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Tire database by brand

Download free SAMPLE: PriorityTire-SAMPLE.xlsx

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In August 2021 I made a scraper for after requests from 3 people, the first request was from a customer who previously purchased SimpleTire database from me and been unhappy with it, he suggested me to make a new database from and after I talked with other 2 people confirming that this is a reliable website, I made database and posted here for sale to everyone needing tire database.

List of updates:

? brands, of which 335 brands have 10991 tires – 31 August 2021, BETA version, no images because scraper is always picking a generic “loading.svg” instead of actual tire image.

580 brands, of which 255 brands have 13677 tires – 1 August 2023, after 8 sales someone requested first update, I was able to add actual tire images.

580 makes, of which 378 brands have 37064 tires – 10 August 2023, the one who requested update reported that PriorityTire have 3 times more models and additional data fields. I modified scraper and indeed found 37000+ tires.

SimpleTire database

Tire databaseI made a database from in 2017 and updated it 4 times until 2019, they redesigned website in 2020 and my “universal scraper” no longer work.

To continue updates I need to make a custom scraper just for SimpleTire but too few people purchased this database and some were unhappy with it, so I decided to abandon SimpleTire database and focus on other projects that sell better.

Download free SAMPLE: Tire-Database-SAMPLE.xls

Buy complete database + FREE updates for one year:

Along time, few people asked me for a database of tires, I usually said “I have databases of car models with tire size indicated, not database of tire models. However, in May 2017, a customer who purchased TireSize database told me to scrap data from but this turned impossible because every time I access website via scraper it gets redirected to store-locator page. A second customer also appeared asking me for a tire models database.

We studied few other tire websites and we decided to scrap from because it have large amount if tire brands and tire models, creating this tire database with 272 brands and 50000+ models in June 2017, took some time due to complexity because initially I didn’t figured out how to scrap, the customer refused to pay for it and caused additional troubles to me, the second customer did not purchased because was too late. I publish database here so in case other people are interested too to purchase it.

First sale was done in October 2017 and I updated database to re-scrap website, but the new customer was also unhappy saying that SimpleTire website shows ONLY tires that are currently in stock, every day some tires get out of stock and others are restocked, each time I re-scrap website I get different tire models, so this tire database will NEVER reach any degree of completeness. If this is a problem, DO NOT buy this database, feel free to tell me better tire websites to scrap data from!

331 brands, 56427 models, 27 April 2018, updated again.

351 brands, 50523 tires, as 19 July 2019, after a long time with no sales, someone asked for an update.

358 brands, 51166 tires, as 7 August 2019, to add back image URL.

Another tire database

Database made by a customer from Romania and given me in exchange of a database made by me, with permission to resell on my website. Source of data is not public accessible, it require username/password and not everyone can register but only certain people are given an account to log in. It does contain also EAN code and noise level.

Free SAMPLE: Anvelope-SAMPLE.xlsx

Buy FULL database:

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9 comments about Tire database by brand

    1. If you found any error you shall contact me via chat or send me an email, leaving comments on website is not a SAFE way to contact me. I saw your comment accidentally only today, when I was going to send updates for another database and checking if the comment page is full.

      Indeed something was wrong: download link was set as “Tire-database.xls” and the file was named “Tire-Database.xls”. CAPS matter! Fixed now!

  1. These guys made a custom package for me with a selection of tire brands. I didn’t test the sample file sent prior to purchasing it and I when received custom packaged I ended up not being able to use it, BUT they had really responsive communication with me and refunded me. Good on them!

  2. Hello, I’m from Chile, I need a database of tires, hopefully the ones that are sold in Chile, do you have something like that?
    best regard

    1. Seen your comment today. None of my databases is specific to Chile, if you can use one of the databases available for rest of world you’re welcome.

      Please use LiveChat in lower-right corner of screen if you want a fast reply. Actually you did started chat 10 minutes before posting comment but you did not explained clearly what do you need so I didn’t replied you myself thinking that bot auto-reply is enough and you will contact me again after checking links if you need something else.

      gonzalo 05:13:49 pm

      Support 05:13:53 pm
      Hi, just say what do you need?

      gonzalo 05:14:30 pm
      data tires

      Support 05:14:33 pm
      Tire size is available in following databases: (USA & Canada)
      And few more…
      Tire size is NOT available in UK and Middle East databases

      Did automated reply answered your question?
      👍YES 👎NO, talk to human

      gonzalo archived the chat
      05:21:55 pm

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