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Contact Teoalida

The fastest and safest way to contact me is to use Live Chat in lower-right corner of screen.

ChatBot provide instant answers to 50+ most common questions: “how often do you update”, “oldest car included?”, etc.

If you write anything else, chatbot transfer you to human support (when I am online: 07:00 – 21:00 GMT) or show FAQ (when I am sleeping). Read more: how the chat + bot is working.

Alternatively you can:
Skype: teoalida
Email: [email protected]

LiveChat shows pages you viewed so I can answer accordingly. If you contact me via email, please indicate page/product you are talking about (don’t send vague emails forcing me to guess). I receive 50 emails/day, mostly notifications and spam, I try to reply every human-written email but half don’t reply me back. If you do not receive email reply in 24 hours, probably your email or my reply landed in SPAM folder, alert me with a message via LiveChat or Skype when I am online.

Do not make phone calls, I cannot answer multiple phone calls simultaneously like how I answer multiple chats, and most deals require sharing links, photos and other files.

Over 2000 people visit website daily and I am the only one answering ~20 chats and 10 emails per day (see full statistics), beside this I need to maintain regular updates for my databases. Per month 60-80 people buy something or pay me for a service, while the rest are thankful for free information offered on website.

Contact me if…

You have pre-purchase questions of projects sold via website or requests new projects (AutoCAD, architecture, databases, etc).

You need consultation about any content shown on my website.

You found errors that I need to correct, you have contributions or anything else that can improve on my website.

Architectural projects are handled by 5 third-party architects, located in India, Philippines, Romania and United States. I do not post their contact info here to protect them from being spammed by people looking for free services. Tell me project requirements and confirm your budget, and I put you in contact with most suitable architect.

DO NOT contact me if

You are bored and want to talk with someone (like these kids). If you don’t hear reply from me, most likely I am overloaded by too many customers and/or a kid spamming too many messages distracted me from seeing your message. Just ping me with 1 more message to attract my attention.

You need FREE help at school projects, there are too many students to help each one, some sending disturbing messages and wasting my time in long pointless conversations. Read my website in silence, for additional information instead of asking my personal help, use Google or ask for help on Reddit / Facebook groups populated by thousands people.

You are a SEO company and/or looking for guest posts / buy links. is personal website, I DO NOT outsource SEO and I DO NOT accept sponsored articles written by third-party people. Read more: allowed & not allowed advertising.

Post comments if…

You want to praise me (after purchase or consultation), suggestions, questions for other website visitors, or have information to add that may be interesting for other visitors.

You can reply comments left by other people. Do not leave all communication to be ONLY between me and the 2000+ people who visit my website daily.

Do not post comments to ask questions that require answer from me, example “I want to buy this, how I can contact you? / please email me your PayPal address“, instead contact me yourself via chat or email. 90% comments are posted by spam bots rather than human visitors, so I seldom read comment notifications. While cleaning SPAM comments I noticed someone posting his email address requesting me to contact him, I emailed him, but was too late.

Post comments in the relevant page, NOT in this general Contact page, for example house builders in Philippines can comment in House Plans page or Philippines page, while for questions about Singapore SERS programme, comment in SERS page.

Where is your office located? Can I book an appointment?

I work from home ONLINE to people from all over the world, as typical freelancers do. I do not have any public office and I usually do not meet customers. Even if you live just few kilometers away from me, I prefer to not meet in real life unless is absolutely necessary.

If you need an employee in your office, or require me to travel somewhere, I am NOT the right person.

Do you get paid to chat with people?
Do you help people for free?

I am NOT employed, affiliated with any government or company, or get paid “to help people”. I am independent, this is my personal website and only YOU can pay.

For example if chat consultation helped you to decide to buy a $500,000 property, a donation to paypal @ is appreciated. Example: someone paying $20 for architectural consultation.

While chat consultation is FREE, research, drawings and database services are NOT FREE. This is how I make a living.

Please keep chats short by asking ONLY questions that aren’t already answered on website. Avoid long conversations if you do not intend to buy something, pay any service, offer anything else in exchange, or other business collaboration: good example vs bad example. Having less questions to answer help me offering more frequent updates for everyone.

Do you get paid to chat with people?
Do you help people for free?

I am NOT employed, affiliated with any government or company, or get paid “to help people”. I am independent, this is my personal website and only YOU can pay.

For example if chat consultation helped you to decide to buy a $500,000 property, a donation to paypal @ is appreciated. Example: someone paying $20 for architectural consultation.

While chat consultation is FREE, research, drawings and database services are NOT FREE. This is how I make a living.

Please keep chats short by asking ONLY questions that aren’t already answered on website. Avoid long conversations if you do not intend to buy something, pay any service, offer anything else in exchange, or other business collaboration: good example vs bad example. Having less questions to answer help me offering more frequent updates for everyone.

84 comments about Contact

  1. Are you looking for powerful advertising that doesn’t charge a fortune and gets amazing resuts? Sorry to bug you on your contact form but actually that was kinda the point. We can send your promotional message to sites via their contact forms just like you’re receiving this message right now. You can target by keyword or just execute bulk blasts to sites in any country you choose. So let’s assume you want to blast an ad to all the interior decorators in the United States, we’ll scrape websites for only those and post your ad message to them. As long as you’re promoting something that’s relevant to that type of business then your business will get awesome results!

    Send a quick note to [email protected] to find out more info and pricing

    1. What do you say means sending unsolicited emails to people who did not agreed to receive promotional emails = SPAM! I won’t do that!

  2. Hi There,
    Just surprised at why you are entertaining all these non-nonsensical posts on your comments page. Why not put a captcha or spambot to prevent spammers here?
    And I am here because I was genuinely looking for a SG car database. Might make a purchase later on.

    URL: (dead website)

    1. A captcha is useless, because I already use Akismet which block 99% of the bot / spam comments. The comments that appear on website are left by human visitors who would solve any captchas I put. Moreover captchas don’t work over VPN and there are legitimate customers interested in my services that use VPN and would like to post comments.

      Is better to not have captcha and manually delete spam comments left by humans. Since few months ago been too busy with projects for PAYING customers + some personal problems unrelated with business, thus no time to keep an eye on comments. I missed to reply in time legitimate comments, example

      But why do you say that I am “entertaining“?

      To avoid this happening, please contact me via live chat in lower-left corner of website, instead of comments.

  3. (Please kindly forward this message to your CEO, because this is urgent. If this message disturb you, please ignore it. Thanks)

    This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration in China. On 26-03-2020, we received an application from Kanghong Ltd requested “teoalida” as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (,,, But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send this message to your company and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China?

    Best Regards
    Kevin Liu | Service & Operations Manager
    China Registry (Head Office) | 6012, Xingdi Building, No. 1698 Yishan Road, Shanghai 201103, China
    Tel: +86-02161918696 | Fax: +86-02161918697 | Mob: +86-13816428671
    Email: [email protected]

  4. Hello, Our engineering team is trying to load the databases you provided and we are running into a problem with the July 2019 and Dec 2019 spreadsheets. The Dec spreadsheet doesn’t contain some of the vehicles that are on the July spreadsheet. We cannot combine the speradsheets because that would cause duplicates. Are you able to provide one spreadsheet that encompasses both Dec and July vehicles?

    1. You left comment in WRONG page, and at bottom I clearly explained the reason for which I provide 2 files and the problems I have in combining. If you have any solution let me know.

      Since you didn’t purchased full specs database to motivate that you needed all 230 columns, but trim/naming only, what was the reason for purchasing instead of higher quality database that do not have such problems?

  5. Hi,

    I came across your website while was doing a research for my client.

    I’m reaching out for a possible collaboration. My client (Condo Wizard) is willing to offer payment for a link on your website.

    Please let us know if you would like to work together. You can reach me via email at [email protected].

    Let me know what you think.

  6. the contact person was very friendly and resourceful . answered my questions very patiently as well. many thanks to teoalida

    1. I accept paid links ONLY FROM people saying for example “I am the owner of, can I have a banner ad on

      In 2018 I got an email asking for a link to, I replied that I already have a link to them, he replied offering me $65/link to add 3 more links. I though that is a JOKE, I tried to consult with friends and when I replied him after 10 days it was too late, no more replies from him.

      Since 2019 I received few similar emails, I replied all asking for $50 to post links, and now I realized that I made a huge mistake, some idiot probably shared my email address to many guest post providers and since beginning of 2020 I received (and replied) over 100 emails like yours and only 3 actually gave me an article to post, and paid me only half of the price I was asking.

      Judging by your message (not indicating a specific website you want link to) you are probably a SEO company building a database of websites that allow paid posts, this does not guarantee that I will get paid posts, instead I risk getting spammed with more similar emails and waste time replying spammers instead of replying customers who want to buy my products!

      Due to above BAD experiences I decided to NOT accept guest posts anymore. Please find other websites to post your stuff.

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