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License / terms of service

In short, the car databases are intended to be use by one business entity, or if there is no business, by one person.

Note: If you disagree with these terms, please contact me and suggest how to rewrite this page to look more professional / legal. We can also make an agreement with custom terms for other uses not covered in below terms.

You are allowed

To distribute SAMPLE databases to friends, colleagues and anyone else (the files with 1 make or few models, that can be freely downloaded from website) as long you are not deleting the author info (link to my website), but instead of sample Excel of a particular database (that can be 1-2 years old), you are advised tell friends direct link (or a subpage) so they can see all databases available on website and their changelog (update list), download samples themselves and watch presentation videos.

To use FULL databases ONLY in YOUR business or company (files that you receive after payment), you can also convert Excel files to SQL, JSON and other formats needed for your commercial website, software, mobile app, etc. For example to make a drop-down box and display data for each car model.

If you are web designer offering services for other people, you are allowed to use the database for multiple websites but should purchase once for each website, since each website is a different end-user. You are advised to inform end-customer to put his email address at me so he can receive notifications when database is updated, and instruct him how to import database into his website after each update.

For other website-related usages please ask.

You are allowed to manipulate database and add your own data in addition of what is provided by me. If you alter the database format you are are advised to send me back the database after manipulation (1-make sample is enough) to help me offering more suitable data structure in the future, and also for your benefits, to send you updates in your preferred layout (if possible) and save (part of) your time re-manipulating it.

Individuals using database non-commercially, for example to decide what car to buy, students doing school projects and teachers giving students a quiz, can also purchase database (if you can afford my prices) should keep database only for their personal use and not sell or distribute to anyone else.

I am sorry for students asking discounts motivating academic use, but I cannot set different prices for different usage. Would be easy for people to ask discounts and lie that are students but actually run businesses. What I can do is to sell partial database for people who do not need full data. For example if you think that my database may help you deciding what SUV to buy from used market, I can sell you a filtered database with only SUV produced last 5-10 years at discounted price.

You are NOT allowed

You are NOT allowed to redistribute / resell FULL databases purchased from me, to people outside your company, or publish them on other websites (except SAMPLE databases that can be freely downloaded from my website). If a friend want to use same database like you in his own business, tell him to buy FULL database from me on his behalf.

Customizing database does not mean that the work is yours and no longer need to obey my terms. Adding more data or converting Excel files to SQL or other formats, and integrating in a software made yourself, for purpose of reselling to other business entities, is also NOT allowed without rewarding me a reseller commission (exception in case of mobile apps that does not target business entities, but ordinary people, and are given free, ads-supported).

If you want to resell my database integrated in a software or mobile app, API or other paid service to other business entities, we should make a reseller agreement to pay me a small percentage of the sales you do (reseller fee).

Note for educational users

I found that some teachers are using my SAMPLE databases looking for a data sheet with a couple of rows and columns with numbers, to teach students how to analyze data. This is perfectly OK. What is NOT OK are the students trying to cheat, coming to my website and ask me to do their school projects.

Fun fact: the university student who made me aware of the above, annoyed and wasted my time to do his school project free of charge, he sent me a PDF with instructions given by teacher, to download a particular SAMPLE database from my website, look in Statistics data sheet, take average engine size, horsepower and fuel efficiency calculated by me year by year, and create charts in Excel with the numbers given by me. Instructions were so detailed that any kindergarten child would understand. How such a DUMB student passed 12th year exam to enroll in university remains a mystery.

Terms updated in April 2020 after I had a case of over-reacting teacher (chatlog below). I am not sure what caused him to go away, but probably the following 2 rows that were included in Excel sample made him to misunderstand that is not allowed to use SAMPLE databases if you aren’t company (they were indicated use allowed for FULL databases).

You are allowed to use this file in your business or company, or convert in SQL database for your website or software development.
You are not allowed to distribute, resell or post the Excel file or converted files on other websites.

So since April 2020 I deleted license terms from every sample file and rewrite this TERMS page on website to make a clear statement about educational use.

Chat started on Monday, March 16, 2020 1:01:06 PM

(1:01:06 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(1:01:06 PM) Visitor: Hi are you available for a quick question?
(1:01:11 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(1:01:12 PM) Teoalida: yes
(1:01:20 PM) Visitor: Great thanks!
(1:03:00 PM) Visitor: I want to make a database of sample data for teaching SQL to students and I would like to use car data as part of that… What I need is about 1000 make/model/variant rows from 2010 onwards, would that be possible for you to extract and if so what would your charge be? Many thanks.
(1:03:21 PM) Teoalida: what details di you need for each car?
(1:03:43 PM) Visitor: Make, Model, Model Version
(1:03:58 PM) Teoalida: so only names? no specifications?
(1:04:08 PM) Visitor: Yes just names no specs needed
(1:04:08 PM) Teoalida: can use sample of ?
(1:04:15 PM) Teoalida: or should sell you custom package
(1:04:28 PM) Teoalida: or
(1:06:34 PM) Visitor: I think I would breach your license terms actually looking at it, as I would need to distribute the database that made use of it… so no worries.
(1:06:46 PM) Teoalida: you can distribute samples
(1:07:36 PM) Teoalida: but did you read Terms page? I see your path (pages viewed) and you weren’t in Terms page
(1:08:10 PM) Visitor: Where is the terms page please, I will take a look
(1:08:35 PM) Teoalida: or
(1:10:02 PM) Visitor: Yep I will leave it there, thanks for being available, have a great day
(1:10:12 PM) Teoalida: why do you leave?
(1:10:35 PM) Teoalida: give me some suggestions how to write terms to allow people using databases efficiently
(1:10:39 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

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