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How to NOT address to a business partner

During 2 days I got 4 chats from SAME IP located in Australia, first time whoever the person was, gave me a BAD impression of a child making PRANKS claiming that is a diplomat and his parents are living North Korea (this page gets heavy traffic of school-age children making pranks, you can read more examples of stupid chats here so I usually do not take in serious ANY chat initiated from North Korea page). At 2nd chat he asked about Malaysia but still had North Korea page opened.

Next day at 3rd chat he say that is from a construction company and yesterday person was a colleague, the fact that message was sent from same North Korea I was sure that he is still joking, he quit chat and came back for a 4th time saying that wants to do business with me. I asked him to prove that he if serious and he quit again, probably disappointed that I did not took him in serious.

Would you take in serious a person addressing you in this way?

There is a SMALL probability that they were indeed from a construction company and could do business with them, an employee looking for info about North Korea found my website and had fun on my chat, then told to his boss “hey, we found an experienced architect, can we employ him?” and the boss came to give me business, but checking the pages they opened, they DID NOT opened any page under /design section, so why a company would employ someone for architectural services without checking his architectural portfolio?

I hoped that he will come back for a 5th chat so I can ask more details about job and see if it suits me or pass it to my partner architects, but I never saw him again.

Page URL:
Chat started on Monday, July 09, 2018 1:28:32 PM

(1:28:32 PM) *** Visitor 67870036 has joined the chat ***
(1:28:34 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… may I know what are you looking for? If you need any help, drop here a message!
(1:43:03 PM) Visitor 67870036: hi i am looking for a property in pyong yang
(1:43:10 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(1:43:16 PM) Teoalida: why there?
(1:43:35 PM) Visitor 67870036: because I like the city. My family has always talked about moving there
(1:44:24 PM) Teoalida: I haven’t read anywhere about any way of migrating in North Korea
(1:44:33 PM) Teoalida: you can only go there as tourist via guided tour
(1:44:43 PM) Visitor 67870036: oh really
(1:44:48 PM) Visitor 67870036: do u know any real estate agents there?
(1:44:54 PM) Visitor 67870036: I’m lookng for a 3 bedroom apartment
(1:44:55 PM) Teoalida: or (very difficult) to get employed in an embassy
(1:45:05 PM) Visitor 67870036: I am employed in an embassy though
(1:45:08 PM) Visitor 67870036: I am a diplomat there
(1:45:15 PM) Teoalida: but why someone from western world would want to move into most enclosed country on earth?
(1:45:40 PM) Visitor 67870036: because my parents live in north korea
(1:46:27 PM) Teoalida: I think that you’re either retarded and obsessed by communism, either you like making pranks on customer service chats
(1:47:34 PM) *** Visitor 67870036 has left ***

Page URL:
Chat started on Monday, July 09, 2018 1:47:10 PM

(1:47:10 PM) *** Visitor 87385589 has joined the chat ***
(1:47:11 PM) Visitor 87385589: hello
(1:47:15 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(1:47:15 PM) Teoalida: hi
(1:47:25 PM) Visitor 87385589: do u have any experience in buying a house in malaysia
(1:47:57 PM) Teoalida: you have same IP with the idiot contacting me few minutes ago making pranks about North Korea
(1:48:36 PM) *** Visitor 87385589 has left ***

Page URL:
Chat started on Tuesday, July 10, 2018 3:19:15 PM

(3:19:15 PM) *** Visitor 78530842 has joined the chat ***
(3:19:15 PM) Visitor 78530842: Hi
(3:19:21 PM) Visitor 78530842: do u design houses?
(3:19:30 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(3:19:40 PM) Teoalida: in the past, yes I designed
(3:19:54 PM) Visitor 78530842: I’m looking to build a house in Penang
(3:20:20 PM) Teoalida: however why are you looking in North Korea page?
(3:20:36 PM) Visitor 78530842: i was just interested beacuse i thought u couldnt buy in north korea
(3:20:43 PM) Visitor 78530842: its interesting that u have a north korea page
(3:20:54 PM) Visitor 78530842: im actually looking at your hdb flat designs
(3:21:10 PM) Teoalida: you have same IP with a person who yesterday said wants to move in North Korea, that his parents are in North Korea, and other childish jokes
(3:21:26 PM) Visitor 78530842: im from a building company
(3:21:31 PM) Visitor 78530842: it might be my colleague yesterday
(3:22:53 PM) Teoalida: prove that you are serious and not joking
(3:52:35 PM) *** Visitor 78530842 has left ***

Page URL:
Chat started on Tuesday, July 10, 2018 4:06:59 PM

(4:06:59 PM) *** Visitor 78530842 has joined the chat ***
(4:07:00 PM) Visitor 78530842: ok fine dud i wanted to give u business
(4:07:04 PM) Visitor 78530842: but if u dont want it thats ur problem
(4:07:08 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(4:07:13 PM) Teoalida: tell me more about your business
(4:07:18 PM) Teoalida: to see if you are serious or not
(4:07:35 PM) Visitor 78530842: well we are a regional construction company based in melbourne australia
(4:07:48 PM) Visitor 78530842: we mainly work with architects to do 4-5 bedroom residential buidings
(4:07:56 PM) Visitor 78530842: we r looking to outsource our designs
(4:07:57 PM) Teoalida: Do note that MANY people propose me business every month but some pay so low that doesn’t worth my time. How much do you pay?
(4:08:13 PM) Visitor 78530842: r u an architect?
(4:08:34 PM) Teoalida: I have been worked in architecture in 2012-2016
(4:08:57 PM) Visitor 78530842: r u in singapore
(4:09:11 PM) Visitor 78530842: because u have a lot of hdb designs
(4:09:38 PM) Teoalida: architects from all over the world go to Singapore to study the excellence of HDB and try to do the same in their countries
(4:09:49 PM) Visitor 78530842: oh i see
(4:10:43 PM) *** Visitor 78530842 has left ***

I was typing a long message when he quit the chat: 

As you probably read on website I left architecture in 2016 due to bad experiences had when working for individual customers, most of them being located in third-world countries paying little or nothing. BUT if you are from Australia and you’re a big company rather than an individual, and generous in payments, I may be interested in working for you!

But honestly, the way in which he addressed me in 1st day gave me a bad impression of a child making jokes than a potential business partner, I was ready to BAN HIS IP.

Dear businessmen, be careful how do you address someone you want to do business with!

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