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Ask help and run away!

Please don’t consider these cases as lost customers or failure in customer services. Most of these people not interested in  my services, but just browsing multiple websites for ideas and free house plans. They may have found something better in another website and forgot me. But some of them are still funny how they asked for help from me then gone away… Funniest parts in RED!

Best example!

That’s crazy, you are saying “yes please” then quit?
Does my messages made him angry or something?

Friday, 8 Nov, 2013
Country: Saudi Arabia
Page URL:
[1:37] (trigger): Hello from website admin! If you need any help or just wanna chat, just drop here a message!
[1:38] customer service @ (trigger): Hello from website admin! Here I also offer ideas and design services… can I help you with anything? Just drop here a message!
[1:39] Visitor: mgkano pa design ng 1 storey house
[1:40] Visitor: 2 bedrooms
[1:40] Teoalida has joined the conversation
[1:40] Teoalida: but can you speak only english?
[1:40] Visitor: 40 square meter
[1:40] Teoalida: give me length and width of land?
[1:41] Visitor: im not sure
[1:41] Teoalida: hmm…
[1:41] Teoalida: you bough land without knowing dimensions?
[1:42] Visitor: but i just want to build a 40squre meter house
[1:42] Teoalida: anyway, 40 sqm doesn’t seems enough for 2 bedrooms ON ONE FLOOR
[1:42] Teoalida: this fit in 4x10m land
[1:43] Teoalida: but on single floor DON’T FIT
[1:43] Teoalida: do you need detailed construction drawings? fully-dimensioned, elevation, etc
[1:45] Visitor: yes
[1:45] Visitor: pls
[1:46] Teoalida: I can do detailed drawings too after clarifying all stuff

[1:46] Teoalida: so far looks an impossible project
[1:48] Teoalida: or… would you agree to violate the rule of 6 sqm minimal bedroom size?
[1:49] Visitor has left the conversation

One of the FUNNIEST customers

Ask a question and quit!

Don’t run away, I want to help you for FREE!

The pictured case happened on 31 December.
36 days later, on 5 February 2013 another american asked me same thing, this one explained me exactly how to recompile the database… one row for each model year instead of one row per model. I spent several days and created the Year-Make-Model Car Database, which currently generate several sales per month! Sweet!
By this way I realized that the guy from above photo wanted exactly same thing, which is also the TYPICAL format for american car market. But he ran away in a very FUNNY way instead of explaining what he wants!

Why do you ask for a house plan, if you leave the chat?

How I can design a customized house FOR HIM if I do not know HIS land size?

He visited me twice, 2 consecutive days, both times he quit right when I asked about land size.
I checked visitor list, he was looking in the page with floor plans of Singapore’s HDB apartments (single-floor) so I understand why he ask me for “floor plans with second floor”, BUT…

Monday, 11 Mar, 2013
Country: Philippines
Page URL:
[16:00] Visitor: hello.good evening.. can i ask you a favor?
[16:00] Teoalida has joined the conversation
[16:00] Teoalida: yes
[16:01] Visitor: can you give me a link of floor plans with second foor?thank you.
[16:01] Teoalida: Do you mean 2-storey houses? see
[16:01] * Visitor is now viewing *
[16:02] Teoalida: 20 houses in various size here…
[16:02] Visitor: is there any other link than this mam/ sir?
[16:02] Teoalida: Do you not like something?
[16:04] Teoalida: Better, just give me land size and how many bedrooms do you want and I design something specially for you
[16:04] Visitor: i would like to have four rooms.
[16:06] Teoalida: … and land size?
[16:14] Visitor: ofcourse.
[16:15] Teoalida: Without land size I can’t design… you can pick from the page, which is your favorite layout?
[16:16] Visitor has left the conversation

Tuesday, 12 Mar, 2013
Country: Philippines
Page URL:
[15:02] Visitor: goodevening..
[15:02] Visitor: can i ask a favor?
[15:02] Teoalida has joined the conversation
[15:02] Teoalida: Why not?
[15:02] Visitor: please give me a link about floor plans with second floors?
[15:02] Teoalida: are you same person which I talked yesterday?
[15:03] Teoalida: I told you… THERE ARE 20 house projects, more than half are 2-floor
[15:03] Visitor: yes.i’m sorry if i’m not able to leave my goodbye cause i’m in a hurry..
[15:03] * Visitor is now viewing *
[15:04] Visitor: thank you very much..i’ll talk to you later.. 🙂
[15:04] Teoalida: Or give me land size and I will design a custom house plan specially for you
[15:06] Teoalida: now looking in chat history… you left right after I asked you how big is your land
[15:08] Visitor has left the conversation

Ask help and run away before helping you!

I don’t understand why he solicited my help then ran away. Did I said anything bad?
Or, by looking at the time of each message, I guess that he was browsing multiple sites and found somewhere else… what?

Sunday, 21 Apr, 2013
Country: Iran, Islamic Republic of
Page URL:
[22:55] Teoalida (trigger): Hello from website admin! If you need any help or just wanna chat, just drop here a message!
[22:57] Visitor: Hello i want plan of residential.can u help me?
[22:57] Teoalida has joined the conversation
[22:57] Teoalida: Obviously… I design buildings
[22:59] Teoalida: Do you have land size and other requirements?
[23:01] Teoalida: ?
[23:04] Visitor: there is 15000 m
[23:05] Teoalida: 15000 square meters?
[23:06] Teoalida: Are you building an apartment complex?
[23:08] Visitor: No its clustered housing
[23:09] Teoalida: oohh
[23:09] Teoalida: How many units do you think that can fit here?
[23:11] Teoalida: Then I can help you to optimize layouts and fit even more units!
[23:11] Visitor has left the conversation

Ask help, run away and lose a FREE offer!

According visitors list, he clicked only the “2-bedroom single-storey semi-detached” house, which is 6 x 10 meters.
Probably saw that none of houses posted on website have LESS than 2 bedrooms, so quitted website instead of giving me land size to design a new plan…. I could do in 10 min for FREE.

Tuesday, 7 May, 2013
Country: Philippines
Page URL:
[10:40] Teoalida customer service (trigger): Hello from website admin! Here I also offer ideas and design services… how I can help you?
[10:41] Visitor: im jst looling a house design for 50 sq mtr land area
[10:41] Teoalida has joined the conversation
[10:41] Teoalida: hmm what are the dimensions?
[10:41] Visitor: 16×24
[10:42] Teoalida: what is that? I ask dimensions of land
[10:42] Teoalida: 5×10 and 4×12.5 meters change design radically
[10:42] Visitor: yes
[10:42] Teoalida:
[10:43] Teoalida: Please clarify land size if you want to make a design specially for you
[10:43] Visitor: i want only 1 floor n 1 bedroom
[10:44] Visitor has left the conversation

Ask for help, don’t answer my questions and run away

Chat started on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 6:15:52 PM

(6:15:52 PM) *** Visitor 60319679 has joined the chat ***
(6:15:56 PM) chat support – Hello from website admin! If you need any help or just wanna chat, drop here a message!
(6:17:08 PM) Visitor 60319679 has changed their email address to [email protected].
(6:17:08 PM) Visitor 60319679 is now known as Rohit raj.
(6:17:17 PM) Rohit raj: hello
(6:17:25 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(6:17:27 PM) Teoalida: what’s up
(6:17:33 PM) Rohit raj: fien
(6:17:35 PM) Rohit raj: fine
(6:17:58 PM) Rohit raj: sir do you know Hindi
(6:18:10 PM) Teoalida: language? no
(6:18:31 PM) Rohit raj: my english is poor
(6:18:42 PM) Rohit raj: i speak hindi
(6:19:22 PM) Teoalida: you aren’t the worst english speaker I met
(6:20:00 PM) Rohit raj: I am an Indian cause i
(6:20:17 PM) Teoalida: and what do you need more exactly? how I can help?
(6:20:20 PM) Rohit raj: I am an Indian cause I don’t no english
(6:20:54 PM) Rohit raj: deasing the house
(6:21:43 PM) Teoalida: tell me land dimensions and how many rooms do you want?
(6:21:51 PM) Teoalida: but also… how much do you pay for this service?
(6:23:25 PM) Rohit raj: In ground floor 2 rooms 1 kitchen, Bathroom and A Place of a car parking…
(6:26:32 PM) Rohit raj commented: “thanks for the chat”
(6:26:33 PM) *** Rohit raj has left ***

I asked him 3 questions, he answer just one, then probably quit because he tired of waiting 3 minutes to see a reply from me, when actually I was waiting FOR HIM TO REPLY rest of questions.

Anyway… indian, probably was looking for free services, not intending to pay anything.

This guy ask for a floorplan but is not even telling details

Chat started on Sunday, May 22, 2016 12:23:02 PM
Country: Saudi Arabia
Page URL:

(12:23:02 PM) *** Visitor 89575709 has joined the chat ***
(12:23:02 PM) Visitor 89575709: give a floor plan which 15 meters front open
(12:23:20 PM) Visitor 89575709: by the way the lot area is 900sqm
(12:23:23 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(12:23:26 PM) Teoalida: how many rooms do you need?
(12:25:32 PM) Visitor 89575709: can you give me a drawing which the lot are is 15 meters is front open and the lot area is 900sqm.
(12:26:20 PM) Teoalida: if yo want to GIVE you a ready-made plan… is 10m wide and will leave 2.5m empty space on both sides
(12:26:43 PM) Teoalida: but what could be better for you than a house designed specially for you?
(12:28:15 PM) Teoalida: 12 meters wide and leave 1.5m empty space
(12:35:04 PM) *** Visitor 89575709 has left ***

Why did you said OK and ran away?

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Monday, December 04, 2017 9:47:51 PM

(9:47:51 PM) *** Visitor 57576010 has joined the chat ***
(9:47:51 PM) Visitor 57576010: HI
(9:48:01 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:48:02 PM) Teoalida: hello
(9:48:28 PM) Visitor 57576010: ARE YOU A DESIGNER
(9:48:33 PM) Teoalida: yes
(9:48:44 PM) Teoalida: all what you see on website is designed by me
(9:48:45 PM) Visitor 57576010: WHERE ARE YOU FROM
(9:49:02 PM) Teoalida: so how I can help you?
(9:49:12 PM) Visitor 57576010: OK
(9:49:48 PM) *** Visitor 57576010 has left ***

Ask for help but not answering for 20 min?

Chat started on Monday, December 18, 2017 2:05:01 PM
Country: Netherlands
Page URL:

(2:05:01 PM) *** Visitor 11250743 has joined the chat ***
(2:05:01 PM) Visitor 11250743: hi
(2:05:06 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(2:05:08 PM) Teoalida: hello
(2:05:28 PM) Visitor 11250743: how areyou
(2:05:34 PM) Teoalida: fine, why?
(2:05:37 PM) Teoalida: how I can help you?
(2:06:43 PM) Visitor 11250743: im am planining to build a two story two bedroom apartmets
(2:07:23 PM) Teoalida: do you build in Netherlands?
(2:07:41 PM) Visitor 11250743: no
(2:08:31 PM) Visitor 11250743: i live in te Netherlands but i will build on St Maarten
(2:09:10 PM) Teoalida: Caribbean sea…. interesting
(2:09:19 PM) Visitor 11250743: yes
(2:10:19 PM) Visitor 11250743: we just had a bad hurricane past over and everthing is flat
(2:11:02 PM) Visitor 11250743: need to start building back up
(2:11:39 PM) Teoalida: Just read this on Wikipedia
(2:12:06 PM) Teoalida: well… if I have time I can help you with a custom design
(2:12:42 PM) Visitor 11250743: that will be good
(2:13:37 PM) Visitor 11250743: i realy neet to start as soon as posabble
(2:14:12 PM) Teoalida: tell me more details about your project, land dimensions, etc
(2:35:01 PM) *** Visitor 11250743 has left ***

He don’t tell me project details but choose to say FUCK YOU?

Country: Ethiopia
Page URL:

Chat started on Tuesday, January 23, 2018 5:31:07 PM

(5:31:07 PM) *** Visitor 26882084 has joined the chat ***
(5:31:07 PM) Visitor 26882084: hi
(5:31:14 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(5:31:15 PM) Teoalida: hello
(5:31:22 PM) Visitor 26882084: hello
(5:31:42 PM) Visitor 26882084: what can help u
(5:31:54 PM) Teoalida: what are you looking for?
(5:33:43 PM) Visitor 26882084: pls send me 1 bed room,2 bed room,3 bed room condominium house plan
(5:33:53 PM) Visitor 26882084: pls send me 1 bed room,2 bed room,3 bed room condominium house plan
(5:34:10 PM) Teoalida: can you tell me land dimensions and what do you build there? houses or apartments?
(5:34:11 PM) Visitor 26882084: pls send me 1 bed room,2 bed room,3 bed room condominium house plan
(5:34:36 PM) Visitor 26882084: pls send me 1 bed room,2 bed room,3 bed room condominium house plan
(5:35:16 PM) Visitor 26882084: send me condominium
(5:35:25 PM) Visitor 26882084: send me condominium
(5:35:58 PM) Visitor 26882084: plan
(5:36:32 PM) Teoalida: explain your project in detail
(5:36:33 PM) Teoalida:
(5:38:12 PM) Visitor 26882084: 10q your advise
(5:39:50 PM) Teoalida: if you can’t speak english properly I can’t help you…. moreover as stated on website architecture is NO LONGER my primary job and won’t do new projects (unless is a special case)
(5:47:15 PM) Visitor 26882084: fuck you
(6:00:01 PM) *** Visitor 26882084 has left ***

Can’t explain clearly

Country: Kenya
Page URL:

Chat started on Monday, January 29, 2018 9:09:32 AM

(9:09:32 AM) *** Visitor 86699423 has joined the chat ***
(9:09:32 AM) Visitor 86699423: Hello, seen Home for Shwan
(9:09:41 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:09:45 AM) Teoalida: and…?
(9:09:47 AM) Visitor 86699423: It is a great design
(9:09:54 AM) Visitor 86699423: I like it
(9:10:03 AM) Visitor 86699423: Now to my mind
(9:12:49 AM) Visitor 86699423: Can it be customized to a 6 family housing complex of 2 bed roomed each and fit in a studio complex on each floor.
(9:13:53 AM) Teoalida: this means making a new project… nothing from Shwan house can be use
(9:14:09 AM) Teoalida: 2 bedroom or studio? what do you mean?
(9:14:36 AM) Visitor 86699423: it is family housing complex
(9:14:53 AM) Visitor 86699423: 2 houses and a studio on each floor
(9:15:19 AM) Teoalida: 2 floors, 3 apartments per floor?
(9:16:57 AM) Visitor 86699423: 3 floors, 2-2bedrooms houses, and a studio in between
(9:17:21 AM) Teoalida: 2 studios on ground floor and 4 apartments with 2 bedrooms?
(9:18:40 AM) *** Visitor 86699423 has left ***

Why do you quit?

Country: Bangladesh
Page URL:

Chat started on Tuesday, March 06, 2018 10:31:41 PM

(10:31:41 PM) *** Visitor 48623409 has joined the chat ***
(10:31:43 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… if you need any help or just wanna chat, drop here a message!
(10:32:41 PM) Visitor 48623409: Hi is Ali her
(10:32:54 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(10:32:58 PM) Teoalida: what’s up
(10:33:35 PM) Visitor 48623409: do you have any thing in Bangladesh ?
(10:33:48 PM) Teoalida: which thing are you referring to?
(10:34:48 PM) Visitor 48623409: building house
(10:35:00 PM) Teoalida: tell me project details
(10:35:05 PM) Teoalida: land dimensions, number of rooms, etc
(10:35:44 PM) Teoalida: if it can be done QUICKLY I will help you…. otherwise no because I am busy with bigger projects
(10:37:03 PM) Visitor 48623409: I have 40/40 f land in Building house
(10:38:09 PM) *** Visitor 48623409 has left ***

Does my SAMPLE disappointed you

Country: Liberia
Page URL:

Chat started on Saturday, April 14, 2018 7:43:26 PM

(7:43:26 PM) *** Visitor 2731206 has joined the chat ***
(7:43:28 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… may I know what are you looking for? If you need any help, drop here a message!
(7:46:18 PM) Visitor 2731206: two bedroom with a sunken livingroom
(7:46:32 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(7:46:33 PM) Teoalida: ?
(7:46:56 PM) Teoalida: do you want to design a custom house plan for you?
(7:47:43 PM) Visitor 2731206: i want it done in autocad
(7:48:54 PM) Visitor 2731206: sent me sample of a custom house plan
(7:49:16 PM) Teoalida:
(7:51:18 PM) Visitor 2731206: ok
(7:52:54 PM) *** Visitor 2731206 has left ***

Why do you quit chat after you were looking for jobs and I could give outsource you some job

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Monday, January 14, 2019 7:26:29 PM

(7:26:29 PM) *** Visitor 78406310 has joined the chat ***
(7:26:30 PM) Visitor 78406310: HI
(7:26:35 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(7:26:36 PM) Teoalida: hello
(7:27:17 PM) Visitor 78406310: are you providing and cad drafting outsource job
(7:27:42 PM) Teoalida: do you have a project for me or do you want to outsource my projects to you?
(7:27:56 PM) Visitor 78406310: i want to outsouce
(7:28:18 PM) Visitor 78406310: i am freelancer
(7:28:27 PM) Teoalida: so you want to work for me
(7:28:33 PM) Teoalida: what are you experienced in/
(7:28:34 PM) Visitor 78406310: yes sir
(7:28:56 PM) Visitor 78406310: i can do all type of drafting
(7:29:09 PM) Visitor 78406310: like cad conversion
(7:29:17 PM) Visitor 78406310: sketch to cad
(7:29:49 PM) Visitor 78406310: if you need i can do sample
(7:30:01 PM) Teoalida: in 2018 been contacted by 3 people from India saying that wants to work for me in CAD design, I talked with them and all 3 experience is limited to paper to CAD conversion. I don’t need to hire such people. I need to hire architects
(7:30:24 PM) Visitor 78406310: ok
(7:30:31 PM) Teoalida: who can design a building from imagination and met customers requirements, without any reference plan
(7:30:52 PM) Teoalida: this is what I have done myself between 2008 and 2016
(7:30:58 PM) Teoalida: since 2017 I outsource
(7:31:39 PM) Visitor 78406310: i can do drafting cost @4$ per hrs ok any way no problem
(7:31:40 PM) Teoalida:
(7:34:52 PM) *** Visitor 78406310 has left ***

Why you quit and not make a deal

Country: United Arab Emirates
Page URL:

Chat started on Saturday, March 02, 2019 3:05:01 PM

(3:05:01 PM) *** Visitor 36324325 has joined the chat ***
(3:05:01 PM) Visitor 36324325: hi
(3:05:08 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(3:05:09 PM) Teoalida: hello
(3:05:17 PM) Visitor 36324325: how re you
(3:06:01 PM) Visitor 36324325: pleas tell me all mobiles 2018 model list send for me
(3:06:43 PM) Teoalida: I can filter my database to display only models launched in 2018-present
(3:06:54 PM) Teoalida: but older models are still available in shops
(3:07:23 PM) Visitor 36324325: ok thanks
(3:07:50 PM) Teoalida: so what is your choice?
(3:08:12 PM) *** Visitor 36324325 has left ***

He don’t understand me?

Country: Finland
Page URL:

Chat started on Wednesday, July 03, 2019 9:49:37 PM

(9:49:37 PM) *** Visitor 49417154 has joined the chat ***
(9:49:39 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from Finland, what are you looking for? If you need any help or just want to talk about what is on my website, drop here a message!
(9:50:19 PM) Visitor 49417154: Hi good evening ?
(9:50:27 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:50:30 PM) Teoalida: what’s up
(9:51:05 PM) Visitor 49417154: Was checking on how to build an apartment
(9:52:37 PM) Visitor 49417154: I want to do some business in Africa
(9:52:42 PM) Teoalida: do you need architectural design services?
(9:52:58 PM) Visitor 49417154: Am in to apartments
(9:53:34 PM) Visitor 49417154: No I don’t have any
(9:55:30 PM) Visitor 49417154: I don’t know of any architectural design service
(9:56:04 PM) Teoalida: I am asking if you need MY help in architectural design
(9:56:40 PM) Visitor 49417154: Yes I do and will be very happy if you help
(9:58:16 PM) Teoalida: tell me land dimensions and project details
(9:59:53 PM) Visitor 49417154: It 2plots of land and close to a school
(10:03:28 PM) Teoalida: I need length and width of your land, or send me site plan, and tell how many floors, apartments per floor and rooms per apartment do you need…
(10:06:20 PM) Teoalida:
(10:34:27 PM) *** Visitor 49417154 has left ***

Why do you offer me something then quit chat after I tell you my country? Do you hate Singaporeans?

Country: India
Page URL:

Chat started on Wednesday, July 03, 2019 10:26:34 PM

(10:26:34 PM) *** Visitor 1264832 has joined the chat ***
(10:26:36 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from India, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(10:27:05 PM) Visitor 1264832: I want to sell database
(10:27:15 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(10:27:28 PM) Teoalida: usually people contact me to buy databases from me, what are you selling?
(10:27:47 PM) Visitor 1264832: Because i have lots of data
(10:28:00 PM) Visitor 1264832: With 95% accuracy
(10:28:53 PM) Visitor 1264832: I can give you at a very good price
(10:29:17 PM) Teoalida: can you explain more exactly what data are you selling?
(10:29:20 PM) Teoalida: or send me a sample
(10:29:36 PM) Teoalida: myself have about 80 databases of which half sold for money and rest free
(10:30:21 PM) Visitor 1264832: I have data for students stockholders investors and many more
(10:31:41 PM) Visitor 1264832: I would consist of Name,Phone number,Address, location
(10:32:26 PM) Teoalida: once time ago someone also asked me if I can create database for stock markets… but I have ZERO experience in this
(10:32:57 PM) Visitor 1264832: Where are you from
(10:34:08 PM) Teoalida: Singapore
(10:34:41 PM) *** Visitor 1264832 has left ***

Someone contacted me twice, always run away when I ask project details

Country: Trinidad and Tobago
Page URL:

Chat started on Friday, November 15, 2019 12:15:33 AM

(12:15:33 AM) *** Visitor 19807938 has joined the chat ***
(12:15:35 AM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from Trinidad and Tobago, what are you looking for? If you need any help or just want to talk about what is on my website, drop here a message!
(12:23:39 AM) Visitor 19807938: hi I am looking for mulit story apartment buildings floor plans
(12:23:48 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(12:23:50 AM) Teoalida: Do you need a simple floor plan (for ideas)… or also detailed floor plan, elevations, sections, electrical, plumbing drawings, structural calculation, bill of materials, 3D design (for submission to authorities)?
(12:24:00 AM) Visitor 19807938: 7 to 8 stories
(12:24:04 AM) Visitor 19807938: yes
(12:24:55 AM) Teoalida: also provide land dimensions
(12:25:18 AM) Visitor 19807938: the area is 2.41 hectares
(12:26:06 AM) Teoalida: I need to see site plan, or tell exact length and width
(12:26:19 AM) Teoalida: and more details about buildings
(12:26:28 AM) Teoalida: so my partner architects can give you a price offer
(12:46:05 AM) *** Visitor 19807938 has left ***

Chat started on Sunday, November 24, 2019 1:46:20 AM

(1:46:20 AM) *** Visitor 19807938 has joined the chat ***
(1:46:22 AM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from Trinidad and Tobago, what are you looking for? If you need any help or just want to talk about what is on my website, drop here a message!
(1:47:22 AM) Visitor 19807938: what are the standard room sizes for an 40×20 apartment
(1:47:44 AM) Visitor 19807938: bedrooms, living room, kitchen, toilet and bath
(1:47:51 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(1:48:10 AM) Visitor 19807938: apartment building
(1:48:10 AM) Teoalida: look in my past designs posted on website to see typical room sizes
(1:48:25 AM) Teoalida: do you want to design a custom project for you?
(1:48:37 AM) Visitor 19807938: yeah
(2:08:25 AM) Teoalida: send me site plan and project details
(2:21:39 AM) Teoalida: also give me an email or some contact info
(2:21:42 AM) Teoalida: I need to sleep
(2:45:46 AM) *** Visitor 19807938 has left ***

He said that need help but closed chat immediately afterwards

Country: Canada
Page URL:

Chat started on Monday, March 23, 2020 7:12:55 PM

(7:12:55 PM) *** Visitor 69608302 has joined the chat ***
(7:12:55 PM) Visitor 69608302: hi
(7:13:08 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(7:13:10 PM) Teoalida: hello
(7:13:49 PM) Visitor 69608302: i am querries about buy a plot in india
(7:14:21 PM) Visitor 69608302: I have Querries about buy a new plot in India
(7:14:45 PM) Teoalida: so how I can help you?
(7:15:00 PM) Visitor 69608302: do you have one?
(7:15:29 PM) Teoalida: do you need architectural design services?
(7:15:33 PM) Visitor 69608302: yes
(7:15:52 PM) Teoalida: provide site plan so I can see dimensions and project details, number of floors, rooms, etc
(7:16:17 PM) Teoalida: past projects done
(7:17:07 PM) Visitor 69608302: Thanks
(7:17:49 PM) Teoalida: Do you need a simple floor plan (for ideas)… or also detailed floor plan, elevations, sections, electrical, plumbing drawings, structural calculation, bill of materials, 3D design (for submission to authorities)?
(7:18:15 PM) *** Visitor 69608302 has left ***

Someone want to work for me but quit and never came back

Note: I still see visitors online and able to write them messages 30 seconds after they closed website so I assume that he did not saw my last message. Based on his last message “Quick In response” I guess that he tired waiting few minutes without any reply from me, but this means that he should go away and never show me sample works made by him as I asked?

Country: Pakistan
Page URL:

Chat started on Sunday, April 05, 2020 6:11:59 PM

(6:11:59 PM) *** Visitor 99713674 has joined the chat ***
(6:12:01 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from Pakistan, do you want to purchase editable DWG of floor plans posted on website, or design a custom floor plan and even a complete set of architectural drawings?
(6:12:01 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from Pakistan, what are you looking for? If you need any help or just want to talk about what is on my website, drop here a message!
(6:12:39 PM) Visitor 99713674: hi
(6:13:03 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(6:13:06 PM) Teoalida: what’s up
(6:23:02 PM) Teoalida: can I help you with anything?
(6:23:24 PM) Visitor 99713674: i just came across your website
(6:23:43 PM) Visitor 99713674: i looks great with all the services and products you have
(6:26:09 PM) Visitor 99713674: I think its a great source of work from home
(6:27:08 PM) Visitor 99713674: I am Civil Engineer with Intermediate Level of AutoCad operational expertise.
(6:27:53 PM) Visitor 99713674: Good at generating new ideas
(6:28:09 PM) Visitor 99713674: Plz let me know if i could b of any help
(6:28:14 PM) Visitor 99713674: thanks
(6:28:29 PM) Teoalida: do you want to work for me?
(6:28:43 PM) Visitor 99713674: Yeah i would
(6:31:19 PM) Teoalida: show me something made by you
(6:33:00 PM) Visitor 99713674: Sure in s day or two i have to create new models as i have lost my previous data unfortunately
(6:33:25 PM) Teoalida: lost all? how is this possible
(6:34:27 PM) Visitor 99713674: I didnt have the backup for i am in the filed for long time
(6:37:28 PM) Visitor 99713674: it might be a little surprising to you but hey thts how it works here
(6:38:24 PM) Teoalida: I still have in my computer projects made by me more than 20 years agol
(6:38:25 PM) Visitor 99713674: if you are in the filed out in durt you rearley get to work with your models and drawing anyway
(6:39:04 PM) Visitor 99713674: I have been on field work on construction project execution
(6:40:03 PM) Visitor 99713674: Thts great i should follow you from now on
(6:40:41 PM) Visitor 99713674: as i am now eager to work on designs my self
(6:42:42 PM) Visitor 99713674: Thanks anyways
(6:43:20 PM) Visitor 99713674: i will really appreciate your consideration thanks
(6:43:33 PM) Visitor 99713674: how do i share my work ?
(6:43:53 PM) Visitor 99713674 has rated the chat Good
(6:44:14 PM) Visitor 99713674: Quick In response
(6:45:32 PM) Teoalida: you can email me… but for your benefits if you want to SHARE you should create a website like mine
(6:45:45 PM) *** Visitor 99713674 has left ***

How I can help you if you don’t indicate country of construction?

He contacted me from Qatar which is workplace for many people from Philippines, but I cannot be sure so I had to ask… he ran away without answering. Is also strange that he landed from Google in then went to then to … without clicking any page under /design to see my own architectural works, so what made him to contact me for architectural design services??

Country: Qatar
Page URL:

Chat started on Thursday, July 23, 2020 3:47:03 PM

(3:47:03 PM) *** Visitor has joined the chat ***
(3:47:05 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from Qatar, what are you looking for? If you need any help or just want to talk about what is on my website, drop here a message!
(3:55:42 PM) Visitor: hi,
(3:55:54 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(3:55:56 PM) Teoalida: what’s up
(3:56:12 PM) Visitor: i am looking for 4 bed room 3 bathroom 3 story home design
(3:56:18 PM) Visitor has rated the chat Good
(3:56:31 PM) Teoalida: where are you building?
(3:56:54 PM) Visitor is currently viewing
(3:58:18 PM) Teoalida: Do you need a simple floor plan (for ideas)… or also detailed floor plan, elevations, sections, electrical, plumbing drawings, structural calculation, bill of materials, 3D design (for submission to authorities)?
(3:59:27 PM) Visitor: simple home floor idea
(3:59:46 PM) Visitor: first then later with full details
(4:00:58 PM) Teoalida: if you want custom floor plan I need to know at least country where are you building it and land dimensions
(4:02:42 PM) Teoalida: or look at floor plans posted on website and tell me which are your favorites…. ?
(4:11:48 PM) *** Visitor has left ***

I said that I have 2 architects who can help him, and he reply “no thanks”

Chat started on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 8:34:27 AM

(8:34:27 AM) *** Visitor 34571675 has joined the chat ***
(8:34:27 AM) Visitor 34571675: please give me drowing 50’25”
(8:34:42 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(8:34:45 AM) Teoalida: how many rooms do you need?
(8:35:11 AM) Visitor 34571675: 4 room
(8:35:29 AM) Teoalida: and do you need a simple floor plan (for ideas)… or also detailed floor plan, elevations, sections, electrical, plumbing drawings, structural calculation, bill of materials, 3D design (for submission to authorities)?
(8:38:03 AM) Visitor 34571675: need to detailed floor plan and elevations, sections, electrical, plumbing drawings, structural calculation, bill of materials, 3D design .
(8:38:44 AM) Visitor 34571675: need to two unit building
(8:39:04 AM) Teoalida: my partner architect can make all these drawings for you, how much do you pay?
(8:41:52 AM) Visitor 34571675: how much pay for architect
(8:43:27 AM) Visitor 34571675: how much money do you want?
(8:44:10 AM) Teoalida: I have 2 partners in India, one experienced and one student which may charge cheaper
(8:46:51 AM) Teoalida: how we can contact you?
(8:47:29 AM) Visitor 34571675: no……………….thanks
(8:48:14 AM) Teoalida: why do you say this?
(8:48:22 AM) Teoalida: did you wanted whole project to be done by myself?
(8:48:45 AM) Teoalida: Can I hire you for a project?
See above traffic figures and imagine how many people battle for my services. I want to reduce time spent doing custom projects, because I can earn more $ by doing SEO and marketing of already-made projects, than by making a new project paid only by you. I may make new projects ONLY IF multiple people are interested, prioritizing based on how many people request or benefit from it.

If you have ideas for a project useful for thousands people, you’re welcome, if you want 10-minute consultation, you’re welcome, but if you want an architectural design or any other project that takes more than 1 hour and have NO USE for anyone else than yourself, I won’t spend my personal time helping you, instead I connect you with my partners offering services starting at $10/hour (useful if you need long-term workforce).

copy-pasted from
(8:52:44 AM) *** Visitor 34571675 has left ***

Why you ask for help, not answer my questions, say Thanks and go away?

Country: Canada
Page URL:

Chat started on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 7:37:45 PM

(7:37:45 PM) *** Visitor 73725211 has joined the chat ***
(7:37:45 PM) Visitor 73725211: rectangle hotel floor plan dwg
(7:38:22 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(7:38:36 PM) Teoalida: during my career in architecture I designed only residential buildings
(7:39:11 PM) Teoalida: but my partners architects can design any type of buildings
(7:39:33 PM) Teoalida: do you want to buy ready-made drawings made in the past or pay for a new custom drawing?
(7:39:52 PM) Visitor 73725211: could you send your friend address
(7:40:47 PM) Teoalida: I have partner architects in India, Nigeria, Philippines, Romania and United States… where will be built your hotel?
(7:41:00 PM) Visitor 73725211: thanks
(7:41:05 PM) Visitor 73725211 is currently viewing
(7:42:16 PM) *** Visitor 73725211 has left ***

Probably customer wanted to have project done by MYSELF, refused to work with a friend

Country: United States
Page URL:

Chat started on Tuesday, October 27, 2020 9:43:57 PM

(9:43:57 PM) *** Visitor 34880592 has joined the chat ***
(9:43:59 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from United States, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(9:45:02 PM) Visitor 34880592: amazon
(9:45:12 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:45:12 PM) Teoalida: ??
(9:47:00 PM) Visitor 34880592: wanted to know how much it is for weekly runs…is it the same cost as you describe onthe site
(9:47:16 PM) Teoalida: what do you need more exactly from Amazon?
(9:47:32 PM) Visitor 34880592: all products all prices for the UK and US top seller lists
(9:48:07 PM) Teoalida: what do you mean “all products” since there are millions products on Amazon
(9:48:25 PM) Visitor 34880592: not on the top seller lists – 100 products by category
(9:49:04 PM) Visitor 34880592: but generally if the first collector is $X and we need it collected every day is the cost then $X * days ?
(9:52:03 PM) Teoalida: and because Amazon is a huge website, they can also invest in anti-scraping measures
(9:52:25 PM) Teoalida: few years ago I tried scraping didn’t succeded… I don’t remember what happened
(9:53:16 PM) Teoalida: anyway what do you want looks a huge job + monthly updates and NO use for anyone else
(9:53:35 PM) Teoalida: what I should do now is to refer you to a friend able to take such big jobs. How we can contact you?
(9:54:50 PM) Visitor 34880592: ok.
(9:56:00 PM) *** Visitor 34880592 has left ***

“I don’t have an email” looks like he invented an excuse to refuse working with me

Country: United States
Page URL:

Chat started on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 9:52:36 PM

(9:52:36 PM) *** Visitor 92308533 has joined the chat ***
(9:52:38 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from United States, are you looking for a specific database? Let me know if I can help you!
(9:53:01 PM) Visitor 92308533: Hi My Name is Nick
(9:53:16 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:53:17 PM) Teoalida: welcome
(9:55:28 PM) Visitor 92308533: is there a list of Heavy Construction Equipment/Vehicles because i am interested in them. 🙂
(9:56:06 PM) Teoalida: As you probably noticed, there are lots of websites about cars like and,, that I used to scrap data from and create these car databases, but not many websites about trucks… where I can extract data for trucks to make a similar database?
(9:56:44 PM) Teoalida: oh, for construction equipment is I put this project ON HOLD because would take at least 10 hours to write all codes
I may need to make separate table for each type of equipment, so price $500
(9:58:07 PM) Visitor 92308533: the info i am requesting is the vehicle number year make model and type no need for prices
(9:59:59 PM) Visitor 92308533: are you there
(10:00:23 PM) Teoalida: I am here ~14 hours/day
(10:01:03 PM) Visitor 92308533: the vehicle info i am requesting is vehicle number year make model and type
(10:02:06 PM) Teoalida: do you mean that I shouldn’t bother writing codes for all specifications?
(10:02:49 PM) Visitor 92308533: no.
(10:03:51 PM) Visitor 92308533: i just need a list of Trucks the info i need is the vehicle number year make model and vehicle type
(10:05:19 PM) Teoalida: does provide that? what is “vehicle number” ?
(10:07:10 PM) Visitor 92308533: vehicle number means thats the number for a Garbage Company or an excavating company
(10:08:44 PM) Teoalida: can you indicate exactly where do I find this number? and leave your email, when I have time for new projects I will anounce you
(10:10:06 PM) Visitor 92308533: i dont have an email
(10:10:18 PM) Visitor 92308533: have a great day

(10:10:25 PM) Teoalida: then what do you have?
(10:10:31 PM) Teoalida: skype, whatsapp, etc?
(10:11:01 PM) Teoalida: how do people contact you?
(10:12:54 PM) *** Visitor 92308533 has left ***

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3 comments about Ask help and run away!

  1. And by posting all this right here you expect to get what exactly? If a contractor is not meeting the requirements as outlined in their contract then you go to the COR. If shady stuff is going on with the Chain of Command you go to the IG. You can write your congress members asking them to investigate. As a last resort there’s the media, and you know they would be all over a story that paints the military in a bad light. There are channels you go to in order to right wrongs. . . Yahoo answers is not one of those channels.

    1. Is this comment related in any way with my website’s content or… you are just a fucking spammer posting same comment on many blogs to get backlinks?

  2. I am not positive where you’re getting your info,
    however great topic. I needs to spend a while studying much more or working out more.
    Thanks for excellent info I used to be searching for this information for my mission.

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