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Car engines database for tuning companies

Excel database made for tuning companies and webdesigners working for these companies. I do NOT provide ECU files. Individuals who want to tune their own car should contact a tuning company ( or others).

Data fields included (% complete):

URL: Source URL 100.00%, Car image URL 16.45%, Brand image URL 79.26%, Car name 95.72%

Naming: Make 100%, Model 100%, Generation 100%, Engine 100%.

Engine specifications: BHP standard 95.72%, tuned 95.72%, difference 95.72%, TORQUE standard 95.72%, tuned 95.72%, difference 95.72%.

Tuning details: Type of fuel 93.13%, Method 95.72%, Tuningtype 95.72%, Cylinder content 81.17%, Engine ECU 68.54%, Compression ratio 79.36%, Bore X stroke 80.22%, Engine number 72.57%, Read options 67.32%, Additional options 93.02%.

FREE sample: Dyno Chiptuning SAMPLE.xlsx
Alternate formats: CSV and SQL

Buy FULL database + FREE updates for one year:

Latest updates:
11484 engines – 22 September 2023
11543 engines – 1 January 2024
12027 engines – 1 March 2024
12075 engines – 16 April 2024
12096 engines – 7 July 2024
12285 engines – 18 December 2024

brands included


I advise everyone to purchase Dyno Chiptuning database (above) so I can reduce number of databases that I need to update regularly. I keep CelticTuning below in case someone wants to purchase specifically this database (or both).

Data fields included (all are 100% complete):
URL, Make, Model, Fuel, Variant, Fuel, Engine Size, ECU Type, Power Original, Power Modified, Power Difference, Torque Original, Torque Modified, Torque Difference, Image URL.

FREE sample: CelticTuning-SAMPLE.xls

Buy FULL database + FREE updates for one year:

Latest updates:
4971 engines – 18 February 2019
5130 engines – 25 November 2020
5145 engines – 8 November 2021


For many years, tuning companies were buying my original Car Models & Engines Database that I compiled manually from books, and write themselves remapped power and torque.

In February 2018 someone asked me to extract data from showing engine power and torque before and after ECU remapping. In April 2018 a second person was interested in similar database, by this way I made database public on website so everyone needing it can purchase. About 10 people purchased by end of 2018. By this way I realized that there are many tuning companies among my customers.

2 customers said that CelticTuning is not accurate and suggested to scrap instead from and, which I have done in December 2018. New visitors asked me to scrap, and others too, tomorrow someone else will say that all above are not accurate and suggest another one.

If I scrap data from additional websites, I will end spending too much effort updating too many databases that will cannibalize sales each other. We need to decide at ONE website. What makes one better than others?

Coverage: both CelticTuning and Dyno Chiptuning include all cars and light commercial vehicles, plus some heavy trucks sold in Europe, earliest car included is BMW 3-Series from 1991, but completion is significant after 1995. Dyno Chiptuning include also few cars that are not sold officially in Europe (GMC, Holden, Pontiac, etc).

Since 18 February 2019 when I updated both, as October 2019 Dyno got 7 sales and Celtic only 2 sales, giving me impression that does not worth to update Celtic anymore. Few people asked me to email them SQL version too, so since March 2020 I am providing CSV and SQL files by default for everyone. At April 2020 update I found that Dyno Chiptuning’s number of brands and models increased significantly, they added many trucks, tractors and other agricultural machinery. Since March 2022 I am providing also a WordPress plugin made by a customer with permission to resell via my website.

ECU files

At the moment I created these databases I was not aware how tuning works. Several people asked me how to download the “tuning files”, I was confused what they meant since all what I am selling are Excel files with public data extracted from tuning company website (and similar Excel scraping from other websites).

This until someone informed me that anyone can tune his own car by downloading remapped files from internet and importing in their ECU. if you need this, you need to approach a tuning company, NOT me (database provider).

Later, someone else told me that can provide me few thousands ECU files in exchange of my Excel database. Can I trust this? If I get these ECU files, how do I should provide them to you and all people who want to tune themselves their own car? Been informed by other customers that thousands ECU files are available on eBay for $5. Most likely above person was trying to save $115 by buying ECU files from eBay for $5 and exchange with my $120 database. Files sold on eBay are shit, they can damage your car or are not working at all. I do not have ability to read ECU files to see if they are real / usable.

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9 comments about Car engines database for tuning companies

    1. Checking your email address I can see that you purchased on October 11, 2018, use live chat in lower-left corner of screen to warn me that you are on website ready to purchase, so I can change price for few minutes to offer you renewal discount of 50%.

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