44 PM) Visitor: no
(4:01:05 PM) Teoalida: in this case explain more exactly what data should it include? maybe I can do some custom work?
(4:02:14 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Lost customer… I don’t understand what he was trying to ask as he asked twice, and why he wasn’t checking the link I gave him

Country: Germany
Page URL:

Chat started on Tuesday, July 10, 2018 7:59:52 PM

(7:59:52 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(7:59:54 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(8:01:02 PM) Visitor: hi
(8:01:08 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(8:01:10 PM) Teoalida: what’s up
(8:01:38 PM) Visitor: are those car models with dimensions ? just the info
(8:01:56 PM) Teoalida: are you referring at ?
(8:02:18 PM) Visitor: yes
(8:02:37 PM) Visitor: ?
(8:02:51 PM) Visitor: there or its a auto chat box
(8:03:39 PM) Teoalida: what do you mean?
(8:04:12 PM) Visitor: are those car models with dimensions ?
(8:04:44 PM) Visitor: and is this chat with a person or a auto chat box
(8:05:01 PM) Teoalida: what is the question more exactly about Car Models & Dimensions database?
(8:05:25 PM) Teoalida: a person obviously… I don’t think that a robot could answer such questions
(8:05:34 PM) Teoalida: see how is working
(8:05:52 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Another indian looking for insuruance phone and email

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Saturday, July 14, 2018 1:03:33 PM

(1:03:33 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(1:03:34 PM) Visitor: Yes for car insurance purposes
(1:03:40 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(1:03:47 PM) Teoalida: what details should it contain?
(1:04:48 PM) Visitor: Make and model client name and address mobile no. Email I’d vin no. That’s it
(1:05:33 PM) Teoalida: I received an email asking almost same thing like you 3 hours ago, was from your team?
(1:05:43 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Indian looking for car owners personal information admit that is illegal

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Wednesday, July 18, 2018 2:42:15 PM

(2:42:15 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(2:42:17 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(2:44:03 PM) Visitor: hi
(2:44:16 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(2:44:19 PM) Teoalida: What’s up
(2:44:38 PM) Visitor: do you have database of commercial vehicle in India?
(2:45:02 PM) Teoalida: you can buy trucks and buses if this is what do you need
(2:47:30 PM) Visitor: thanks for this link. however, im looking for a database where truck owners name and contact details are also mentioned
(2:50:01 PM) Teoalida: why you didn’t mentioned this? such personal info isn’t allowed to be sold
(2:50:26 PM) Teoalida: but strangely 90% people who ask for car owners personal info are indians. What’s going on in this country?
(2:50:45 PM) Teoalida:
(2:50:54 PM) Visitor: you are from which country dear?
(2:51:14 PM) Teoalida: Romania, not sure what importance have this
(2:51:39 PM) Teoalida: I want to move in Singapore
(2:55:26 PM) Visitor: May be people here are trying to get into something new all the time. our fault that we are approaching your company for this. Anyways thanks. My purpose cannot be fulfilled here!!
(2:56:05 PM) Teoalida: those 6 sites selling owners database where do you think that sourced data from?
(2:56:09 PM) Teoalida: how reliable is this?
(2:56:39 PM) Teoalida: past year I also got an email from someone offering to SELL ME database of Toyota buyers in India 2015-2016 for 5000$
(2:56:49 PM) Teoalida: could be a corrupted dealership employee?
(2:57:10 PM) Visitor: which 6 sites?
(2:57:31 PM) Teoalida: 6 sites seems to be selling
(2:57:49 PM) Teoalida: or maybe even more
(2:59:11 PM) Visitor: May be they have worked hard to collect the data and want to share with companies who really need this for their further development like database companies, insuarnce cos, economics students, etc
(3:00:26 PM) Teoalida: is illegal to distribute someone’s phone number and email without his consent, and also illegal to send bulk mails to a list of emails bought from internet, email marketing should be done only to people who subscribed with their consent
(3:10:25 PM) Visitor: i understand this is illegal. But there are companies who have got access to these data and they have helped the society in achieving something innovating and of great use. Like if I talk about Blackbuck… theu have associated with 50000 truck owners to being them onto an online platform!!
(3:11:22 PM) Visitor: instead of sending them spam bulk mail of messages, they have approached them and formed bisness association
(3:11:56 PM) Teoalida: I am not sure how is this
(3:11:59 PM) Teoalida: are you aware that numerous companies around the world are pissed off by SPAM from indian webdesigners?
(3:12:45 PM) Visitor: yes thats true… i agree.. still we get marketing calls from telecom, insurance, banking companies all day
(3:12:55 PM) Visitor: from where do they get data then?
(3:14:41 PM) Teoalida: sometimes I reply to these emails asking for help and giving link to
(3:14:54 PM) Visitor: for people who really want to work on something new which can be helpful for society, we need such data. However, u say it is illegal. But others who are into spamming the inbox, for them these data are easily availble. dont know why
(3:15:58 PM) Visitor: anyways.. have a good day!
(3:16:49 PM) Teoalida: legit bulk mail sending services like suggest to not use email lists purchased
(3:17:17 PM) Teoalida: doing this so send them an email asking them confirmation to subscribe, before receiving further emails
(3:17:43 PM) Teoalida: and also allow everyone to click a link to unsubscribe and you cannot add him back unless he re-subscrie
(3:19:46 PM) Teoalida: I am curious how many emails are these people sending and how many are actually read and how many turn into customers
(3:19:58 PM) Teoalida: because they land in SPAM
(3:20:29 PM) Teoalida: I also get lots of emails promoting a service available only in India… proving how innacurate are these email lists available online
(3:25:34 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Indian getting angry for no reason… then coming back

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Friday, July 20, 2018 5:15:14 PM

(5:15:14 PM) *** Visitor 3419334 has joined the chat ***
(5:15:16 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(5:17:23 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(5:17:27 PM) Teoalida: specs needed or just model names?
(5:19:04 PM) Teoalida: in this case buy No specs package and I give additional fuel type column free of extra charges
(5:20:02 PM) Visitor 3419334: HOW MUCH COST?
(5:20:25 PM) Teoalida: No specs (5 columns), 663 KB, 600+ models, 4372 versions – €40.00
(5:20:29 PM) Teoalida: can’t read yourself prices on my website?
(5:21:43 PM) Visitor 3419334: FUCK OFF
(5:22:06 PM) Teoalida: what about your polite?
(5:22:16 PM) *** Visitor 3419334 has left ***

Chat started on Friday, July 20, 2018 7:54:28 PM

(7:54:28 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(7:54:28 PM) Visitor: HY
(7:54:35 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(7:54:36 PM) Teoalida: hello
(7:56:30 PM) Teoalida: where we can get oil capacity? for others you can buy my database
(7:57:48 PM) Teoalida: that’s true… my databases focus on specs and features that are for general interest of car buyers, not too technical details
(7:57:53 PM) Teoalida: check samples
(8:00:11 PM) Teoalida: I can do if don’t takes too much time… via scraping if you show me another website having this info
(8:02:19 PM) Teoalida:
(8:44:28 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Indian looking for phone numbers of singers

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 1:16:45 PM

(1:16:45 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(1:16:47 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(1:16:49 PM) Visitor: Hi
(1:16:56 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(1:17:00 PM) Teoalida: what’s up
(1:17:29 PM) Visitor: I need all the bollywood singers list with their manager name and number??
(1:17:39 PM) Visitor: so it possible to get??
(1:17:48 PM) Visitor: is*
(1:18:35 PM) Teoalida: email/SMS spamming is popular in India, right?
(1:18:53 PM) Teoalida: I don’t have databases with phone numbers other than car dealers
(1:18:57 PM) Teoalida: see
(1:19:31 PM) Teoalida: and when you saw my music database… you didn’t realized that is about SONGS and not about singers contact info?
(1:19:50 PM) Visitor: ya i saw that
(1:20:10 PM) Visitor: Am just asking it is possible to get or not
(1:20:50 PM) Teoalida: I can create databases via scraping data published on various websites
(1:21:16 PM) Teoalida: but I don’t know if singer managers publish their phone number online
(1:21:25 PM) Teoalida: doing this so, they will be flooded by calls
(1:27:59 PM) Teoalida: are you aware that European and American people never ask me for phone numbers databases? only indians do, about 20% of messages received from india are about email/phone database from people who don’t understand what kind of data I am selling, why does this happen?
(1:31:46 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

I already answered his question and he get angry for “silence” and say that purchase from other provider… WTF?

Country: United States
Page URL:

Chat started on Wednesday, September 05, 2018 7:49:14 PM

(7:49:14 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(7:49:16 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(7:50:18 PM) Visitor: hi!
I am looking for a simple list of automobiles with info regarding # of Axles Dual Tires? TTL AVG Weight AVG Vehicle Height Vehicle Width AVG Comb. Length
(7:50:44 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(7:50:54 PM) Teoalida: length, width, height, weight is in database
(7:51:09 PM) Teoalida: I am a bit confused about the rest… what do you mean?
(7:51:41 PM) Visitor: Yes, I’ve downloaded a sample, and all of that is way too much info,
(7:51:51 PM) Visitor: only needing six data sets
(7:51:53 PM) Teoalida: I can give you a custom package with fewer column
(7:53:06 PM) Visitor: k, would only need naming, Dimensions & Weight,
(7:53:19 PM) Visitor: would a package also inclue trucks as well?
(7:53:33 PM) Teoalida: light trucks yes… up to Ford F-450
(7:53:41 PM) Teoalida: F-550 and F650 are heavy trucks
(7:53:58 PM) Visitor: but no 16,24 & 26′ trucks?
(7:59:54 PM) Visitor: i take the silence as a now…? 😛
Thank you for your time, I will purchase my data set from another.
good day
(7:59:59 PM) Visitor has rated the chat Bad
(8:00:17 PM) Visitor commented: “just left me hanging, what kind of service ya’ll running?”
(8:00:50 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Disrespectful customer from Canada

Country: Canada
Page URL:

Chat started on Monday, October 22, 2018 11:39:11 PM

(11:39:11 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(11:39:13 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(11:41:03 PM) Visitor: I need year (1990-current), makes, models, and trims for all vehicle available in the North American market. Having access to drivetrain options and engine options would be helpful too.
(11:41:28 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(11:41:34 PM) Teoalida: pick your preferred columns from
(11:43:06 PM) Visitor: €332.26???? Seriously… yeah no thanks. This is public information, how can you justify such a high cost for simply compiling it?
(11:43:46 PM) Teoalida: if you need just model naming + engine + drivetrain I give at cheaper price
(11:44:07 PM) Teoalida: you may think that price is high, but Year-Make-Model-Trim-Specs is the bestselling product made by me
(11:44:53 PM) Teoalida: could have put $1000 and I am sure that some companies would still pay… just to have the most accurate database ever existed
(11:45:08 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Why did you quit?

Not sure why he quit so fast, according visitor list HE OPENED /america page but didn’t paid attention to it?

Country: United States
Page URL:

Chat started on Wednesday, October 24, 2018 9:04:22 PM

(9:04:22 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(9:04:24 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(9:07:04 PM) Visitor: Is the “biggest” vehicle database international?
(9:07:12 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:07:28 PM) Visitor: I primarily need US and Canadian Data 🙁
(9:07:41 PM) Teoalida: it is for cars sold all over Europe, not sure if we can call this international
(9:08:23 PM) Visitor: Gotcha, not focused on US. I appreciate it, we are focused on more US at this time. Thanks!
(9:08:36 PM) Teoalida: then buy one of the 3 US databases
(9:08:59 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

200 observations… what the fuck does this mean?

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Tuesday, November 27, 2018 7:46:37 PM

(7:46:37 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(7:46:39 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(7:47:06 PM) Visitor: yes
(7:47:13 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(7:47:13 PM) Teoalida: 🙂
(7:47:45 PM) Visitor: I need a database of 200 observations with 3 scale variables and 2 nominal variables.
(7:48:15 PM) Teoalida: what observations are you talking about|?
(7:48:38 PM) Visitor: Any kind of database that have 200 observations
(7:48:46 PM) Teoalida: I don’t understand what do you mean
(7:49:01 PM) Teoalida: Normally the most common questions sound like this:

Question: Hello Teoalida, we are a tire shop in France and looking for a database with european cars produced last 10 years that include OEM tire dimensions for every model, what would be the price?
Answer: You can buy 2005-present package at 120 euro.

Question: Hi, do you have a basic database with only year, make and model of US cars? Don’t want to spend big $$ for full specs database.
Answer: Of course I have, here is
(7:50:18 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Car database to create a… CHATBOT

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Sunday, December 16, 2018 9:33:07 PM

(9:33:07 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(9:33:09 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(9:34:00 PM) Visitor: yes
(9:34:09 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:34:10 PM) Teoalida: 🙂
(9:34:36 PM) Visitor: i am looking for cars database
(9:34:45 PM) Visitor: to create a chatbot
(9:35:14 PM) Visitor: just like Teoalida
(9:35:33 PM) Teoalida: not sure how you can create a chatbot using a car database
(9:35:39 PM) Teoalida: but what details do you need about each car
(9:35:42 PM) Teoalida: ?
(9:37:49 PM) Visitor: more of normal database is also fine with speed ,hp weight
(9:38:08 PM) Teoalida: can you use India Basic Specs package?
(9:38:16 PM) Visitor: yup
(9:39:58 PM) Teoalida: actually from what do you say you’re not even clear if need database for India or… you could be some indian webdesign company working for a car parts shop in other country?
(9:44:04 PM) Teoalida: so you need cars sold in which country?
(9:56:27 PM) Teoalida: are you still here? Is there anything else I can help you? I will go away from computer for an hour, if you ask more questions later you will know why I won’t answer
(10:17:25 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Someone looking for a plugin for Minecraft named “HDB” landed on my website’s HDB Database page (housing in Singapore) causing a confusion

Chat started on Tuesday, January 08, 2019 9:14:13 PM

(9:14:13 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(9:14:13 PM) Visitor: go die
(9:14:19 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:14:24 PM) Teoalida: what is the problem?
(9:14:32 PM) Visitor: i dont know
(9:14:48 PM) Teoalida: why do you came to my website and contact me?
(9:14:58 PM) Teoalida: are you interested in my services?
(9:15:01 PM) Visitor: why not
(9:15:28 PM) Visitor: what is this for a services?
(9:15:38 PM) Teoalida: just say what do you need from me
(9:15:48 PM) Visitor: i dont know
(9:16:00 PM) Teoalida: what was your google search keywords?
(9:16:15 PM) Visitor: head data base
(9:16:25 PM) Visitor: = hdb
(9:16:51 PM) Visitor 63861412 has rated the chat Bad
(9:16:58 PM) Visitor 63861412 has changed the rating to Good
(9:16:59 PM) Teoalida: I made over 50 databases in various fields such as geography, real estate, automobiles, electronics, etc, see full list here
(9:17:21 PM) Visitor: i need a minecraft plugin whit the name hdb
(9:17:57 PM) Teoalida: HDB means Housing and Development Board in Singapore, and here is the database I made
(9:18:18 PM) Visitor: i need a minecraft plugin
(9:18:25 PM) Teoalida: but probably your HDB means something else, in gaming context… name coincidence
(9:19:06 PM) Visitor: yeah
(9:20:12 PM) Visitor: bad support
(9:20:19 PM) Teoalida: why is bad?
(9:20:50 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Very weird question: number of kids that died in a car overheating

Country: United States
Page URL:

Chat started on Friday, January 18, 2019 4:08:16 PM

(4:08:16 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(4:08:18 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(4:17:16 PM) Visitor: the numder of kids that died in a car overheating
(4:17:29 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(4:17:33 PM) Teoalida: huh?
(4:19:10 PM) Teoalida: how did you found the “old page” I deleted it few months ago
(4:19:16 PM) Teoalida: see main page
(4:19:53 PM) Teoalida: let me know if you are interested in any database
(4:50:20 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Chat started on Friday, January 18, 2019 7:53:19 PM

(7:53:19 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(7:53:21 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(7:57:16 PM) Visitor: hi is there any information adout deaths from arkansas
(7:57:26 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(7:57:43 PM) Teoalida: what do you ask is unrelated with what I am selling
(7:57:52 PM) Teoalida: can you check the samples on ?
(7:58:08 PM) Teoalida: and tell me how did you found the “old page” ?
(7:59:03 PM) Teoalida: I sell databases with technical specs and features, so I have nothing about road deaths statistics
(8:32:17 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

200 observations

Country: Canada
Page URL:

Chat started on Friday, February 22, 2019 5:36:32 PM

(5:36:32 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(5:36:34 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there, visitor from Canada, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(5:37:07 PM) Visitor: around 200 observations and 6 variables
(5:37:15 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(5:37:19 PM) Teoalida: what are you referring to?
(5:37:33 PM) Visitor: database
(5:38:08 PM) Visitor: means 200 rows and 6 columns
(5:38:31 PM) Teoalida: that’s not correct way to explain requirements
(5:38:47 PM) Teoalida: EXAMPLE: Hello Teoalida, we are a tire shop in France and looking for a database with european cars produced last 10 years that include OEM tire dimensions for every model, what would be the price?
ANSWER: You can buy 2005-present package at 120 euro.
(5:38:57 PM) Visitor: okay fine
(5:39:14 PM) Teoalida: but if you just want 200 rows with any information, just use one of my sample files
(5:39:27 PM) Visitor: which one?
(5:39:41 PM) Teoalida: check them all and decide which is better
(5:39:55 PM) Visitor: that’s what hard to find
(5:39:58 PM) Visitor: 1 by 1
(5:39:59 PM) Teoalida: since you are from Canada I assume that you need American cars… ?
(5:41:14 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

I don’t understand what he wanted from me

Country: United States
Page URL:

Chat started on Sunday, March 24, 2019 5:29:19 PM

(5:29:19 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(5:29:21 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there, visitor from United States, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(5:33:36 PM) Visitor: Personal car care and ownership records database. There used to be a free one called ‘Auto-Pro 3.1 or 4.1 I saw it later as ver 8.
(5:33:50 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(5:34:08 PM) Teoalida: if you want owner name, address, phone, etc, this is personal data illegal to distribute
(5:35:02 PM) Teoalida: what is this Auto-Pro 3.1 and 4.1 ?
(5:35:20 PM) Visitor: NO for my own car, my own title, ownership, insurance biling due date, preventative maint etc.
(5:36:40 PM) Visitor: AUto Pro was one that came out aroud 2000 was very detailed. I assume it was made by a student of Access and turned it into a professional for sale product.
(5:37:56 PM) Visitor: Stuff like what was the brad of oil I used last time I changed, mileage, date, who did the work or self done.
(5:38:51 PM) Teoalida: if you want records of your own car you should check registration authority of your country
(5:39:35 PM) Teoalida: I don’t have records of car services, I sell databases of technical specs and features collected from sale brochures and websites
(5:41:06 PM) Visitor: What would they know about me changing a light bulb or what I paid for registration and plates. I think yo are missing the whole point. I need to keep records for my own car. On my own computer form my own usage.
(5:41:08 PM) Teoalida: such as
(5:41:36 PM) Teoalida: and how I can help you?
(5:41:50 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Indian asking for doctors in my CAR website

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Saturday, April 13, 2019 8:01:23 PM

(8:01:23 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(8:01:25 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there, visitor from India, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(8:02:57 PM) Visitor: i want indian data base doctors list
(8:03:13 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(8:03:26 PM) Teoalida: do you realize that what do you ask is offtopic of what I am selling?
(8:03:46 PM) Teoalida: but if there are directories of doctors posted online I may be able to help with web scraping service
(8:04:23 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

€10,000 database, do you want to buy from me or do it yourself?

Country: Ireland
Page URL:

Chat started on Wednesday, April 17, 2019 1:51:03 PM

(1:51:03 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(1:51:03 PM) Visitor: alreet. Ah need an Ireland database.
(1:51:08 PM) Visitor: U have one?
(1:51:09 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(1:51:15 PM) Teoalida: what details do you need for each car?
(1:51:30 PM) Visitor: pretty much the whole lot m8
(1:51:57 PM) Teoalida: can you use or ?
(1:52:10 PM) Visitor: nah. Ireland only m8
(1:52:41 PM) Teoalida: cars sold in Europe are very similar, I don’t think that you will ever find a database specifically for Ireland
(1:52:57 PM) Teoalida: so what are you going to do in this case?
(1:53:50 PM) Visitor: A company contacted me asking me to make one. Was hoping to buy one from yuo so I can sell to them. They offered me over €10K
(1:54:37 PM) Teoalida: what kind of company is this to offer $10,000? this make me feeling that I am selling too cheap
(1:54:52 PM) Visitor: Euros not dollars
(1:55:03 PM) Teoalida: I can make custom databases via web scraping, show me an Ireland website and I will create a database from it for 1000€
(1:55:36 PM) Visitor: I can only offer you maximum 500€
(1:56:31 PM) Teoalida: 500€ good too, but why do you want to make 95% profit?
(1:57:06 PM) Visitor: I have other costs though
(1:58:02 PM) Teoalida: so €10,000 is budget for whole project including web development, mobile app development or whatever do you do? OK, buy database from me for €500
(1:58:13 PM) Teoalida: how often do you want updates in the future?
(1:58:21 PM) Visitor: no they only want the database from me.
(1:58:46 PM) Visitor: dpending on quality they said 12K to 17500 is the budget
(1:59:33 PM) Teoalida: if this is budget just for database, I suspect that they expect from you to compile yourself a database, if you want to buy from me you’re welcome, but this give you unloyal profits. so are you buying from me or do it yourself?
(2:00:01 PM) Visitor: ok
(2:00:34 PM) *** Visitor 3803053 has left ***

I wonder what he did, if he compiled himself a database worse than mine or…?

Disrespectful indian, he blame me for “not giving sample” when actually samples can be freely downloaded from website (and he DID downloaded according Clicky visitors info)

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Saturday, April 20, 2019 4:16:18 PM

(4:16:18 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(4:16:20 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there, visitor from India, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(4:16:41 PM) Visitor: i want only car names
(4:16:50 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(4:16:55 PM) Teoalida: can you use No Specs package?
(4:17:38 PM) Visitor: no
(4:17:46 PM) Visitor: i want free package
(4:17:49 PM) Visitor: give me
(4:18:42 PM) Teoalida: I am spending hundred hours researching automobile industry, developing databases and keeping them regularly updated. Do you think that such megalithic work is meant to be given free? Every year few hundreds companies purchase databases developed by me, ready to pay BIG $$ to ensure that they get a complete vehicle database, frequently updated and with accurate technical specs.
(4:19:17 PM) Visitor: aahan
(4:19:33 PM) Teoalida: If you ever see someone giving car databases for free download, they are most likely stolen databases and given by other people than their original author, thus no support is provided, no updates, they are likely to be incomplete and having many errors, etc.
(4:19:49 PM) Visitor: ok’
(4:20:12 PM) Visitor: dont talk tooo much
(4:20:15 PM) Visitor: its u r duty
(4:20:16 PM) Teoalida: go on and open Excel on other side on screen write down yourself every car name if you cannot pay me
(4:20:28 PM) Visitor: wat a idea sir
(4:20:32 PM) Visitor: tat i knoe
(4:20:34 PM) Visitor: know
(4:20:35 PM) Teoalida: there are about 260 car models currently for sale
(4:20:40 PM) Visitor: ok ok
(4:20:49 PM) Teoalida: having a total of 1100 versions
(4:20:54 PM) Visitor: aahann
(4:21:17 PM) Teoalida: how often do you need updates?
(4:21:24 PM) Visitor: i dont want
(4:21:32 PM) Visitor: jus for starting my business
(4:22:37 PM) Visitor: ok bye
(4:22:41 PM) Visitor: u waste fellow
(4:22:46 PM) Visitor: not giving sample
(4:22:49 PM) Visitor: even
(4:22:55 PM) Visitor: i will get it some where
(4:22:57 PM) Teoalida: samples are posted on website
(4:23:04 PM) Teoalida: at top of every page
(4:23:52 PM) Teoalida: Download FREE sample (one make):
Make, model, version, no specs (5 columns)
Make, model, version, basic specs (26 columns)
Make, model, version, full specs & features (188 columns)
(4:23:56 PM) Teoalida:
(4:24:05 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Why did you messaged me?

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Wednesday, April 24, 2019 5:17:02 PM

(5:17:02 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(5:17:04 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there, visitor from India, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(5:20:05 PM) Visitor: turkey
(5:20:12 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(5:20:20 PM) Teoalida: European database include Turkey cars too
(5:20:28 PM) Teoalida: what details do you need for each car?
(5:20:43 PM) Visitor: thank u
(5:21:10 PM) Visitor: can i ask a question
(5:21:30 PM) Teoalida: just ask
(5:21:58 PM) Visitor: what is the use of this site
(5:22:30 PM) Teoalida: to show works made by me and sell then to people interested
(5:23:11 PM) Visitor: i really appreciate u r work
(5:27:01 PM) Teoalida: so is there any deal we can do?
(5:27:29 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Vague request

Country: Kuwait
Page URL:

Chat started on Tuesday, May 14, 2019 4:21:47 PM

(4:21:47 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(4:21:49 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there, visitor from Kuwait, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(4:26:39 PM) Visitor: hi there
(4:26:44 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(4:26:46 PM) Teoalida: what’s up
(4:26:46 PM) Visitor: i am just looking for any database
(4:26:59 PM) Visitor: so that i ca see how it looks like
(4:27:16 PM) Teoalida: ANY? most customers have specific requirements
L(4:27:30 PM) Visitor: yes any database
(4:27:38 PM) Visitor: for instance car databases
(4:29:05 PM) Teoalida: for example: we are a tire shop in France and we need a database with cars produced last 20 years that indicate make, model, engine, tire size… and the solution is
(4:29:31 PM) Teoalida: so what are you?
(4:29:48 PM) Visitor: i am an engineer
(4:29:49 PM) Teoalida: look through all my sample databases and see which one is better for your needs
(4:30:00 PM) Visitor: a senior computer engineer
(4:30:07 PM) Visitor: and project manager
(5:10:06 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Pornstar database

Country: Croatia
Landing page URL:
Current page URL:

Chat started on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 11:38:25 PM

(11:38:25 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(11:38:25 PM) Visitor: hi
(11:38:35 PM) Visitor: ploz give data
(11:38:57 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(11:38:59 PM) Teoalida: which data?
(11:40:04 PM) Teoalida: I made over 80 databases so far
(11:40:27 PM) Visitor: i need pornstar database
(11:40:32 PM) Visitor: lisa ann
(11:40:33 PM) Visitor: etc
(11:41:15 PM) Teoalida: WTF? as far I see the 1st page you accessed on my website was where are multiple databases so this is why I ask you which one…. now how pornstars are related with CAR database?
(11:42:32 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Why do you ask me THIS? Ask your insurance company!

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Saturday, June 08, 2019 4:44:28 PM

(4:44:28 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(4:44:30 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from India, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(4:44:55 PM) Visitor: I’m looking for two wheeler Insurance data base
(4:45:10 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(4:45:15 PM) Visitor: I wanted to know my two wheeler insurance number
(4:45:19 PM) Teoalida: two wheeler database is
(4:45:24 PM) Teoalida: but what do you mean with insurance?
(4:45:48 PM) Visitor: Bike Insurance policy
(4:46:12 PM) Teoalida: do you mean cost to insure each bike?
(4:46:28 PM) Teoalida: I hope that you don’t want confidential information like
(4:47:00 PM) Visitor: I have lost my Insurance policy details
(4:48:50 PM) Visitor: How do I get to know my bike policy number online
(4:50:08 PM) Teoalida: are you asking about YOUR bike?
(4:50:21 PM) Visitor: Yes my bike
(4:50:21 PM) Teoalida: ask your insurance company… I don’t understand why do you came at me
(4:50:31 PM) Visitor: Okay
(4:50:44 PM) Teoalida: here I sell databases of all cars and bikes for companies like insurance, auto parts, tuning, transport services, etc
(4:50:54 PM) Visitor: Okay
(4:51:27 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Confusion cleared

Country: United States
Page URL:

Chat started on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 11:27:25 PM

(11:27:25 PM) *** Visitor 2333219 has joined the chat ***
(11:27:25 PM) Visitor 2333219: hello
(11:27:32 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(11:27:36 PM) Teoalida: hi
(11:27:57 PM) Visitor 2333219: I bought a make/model spreadsheet from you yesterday and I only see FORD and BMW
(11:28:31 PM) Teoalida: that wasn’t what you bought, that was free sample
(11:29:12 PM) Visitor 2333219: oh shit, how do I get the full list
(11:29:35 PM) Teoalida: buy from
(11:29:53 PM) Visitor 2333219: I did buy it yesterday
(11:30:06 PM) Teoalida: give me your email to see if you really purchased
(11:30:11 PM) Teoalida: did you got email with 3 download links?
(11:30:36 PM) Visitor 2333219: ****@*********.ca
(11:30:44 PM) Visitor 2333219: I have an email confirmation saying I paid
(11:31:27 PM) Visitor 2333219: i found the email with the download link
(11:31:45 PM) Teoalida: was it in SPAM?
(12:04:56 AM) *** Visitor 2333219 has left ***

Indian looking for car owners… even if I explained him that I don’t sell that, he came again next day to ask same thing

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 11:19:24 PM

(11:19:24 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(11:19:26 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from India, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(11:20:55 PM) Visitor: Hi
(11:21:04 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(11:21:05 PM) Teoalida: what’s up
(11:21:19 PM) Visitor: I am looking for database
(11:21:58 PM) Teoalida: what details do you need for each car?
(11:22:07 PM) Visitor: Cars and commercial vehicles
(11:22:43 PM) Visitor: I need customer name phone number vehicle model and insurance dates and addresses
(11:22:59 PM) Teoalida: oh no, not another one making same confusion
(11:23:07 PM) Teoalida: just read
(11:24:20 PM) Visitor: Oh
(11:24:39 PM) Visitor: What specifications you can provide
(11:24:53 PM) Teoalida: see sample at top of page
(11:27:06 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Chat started on Thursday, June 27, 2019 10:06:28 AM

(10:06:28 AM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(10:06:30 AM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from India, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(10:07:04 AM) Visitor: Hi
(10:07:20 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(10:07:22 AM) Teoalida: what’s up
(10:07:57 AM) Visitor: I read the details in your site it’s good but little bit confused
(10:08:13 AM) Visitor: I am looking for a particular data
(10:08:22 AM) Visitor: Can you help me on that
(10:09:03 AM) Teoalida: you asked yesterday too about car owners,I told you that I am not selling that, what is the confusion
(10:09:21 AM) Teoalida: only if I obtain from that strange person from Mumbai
(10:10:57 AM) Visitor: But your advertisement says that you have data of cars bikes and trucks
(10:11:39 AM) Teoalida: yes, data about vehicles manufactured, not about people who own them
(10:12:34 AM) Teoalida: data sourced from Carwale and Cardekho which in turn collect data from manufacturer sale brochures
(10:13:19 AM) *** Visitor has left ***

What an IDIOT… he use Visual Studio to open CSV files, which is not intended for, obviously data is not displayed correctly and he blame ME for providing wrong data, even if it is shown correctly in Microsoft Excel

Chat started on Wednesday, July 03, 2019 8:31:35 PM

(8:31:35 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(8:31:37 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from United States, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(8:32:08 PM) Visitor: Hi, I am just looking for some sample car data for a integration demo I am working on
(8:32:25 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(8:32:32 PM) Teoalida: you can download 24 samples from my homepage
(8:32:37 PM) Teoalida: what details do you need for each car?
(8:32:55 PM) Visitor: just the basics
(8:34:14 PM) Teoalida: be more specific what do you mean with basics?
(8:34:17 PM) Teoalida: or just try my samples
(8:34:19 PM) Teoalida: such as
(8:34:26 PM) Teoalida: or
(8:34:41 PM) Visitor: I think your sample data will work just find. Thanks
(8:36:05 PM) Visitor: do you have any comma delimited files with just data and no formatting?
(8:36:24 PM) Teoalida: just open in Excel, delete unnecessary header rows and save as CSV
(8:36:38 PM) Teoalida: here are more samples
(8:36:49 PM) Teoalida: Alternate file format: CSV (Full Specs)
(8:36:55 PM) Teoalida:
(8:41:42 PM) Visitor: in the csv file, it has some good rows and then after “101200939,BMW,3 Series,2010,328i 4dr Sedan” it starts taking up multiple lines per record for some reason
(8:42:26 PM) Teoalida: what software do you use to open CSV?
(8:42:52 PM) Teoalida: this is the reason for which on homepage I linked Excel samples and NOT CSV, the CSV files are incorrectly displayed by some software
(8:45:09 PM) Visitor: visual studio code
(8:46:47 PM) Teoalida: it should be opened with Microsoft Excel or WPS Office to be displayed correctly
(8:47:02 PM) Teoalida: few more Excel-like software may also display correctly
(8:47:25 PM) Teoalida: I think that your Visual Studio code don’t read properly if cell data contain ” or ,
(8:49:12 PM) Visitor: your file has some issues
(8:49:25 PM) Visitor: I don’t have time to fix it
(8:49:32 PM) Visitor: thanks anyway.
(8:49:33 PM) Teoalida: just use Excel one instead of CSV
(8:49:58 PM) Teoalida: if you know a way to save CSV that display correctly in your software, let me know
(8:51:57 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Women database

Country: Saudi Arabia
Page URL:

Chat started on Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:45:35 PM

(6:45:35 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(6:45:37 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from Saudi Arabia, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(6:51:38 PM) Visitor: yes, do have a women database?
(6:51:47 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(6:51:57 PM) Teoalida: what do you mean “women database” on a website about cars?
(6:52:26 PM) Visitor: oh, sorry, I am in the wrong website
(6:52:34 PM) Teoalida:
(6:52:41 PM) Visitor: 🙂
(6:52:41 PM) Teoalida: which website you were trying?
(6:53:06 PM) Visitor: i am just joking with you 🙂
(6:54:30 PM) Teoalida: OK, let’s be serious now
(6:54:56 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Can I ask a question… but leave chat without asking any

Country: Kenya
Page URL:

Chat started on Friday, July 19, 2019 2:52:57 PM

(2:52:57 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(2:52:59 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from Kenya, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(2:53:11 PM) Visitor: hola
(2:53:22 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(2:53:25 PM) Teoalida: what’s up
(2:54:32 PM) Visitor: Me gustaría preguntar por una lista
(2:56:24 PM) Teoalida: puede preguntar
(2:57:12 PM) Visitor: gracias
(3:05:51 PM) Teoalida: cual es la pregunta?
(3:32:06 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Pharmacy phone numbers – why the fuck you ask for such thing on my website???

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 2:08:52 PM

(2:08:52 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(2:08:54 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from India, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(2:20:20 PM) Visitor: yes
(2:20:25 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(2:20:26 PM) Teoalida: 🙂
(2:20:26 PM) Visitor: commence company’s database
(2:20:41 PM) Visitor: like vlcc or 1mg
(2:20:57 PM) Teoalida: what is this vlcc or 1mg?
(2:21:15 PM) Visitor: 1mg is an online pharmacy
(2:21:21 PM) Visitor: and vlcc is a weight loss center
(2:22:13 PM) Teoalida: As you can see, this page is about mobile phone database. I am also selling databases about cars and real estate. Why do you ask about pharmacy and weight loss here?
(2:24:16 PM) Teoalida:
(2:26:09 PM) Visitor: Because we are a wellness company
(2:26:25 PM) Visitor: we need mobile phone database of a particular segment/industry
(2:26:48 PM) Teoalida:
(2:26:53 PM) Teoalida: didn’t you saw the red text?
(2:26:55 PM) Visitor: and I want it for India
(2:27:46 PM) Teoalida: Agent uploaded: 1564486063795.png
Type: image/png
Size: 95641
(2:29:07 PM) Visitor: I am sorry this is not what I need
(2:29:15 PM) Visitor: I wanted a list of mobile numbers for text marketing
(2:30:22 PM) Teoalida: in theory I can also do web scraping from directories lists of companies, IF phone numbers are published here and not protected anti-scraping, although is not really something I want to spend time about
(2:30:57 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

Mother last wish… I think that this is a SCAM attempt to get database for free

I was chatting from phone, thus slow reply

Country: United Kingdom
Page URL:

Chat started on Friday, September 27, 2019 2:43:13 PM

(2:43:13 PM) *** Visitor 26822078 has joined the chat ***
(2:43:13 PM) Visitor 26822078: I can see full database please so i can check accuracy of data?
(2:43:27 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(2:43:45 PM) Teoalida: See samples at top of page
(2:43:59 PM) Visitor 26822078: I must see all data though before i buy. What if it’s junk?
(2:44:21 PM) Teoalida: If you want to see whole database before purchasing i can show you via teamviewer
(2:44:45 PM) Visitor 26822078: Can I have full datatasbe for school project please?
(2:45:28 PM) Teoalida: Or watch video, doesn’t help you to see all database?
(2:45:44 PM) Teoalida: Plus comments from past customets
(2:45:47 PM) Visitor 26822078: it is my mother last wish before she die that I have datatasbe. please help
(2:47:22 PM) Teoalida: I dont undestand your role or mother role. My databases are being purchased by 50 happy customers per month, mostly businesses
(2:47:44 PM) Visitor 26822078: so you dont care my mother DEAD???
(2:47:52 PM) Teoalida: If you are student and can afford my prices, you are welcome to purchase too
(2:48:04 PM) Visitor 26822078: you maybe have no heart then
(2:48:20 PM) Visitor 26822078: i am all alone in this world
(2:48:42 PM) Teoalida: How I can help?
(2:48:54 PM) *** Visitor 26822078 has left ***

“US phone database” why you don’t specify from 1st time that you need phone NUMBERS and not the device specifications? What makes you that such personal data is available online?

Country: United States
Page URL:

Chat started on Thursday, January 02, 2020 5:06:24 PM

(5:06:24 PM) *** Visitor 69345584 has joined the chat ***
(5:06:26 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from United States, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(5:07:31 PM) Visitor 69345584: Yes Im looking for US data Base
(5:07:45 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(5:08:07 PM) Teoalida:
(5:08:34 PM) Visitor 69345584: Do you Have US Phone # Data Base that Updated
(5:08:40 PM) Teoalida: oh, phones…
(5:08:46 PM) Teoalida: I update every month
(5:08:52 PM) Teoalida: and it is worldwide, not specific to any country of sale
(5:09:21 PM) Visitor 69345584: I Needed USA data Base Only
(5:10:05 PM) Teoalida: most of phones have priced listed in EURO but there are also few in US and in INR
(5:10:42 PM) Visitor 69345584: Kindly give me the Link of US Phone # Data Base
(5:10:55 PM) Teoalida: this is the ONLY phone database I have
(5:11:15 PM) Teoalida: do you want to make a new custom database for you? give me link to an US website you want me to scrap data from
(5:11:55 PM) Visitor 69345584: I want US People Data Base seeking for employement
(5:12:53 PM) Teoalida: people database? I think that you are making a confusion about what I am selling
(5:13:25 PM) Visitor 69345584: I taught you sells Phone # Data Base?
(5:13:54 PM) Teoalida: but you remind me of someone who gave me link to a website… directory of US citizens. I couldn’t believe that such personal data is available online. Let me find URL
(5:14:35 PM) Visitor 69345584: ok
(5:16:53 PM) Teoalida: found it
(5:17:16 PM) Teoalida: are you able to access it?
(5:17:19 PM) Teoalida: I get access denied
(5:17:44 PM) Teoalida:
(5:18:17 PM) Visitor 69345584: I have access it but about to search it
(5:18:35 PM) Teoalida: Agent uploaded: 1577978313175.png
Type: image/png
Size: 189011
(5:19:40 PM) Teoalida: if you know better websites than these (and without CAPTCHA) let me know… I can make a script to extract data from them
(5:20:06 PM) *** Visitor 69345584 has left ***

Chat started on Thursday, January 02, 2020 5:21:51 PM

(5:21:51 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(5:21:51 PM) *** Visitor 69345584 has joined the chat ***
(5:21:55 PM) Teoalida: if you know better websites than these (and without CAPTCHA) let me know… I can make a script to extract data from them
(5:22:05 PM) Teoalida: but in did you noticed the BIG RED text just below sample?
(5:22:42 PM) Visitor 69345584: I will Like to work together with you this year and make Good money
(5:23:40 PM) Teoalida: how many rows in database would you like and how much would you pay?
(5:24:13 PM) Visitor 69345584: I need Ramdom america data Base Phone # that is Fresh
(5:24:31 PM) Visitor 69345584: How do you charge?
(5:24:58 PM) Teoalida: Agent uploaded: 1577978696783.png
Type: image/png
Size: 394186
(5:25:01 PM) Teoalida: did you saw this row?
(5:25:07 PM) Teoalida: this RED row
(5:25:23 PM) Visitor 69345584: Yes i saw the RED
(5:25:24 PM) Teoalida: if you ask how much I charge for creating database, see
(5:27:06 PM) Visitor 69345584: ok
(5:43:20 PM) *** Visitor 69345584 has left ***

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