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Car Models List

Last release: 25 May 2024
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Worldwide list, with mentions for car sold in Europe and America.
World 220+ brands, 6400+ models
Europe 170+ brands, 3400+ models
Simple dataset with make and model only, without engines or specifications

Evolution of American cars 1990-2024

I analyzed how American cars evolved over past 30 years. The average engine size rose from 3.33 L in 1990 to 4.09 L in 2007 then dropped to 3.42 L in 2022 due to introduction of turbochargers that allowed downsizing engines, meantime horsepower rose from 142 HP in 1990 to 313 HP in 2022.

Year Make Model Trim Specs changed car names

While analyzing data scraped from Edmunds, I decided to do several changes, correcting few obvious mistakes (example: AMG models and Yukon Denali) and improving model hierarchy to reduce number of so-called models with short production period, which are actually trims of a long-production model: