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Solar System Database

Solar System Database - planets and satellites facts and figuresAre you looking for a database of planets and satellites in Excel format with their facts and figures, for research or to make a website? I made a database for you, sourcing data from and offer it here for download.

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Description & history

Don’t forget to check other databases made by me (100+ databases)

I have a long hobby for geography and astronomy. First time I made a solar system database in Word around year 2000 sourcing data from old 1970s atlases dating back from the time my parents were in school, and another one made in 2004 sourcing data from Encarta Encyclopedia 2002, including facts about planets only (no satellites).

In 2014 I make a new database, this time in Excel, to compare facts of all planets and satellites, because NASA website allow only 1 vs 1 comparison. I spent 4 hours copy-pasting from NASA website, Sun, 8 planets, 5 dwarf planets, 21 satellites (2 satellites of Mars and 19 satellites big enough to be in hydrostatic equilibrium – over 400 km diameter). I published it on my website for free download.

Given by high number of people who downloaded it, in 2019 I made a larger Excel database intended to offer it for paid download, containing EVERY celestial body listed on NASA website, this time using Chrome extensions to speed up the work, allowed me to collect in just 1 hour data for 204 celestial bodies, in 2020 I added 20 newly discovered Saturn satellites.

According Wikipedia page List of natural satellites, 35 moons were observed from Earth as 1978. A large number of moons have been discovered by Voyager 1 and 2 spacecrafts between 1979 and 1990, making a total of 63 moons. Starting from 1997 many small moons were discovered using Earth-based telescopes, reaching a total of 194 known moons in 2018 orbiting the 8 planets and 5 officially-recognized dwarf planets. Additional moons have been discovered to be orbiting around asteroids and trans-Neptunian objects. do not include moons of Haumea (2), Makemake (1), Eris (1), dwarf planets that have not been visited yet by any spacecraft to gather precise information about them. Of 190 moons listed on NASA website and included in my Excel database, 152 moons are confirmed and include “By the Numbers” page, the rest being provisional moons, less than 1 km radius and not studied by any spacecraft.

Bodies included

Solar System Database - planets and satellites facts and figuresSun (1): Sun.

Planets (8): Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

Dwarf Planets (5): Pluto, Ceres, Makemake, Haumea, Eris.

Earth’s Moon (1): Earth’s Moon.

Mars Moons (2): Deimos, Phobos.

Jupiter Moons (79): Adrastea, Aitne, Amalthea, Ananke, Aoede, Arche, Autonoe, Callirrhoe, Callisto, Carme, Carpo, Chaldene, Cyllene, Dia, Eirene (former S/2003 J5), Elara, Erinome, Ersa (former S/2018 J1), Euanthe, Eukelade, Eupheme (former S/2003 J3), Euporie, Europa, Eurydome, Ganymede, Harpalyke, Hegemone, Helike, Hermippe, Herse, Himalia, Io, Iocaste, Isonoe, Jupiter LI, Jupiter LII, Kale, Kallichore, Kalyke, Kore, Leda, Lysithea, Megaclite, Metis, Mneme, Orthosie, Pasiphae, Pasithee, Praxidike, S/2003 J10, S/2003 J12, S/2003 J15, S/2003 J16, S/2003 J18, S/2003 J19, S/2003 J2, S/2003 J23, S/2003 J4, S/2003 J9, S/2011 J1, S/2011 J2, S/2016 J 1, S/2016 J2 (Valetudo), S/2017 J 1, S/2017 J2, S/2017 J3, S/2017 J4, S/2017 J5, S/2017 J6, S/2017 J7, S/2017 J8, S/2017 J9, Sinope, Sponde, Taygete, Thebe, Thelxinoe, Themisto, Thyone.

Saturn Moons (82): Aegaeon, Aegir, Albiorix, Anthe, Atlas, Bebhionn, Bergelmir, Bestla, Calypso, Daphnis, Dione, Enceladus, Epimetheus, Erriapus, Farbauti, Fenrir, Fornjot, Greip, Hati, Helene, Hyperion, Hyrrokkin, Iapetus, Ijiraq, Janus, Jarnsaxa, Kari, Kiviuq, Loge, Methone, Mimas, Mundilfari, Narvi, Paaliaq, Pallene, Pan, Pandora, Phoebe, Polydeuces, Prometheus, Rhea, S/2004 S12, S/2004 S13, S/2004 S17, S/2004 S20, S/2004 S21, S/2004 S22, S/2004 S23, S/2004 S24, S/2004 S25, S/2004 S26, S/2004 S27, S/2004 S28, S/2004 S29, S/2004 S30, S/2004 S7, S/2004 XXX (S5593a2), S/2004 XXX (S5605a2), S/2004 XXX (S5613a2), S/2004 XXX (S5801a2), S/2004 XXX (S64454x), S/2004 XXX (S64472), S/2004 XXX (S8568a), S/2004 XXX (T514042), S/2004 XXX (T522499), S/2006 S1, S/2006 S3, S/2007 S2, S/2007 S3, S/2009 S1, Siarnaq, Skathi, Skoll, Surtur, Suttungr, Tarqeq, Tarvos, Telesto, Tethys, Thrymyr, Titan, Ymir.

Uranus Moons (27): Ariel, Belinda, Bianca, Caliban, Cordelia, Cressida, Cupid, Desdemona, Ferdinand, Francisco, Juliet, Mab, Margaret, Miranda, Oberon, Ophelia, Perdita, Portia, prospero, Puck, Rosalind, Setebos, Stephano, Sycorax, Titania, Trinculo, Umbriel.

Neptune Moons (14): Despina, Galatea, Halimede, Hippocamp, Laomedeia, Larissa, Naiad, Nereid, Neso, Proteus, Psamathe, Sao, Thalassa, Triton.

Pluto Moons (5): Charon, Hydra, Kerberos, Nix, Styx.

Data fields included

Title, Description, Date of discovery, Discovered by, Average orbit distance, Mean orbit velocity, Orbit eccentricity, Equatorial inclination, Equatorial radius, Equatorial circumference, Volume, Density, Mass, Surface area, Surface gravity, Escape velocity, Effective temperature, Atmospheric constituents, Source URL. Some fields include 3 columns (metric, english, scientific), making a total of 42 columns.

Word document

I created this file from my hobby of making book-style printer-friendly documents in Microsoft Word and see how many pages, words and characters it would have been if NASA Solar System website was printed as a book, what planets and satellites have longest articles, etc.

Made in July 2019, it took 5 hours of constant copy-pasting from NASA website and another 5 hours to add formatting (all headings use a style with automatically update so you can easily adjust formatting of one style and whole document will change accordingly).

According Word Count: 249 pages, 119,645 words, 709,086 characters (with spaces).

Note: I do not recommend anyone to print it, do not waste 249 sheets of paper.

Solar System in depth Solar System in depth

Buy FULL document (free preview in image):, a website showing 3D model of not just solar system but whole galaxy!

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5 comments about Solar System Database

  1. the majority of known natural bodies in our solar system. We currently track over 20,000 asteroids and over 800 comets. See all observations for NEOs, comets, and minor planets here

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