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Kids, please DON’T disturb me with dumb questions!

This website is visited by over 2000 people/day, mostly ADULTS, including businessmen, respectful people that knows to start a chat with me ONLY IF you want to buy something, pay a service, or need a professional consultation.

But a small number of visitors are kids, especially the Housing around the World section seems to be popular among American school children looking for information about other countries for their school essay. This small number of kids cause a huge nuisance.

I love children (playing with them on playground) but I HATE children contacting me via a chatbox intended for business inquiries. I keep chat online since I wake up until I sleep to allow potential customers to message me, but I do not always stay in front of computer, when someone write messages in chat my computer is ringing so I try to run to computer to not miss a potential customer… but see a kid saying “no thanks”, “GTFO”, “send nudes” or other vague questions that have nothing to do with my business, stupid kids don’t realize at other end is a BUSY man, some may think that chatbox is a bot and can spam any messages here.

You may advise me to help kids for better future generations, WRONG, is better to END conversation once I realize that I am talking with a kid, even with risk of negative rating for “not helping”. Because if I answer questions from kids, they are likely to ask more questions just to keep conversation on-going with NO benefits for me, come back again next days and waste my time from doing projects that customers paid me to do.

Schoolmates see him talking with me or he tell to schoolmates to do the same, my screen fills up with chat windows from multiple kids, and if I don’t reply fast enough, they repeat messages or close chat and start another chat after few minutes, distracting me from seeing questions by serious customers and miss to reply them (happened few times, customers didn’t knew that I was busy / talking with someone else, to repeat message or call me again later, they thought that I don’t reply because I am not interested in doing business, and never came back = I lost a potential sale of few hundreds dollars due to fucking KIDS).

You may advise me to make entering email address a requirement before being able to start conversation. WRONG, I risk losing potential customers who do not want to disclose their identity before asking anonymously pre-purchase questions and make sure I have what they needs, while kids will enter random fake emails just to annoy me.

Dear kids, imagine calling your mom or dad when they are busy at work, and talk about games they don’t play, movies they don’t watch, talk about sex or other stuff of your personal interest, how they will react?

Examples: 12-year kids from Singapore and multiple groups of kids from United States visiting North Korea page. One day, someone asked on website chat what is my Skype ID motivating “I have something important to discuss”, he added me in Skype and sent me photos with his shit in toilet, then videocalled me and I saw few kids in a classroom.

I tell kids that chat should be used ONLY for business inquiries and NOT for homework help or “to chat with a friend” because they are bored, some kids understand and don’t disturb me again, other kids return pretending that are someone else looking for business, to buy or build a house, etc, but lack of proper project details made me to realize quickly that is not a real customer. One day, Toss Smithe & friends created a fake email address named “private contractor” offering $10,000 architectural project, wasting my time and my partner architect’s time for a week until we realized that was a fucking PRANK.

Stupid questions on customer serviceA

This is example of SERIOUS customer contacting me
Zendesk Chat

This is how some IDIOTS disturb me with non-sense messages
Zendesk Chat troll
Zendesk Chat troll

In May 2018 during a single week I received few dozens messages, random off-topic questions, I suspected that someone has posted in Facebook or WhatsApp group something like “If you have any questions go to and contact site owner, he answer everything” but when I asked them how they found my website they said that via Google. In May 2019 again I received a large number of random messages. What does happen in US schools in May?

I get a lot of simple questions that could be answered with a simple Google search or a check on Wikipedia, many of them not even on-topic of website (housing). I also get non-sense messages of random letters or sexual harassment messages.

Is also true that some teachers give students projects that require them to gather hard-to-find information, but most of these students are so dumb that they don’t even know how to ask a question properly, I got many VAGUE questions that cannot be answered exactly, I give them a VAGUE answer, some say Thank you and quickly close chat, others unhappy of my answer rate chat negatively, start swearing, threatening that will report me (where?) and I will be fired (this is my personal website so I have no boss).

If you need info for school project, try using Google and find information yourself, if you need help from a PERSON, ask for help on Reddit or Facebook groups populated by thousands people, thus is easier to find someone (or even multiple people) less busy than me, able to help you better than I could.

During Coronavirus pandemic, since schools moved online, I was able to see a large number of people visiting certain pages of my website coming from SAME link Conclusion: some kids don’t come here by their own, but TEACHERS instruct kids to visit my website and use info provided here. I don’t know if teachers instructed kids to contact me via chat, but I am sure that teachers intention was NOT to be spammed with vulgar words and sexual messages.

Example of VAGUE questions:

How do I find the population? – are you asking about population of a specific city, country, total world population, or what?

I need info about education system? – which information do you need? stages of school (primary, secondary, college, etc), total number of schools in a city/country, list of all schools with each one’s addresses, or what?

Harassment from Regis and Grove schools

During December 2018 some kids used my website comments boxes to talk each other, they published 42 comments about Nazis, Jews, Niggers, and sex stuff, then started spamming my customer support chat, pretend to be 40 year old and want to buy a house “to have sex in it” words that proved that is not a customer but retarded kids wasting my time, making me to lose $300 sale for missing to reply a customer because my screen filled up with chats started at same time by kids, their IP was located at Regis School, West Sussex, United Kingdom, so instead of deleting comments I moved them to a dedicated page and emailed this link + chatlogs to Regis School, but did not got any reply.

Someone told me via chat that saw inappropriate comments on my website and when I asked if he have any relation with kids or how found my website, he said that is 25 years old and been walking with his dog when 13-14 year old kids left Regis School with phones in hands and laughing, he asked them why they laugh and kids showed him my website including the rubbish comments they posted. What they find funny in this?

Then, school technician came in chat and apologize for nuisance caused by their students and asked me to provide chat transcripts, I told him that already emailed them to Regis School, he said that are NOT Regis School but Grove School in Market Drayton (I don’t know how was possible, kids from 2 schools located at 270km away were annoying me at same time) and found my website because of Senso software that take screenshot every time a bad word is typen. Since I banned school IPs they started using proxies to contact me again so was impossible to tell which chat belong to who, I just forwarded all chats originally sent to Regis School to the email address provided by Grove School technician, but again did not got any reply.

He ask a question which I answer politely… then he start swearing

Location: Flourtown, Pennsylvania, United States
Page URL:

Chat started on Thursday, November 30, 2017 8:58:57 PM

(8:58:57 PM) *** Visitor 85640686 has joined the chat ***
(8:58:59 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… if you need any help or just wanna chat, drop here a message!
(9:00:20 PM) Visitor 85640686: How can I travel to North Korea?
(9:00:34 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:00:38 PM) Teoalida: apply for a tour
(9:01:50 PM) *** Visitor 85640686 has left ***

Chat started on Thursday, November 30, 2017 9:05:59 PM

(9:05:59 PM) *** Visitor 85640686 has joined the chat ***
(9:05:59 PM) Visitor 85640686: How I apply for a tur?
(9:06:07 PM) Visitor 85640686: I meant tour
(9:06:21 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:06:29 PM) Teoalida: go to a tourism agency for example
(9:06:42 PM) Visitor 85640686: Ok thanks by the way u are a fucking pusssy
(9:06:55 PM) Teoalida: why do you use such language?
(9:07:38 PM) Teoalida: may I know why do you want to travel to THIS country?
due to tensions with USA some tourism agencies may choose to not accept US citizens for safety reasons
(9:08:09 PM) Visitor 85640686: OH SHIT IM AMERICAN AF
(9:09:11 PM) Teoalida: you sound like a kid with big dreams having fun on chat
(9:10:01 PM) Teoalida: do you have money for travel?
(9:10:07 PM) Visitor 85640686: YEAH IM A RAPPER
(9:10:11 PM) Visitor 85640686: I GOT MAD BREAD
(9:10:41 PM) Teoalida: a tour in North Korea cost few thousand dollars and you’re permanently guided and not allowed to do what you want…. you will only visit several monuments
(9:10:48 PM) Teoalida: doesn’t worth the money in my opinion
(9:11:02 PM) Teoalida: and stop dreaming that you can meet Kim Jong Un
(9:40:06 PM) *** Visitor 85640686 has left ***

Buy chicken

Thursday, 14 Mar, 2013
Country: Canada
Page URL:
[16:22] Visitor: Hello?
[16:22] Teoalida has joined the conversation
[16:22] Teoalida: hi
[16:22] Visitor is now known as Jefferson
[16:23] Jefferson: Do you know a good place to buy some chiken?
[16:23] Jefferson: chicken
[16:23] Teoalida: Go to supermarket
[16:23] Jefferson: ok thanks
[16:23] Teoalida: Why do you ask ME this?
[16:23] Jefferson: »No time sorry bye
[16:24] Teoalida: Is one of the weirdest questions from website visitors
[16:24] Jefferson has left the conversation

Kid pretending that need architectural design services

This american visited where first row says “Are you building a house in Philippines? See sample house plans and contact me to design new house for you!” plus his messages, gave me impression that is an overseas filipino worker looking to build a house in his home country, but actually was an american kid “playing” on customer support chat and wasting my time!

Location: Littleton, Massachusetts, United States
Page URL:

Chat started on Monday, May 20, 2019 1:01:20 AM

(1:01:20 AM) *** Visitor 54921455 has joined the chat ***
(1:01:22 AM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from United States, what are you looking for? If you need any help or just want to talk about what is on my website, drop here a message!
(1:04:24 AM) Visitor 54921455: Hi,
(1:04:37 AM) Visitor 54921455: I am doing a project on the philippines.
(1:04:53 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(1:04:54 AM) Visitor 54921455: And I am looking for information about the house types.
(1:05:01 AM) Visitor 54921455 has rated the chat Good
(1:05:06 AM) Teoalida: tell me land dimensions and how many rooms do you need
(1:05:42 AM) Visitor 54921455: I need a plot size of 900 feet x 600 feet and 3 story house with 7 bedrooms.
(1:05:47 AM) Visitor 54921455: 3 Bathrooms
(1:05:51 AM) Visitor 54921455: And 2 living rooms
(1:06:33 AM) Teoalida: maybe 90×60 ft because 900×600 is unrealistic large
(1:06:48 AM) Visitor 54921455: Nevermind then
(1:06:50 AM) Visitor 54921455: Have a nice day.
(1:06:52 AM) Visitor 54921455 has changed the rating to Bad
(1:06:56 AM) Visitor 54921455 has removed the chat rating
(1:06:58 AM) Teoalida: see my designs
(1:07:07 AM) Teoalida: why do you rate chat BAD?
(1:07:15 AM) Visitor 54921455: I didn’t.
(1:07:19 AM) Visitor 54921455: I removed my rate.
(1:07:22 AM) Visitor 54921455: To normal.
(1:07:24 AM) Visitor 54921455: Thanks,
(1:07:25 AM) Visitor 54921455: bye.
(1:07:39 AM) Teoalida: but this prove how non serious you are
(1:07:45 AM) Visitor 54921455: Excuse me?
(1:07:49 AM) Visitor 54921455: I will leave it bad then.
(1:07:51 AM) Visitor 54921455: Have a nice day.
(1:07:53 AM) Visitor 54921455 has rated the chat Bad
(1:08:01 AM) Teoalida: and sadly, there are MANY people like you
(1:08:08 AM) Visitor 54921455: Same with you
(1:08:16 AM) Teoalida: due to people like you I had to quit my job of architectural designer
(1:08:24 AM) Visitor 54921455: Congradulations.
(1:08:27 AM) Visitor 54921455: Why would i car
(1:08:28 AM) Visitor 54921455: ee
(1:08:47 AM) Visitor 54921455: You know what FUCK YOU get a better life bitch, you didn’t quit you probably got fired.
(1:08:48 AM) Teoalida: you aren’t even checking my house designs but you request architectural design services from me
(1:08:58 AM) Visitor 54921455: I am not even requestin that
(1:09:05 AM) Teoalida: I think that you are an american kid who don’t own anything in Philippines
(1:09:06 AM) Visitor 54921455: I just asked a simple question
(1:09:14 AM) Visitor 54921455: I do not own anything in the Philippines.
(1:09:21 AM) Visitor 54921455: But I am a major shareholder in the US.
(1:09:32 AM) Visitor 54921455: Thats why I needed it “unrealistic large:
(1:09:34 AM) Visitor 54921455: “
(1:09:45 AM) Visitor 54921455: Good day, bye.
(1:09:58 AM) Teoalida: hope I won’t see you again
(1:10:13 AM) Teoalida: let me to be contacted by serious customers only
(1:10:24 AM) *** Visitor 54921455 has left ***

Too many people contacting me at same time = BAD!

On 22 January 2018 during an interval of only 10 minutes I received 9 chats from 6 people, asking various questions picked from my own writings. For example in I wrote “Brasilia, the biggest planned city of the world, by architects Lúcio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer” and “Sao Paulo is considered one of most vertical cities in the world” and they asked questions like “Which is the biggest planned city in the world?” and “which city is considered one of the most vertical city” I don’t understand why they had to ask this.

If you are a group of students needing help from me, please designate ONE person to contact me and ask all questions, if each of you ask a question how I am supposed to answer all them?

12 year child with disturbing behavior

Country: Canada
Page URL:

Chat started on Wednesday, May 02, 2018 7:00:20 PM

(7:00:20 PM) *** Visitor 59275975 has joined the chat ***
(7:00:20 PM) Visitor 59275975: hi
(7:00:30 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(7:00:31 PM) Teoalida: hello
(7:00:44 PM) Visitor 59275975: i need help finding info
(7:01:13 PM) Visitor 59275975: ????
(7:01:18 PM) Visitor 59275975: hey there?
(7:01:23 PM) Teoalida: be more specific what do you need?
(7:01:39 PM) Visitor 59275975: do you only have asia info?
(7:02:02 PM) Teoalida: check how many countries I researched
(7:05:02 PM) Visitor 59275975: ok thanks found the info
(7:05:46 PM) Visitor 59275975: ??
(7:06:10 PM) Visitor 59275975: heello?
(7:06:24 PM) Teoalida: what do you want????
(7:06:40 PM) Visitor 59275975: i want info about antartica
(7:06:51 PM) Visitor 59275975: i’m reasarching about that
(7:06:52 PM) Teoalida: your attitude is childish
(7:07:04 PM) Visitor 59275975: i’m child
(7:07:12 PM) Visitor 59275975: im 12
(7:07:29 PM) Visitor 59275975: ??
(7:07:59 PM) Teoalida: excessive repetition of question marks and “helloooooo” without asking any ACTUAL QUESTION, is also childish
(7:08:37 PM) Visitor 59275975: your owner of this website you supposed to help other people
(7:09:16 PM) Teoalida: I am here to help people paying me to do various projects, NOT to answer stupid questions
(7:10:40 PM) *** Visitor 59275975 has left ***

He or she or friends contacted me 6 times for about 1 hour, always asking non-sense questions.

Dumb and VAGUE questions

Country: United States
Page URL:

Chat started on Thursday, May 10, 2018 9:25:24 PM

(9:25:24 PM) *** Visitor 21947080 has joined the chat ***
(9:25:26 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… may I know what are you looking for? If you need any help, drop here a message!
(9:29:18 PM) Visitor 21947080: hi
(9:29:31 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:29:35 PM) Teoalida: what’s up
(9:29:45 PM) Visitor 21947080: how do I find the population
(9:30:31 PM) Teoalida: how did you found my website? do a google search for population
(9:30:52 PM) Teoalida:
(9:31:30 PM) Visitor 21947080: how old r u
(9:31:42 PM) Teoalida: 29, why do you ask this?
(9:31:54 PM) Teoalida: are you from same group of kids who contacted me past few days?
(9:32:02 PM) Teoalida: with their non-sense questions?
(9:32:40 PM) Visitor 21947080: i am not. I’m doing a geography project
(9:33:07 PM) Teoalida: maybe you’re interested in this too….
(9:33:49 PM) Visitor 21947080: are you male or female

Chat started on Thursday, May 10, 2018 6:27:29 PM

(6:27:29 PM) *** Visitor 28445800 has joined the chat ***
(6:27:29 PM) Visitor 28445800: hello
(6:27:37 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(6:27:37 PM) Teoalida: hi
(6:28:01 PM) Visitor 28445800: hey
(6:28:10 PM) Visitor 28445800: how’s it going
(6:28:21 PM) Teoalida: who are you>?
(6:28:32 PM) Visitor 28445800: i want to meet you ?
(6:28:56 PM) Visitor 28445800: oh shit sorry wrong website
(6:29:09 PM) Teoalida: excuse me? are you interested in my business services or you just want to have dating fun on chat?
(6:29:41 PM) Visitor 28445800: im interested in your services
(6:30:52 PM) Visitor 28445800: hello?
(6:31:16 PM) Teoalida: just say what do you need… if you really need something
(6:33:52 PM) Teoalida: ????????????
(6:36:51 PM) Teoalida: ARE YOU STILL HERE????!!!!!
(6:51:40 PM) *** Visitor 28445800 has left ***

Very idiotic question

Country: United Kingdom
Page URL:

Chat started on Friday, June 22, 2018 12:08:30 PM

(12:08:30 PM) *** Visitor 37406373 has joined the chat ***
(12:08:30 PM) Visitor 37406373: hello is it e your looking for
(12:08:41 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(12:08:42 PM) Teoalida: what??
(12:08:56 PM) Visitor 37406373: mother trucks are da best
(12:09:25 PM) Visitor 37406373: oh crap wrong person i wanted to talk to toealida
(12:09:33 PM) Teoalida: why do you message me?
(12:09:57 PM) Visitor 37406373: do you koow why there sre different sized dicks
(12:10:29 PM) Teoalida: are you trying to have fun on customer service chats?
(12:10:51 PM) Visitor 37406373: noi need help with north kores
(12:11:10 PM) Teoalida: Can I post your chat in ?
(12:11:28 PM) Visitor 37406373: i will be back for help no it was my freind im sry l
(12:12:20 PM) Teoalida: Please DON’T come back if you’re going to behave this way
(12:12:39 PM) *** Visitor 37406373 has left ***

Philippines perspective on housing – VAGUE question

I don’t know if this was ONE student asking same question 3 different days, or were different people.

Location: Batangas, Province of Batangas, Philippines
Page URL:

Chat started on Thursday, January 17, 2019 1:57:33 PM

(1:57:33 PM) *** Visitor 42711914 has joined the chat ***
(1:57:35 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… may I know what are you looking for? If you need any help or just want to talk about what is on website, drop here a message!
(1:58:17 PM) Visitor 42711914: the philippines perspective on housing
(1:58:40 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(1:58:43 PM) Teoalida: what I should say?
(1:59:41 PM) Visitor 42711914: the philippines point of view about housing
(2:01:18 PM) Teoalida: I am not sure what do you want, if you need architectural design services we can help you
(2:01:49 PM) Visitor 42711914: no thanks
(2:37:40 PM) *** Visitor 42711914 has left ***

Location: Batangas, Province of Batangas, Philippines
Page URL:

Chat started on Saturday, January 19, 2019 1:38:15 PM

(1:38:15 PM) *** Visitor 58365817 has joined the chat ***
(1:38:17 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… may I know what are you looking for? If you need any help or just want to talk about what is on website, drop here a message!
(1:43:34 PM) Visitor 58365817: philippine perspective on housing
(1:43:44 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(1:43:47 PM) Teoalida: what I should say?
(1:44:35 PM) Visitor 58365817: im looking for philippine perspective on housing
(1:44:56 PM) Teoalida: explain in detail what do you mean with perspective if you want a detailed answer
(1:48:38 PM) Visitor 58365817: overview about philippine houses
(1:49:25 PM) Teoalida: if you don’t need too many details, this article itself if an overview, JUST READ IT, what else do you need from me?
(3:00:50 PM) *** Visitor 58365817 has left ***

Location: Batangas, Province of Batangas, Philippines
Page URL:

Chat started on Monday, January 21, 2019 3:14:06 PM

(3:14:06 PM) *** Visitor 86858865 has joined the chat ***
(3:14:08 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… may I know what are you looking for? If you need any help or just want to talk about what is on website, drop here a message!
(3:21:24 PM) Visitor 86858865: do you the philippines perspective on housing?
(3:21:47 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(3:22:00 PM) Teoalida: you asked same thing 2 days ago
(3:22:15 PM) Visitor 86858865: lol
(3:22:50 PM) Teoalida: and 4 days ago too or wasn’t you but someone else
(3:23:50 PM) Visitor 86858865: no i haven’t yet asking! i barely have an internet connection.

Vague question

Country: United States
Page URL:

Chat started on Wednesday, May 22, 2019 7:28:17 PM

(7:28:17 PM) *** Visitor 40707217 has joined the chat ***
(7:28:19 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from United States, what are you looking for? If you need any help or just want to talk about what is on my website, drop here a message!
(7:33:27 PM) Visitor 40707217: just looking for how population in china affects housing
(7:33:40 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(7:33:46 PM) Teoalida: affecting house prices or…?
(7:34:27 PM) Visitor 40707217: just any sort of affects/ issues it can create
(7:35:11 PM) Teoalida: vague question, not sure what to answer
(7:35:24 PM) Teoalida: but there are dozens millions of empty homes in China
(7:37:29 PM) Visitor 40707217: thank you
(7:38:09 PM) *** Visitor 40707217 has left ***

Vague question from Singapore

Country: Singapore
Page URL:

Chat started on Saturday, May 25, 2019 2:09:44 PM

(2:09:44 PM) *** Visitor 78179496 has joined the chat ***
(2:09:45 PM) Visitor 78179496: hello
(2:09:51 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(2:09:52 PM) Teoalida: hi
(2:09:56 PM) Visitor 78179496: hi
(2:10:08 PM) Visitor 78179496: just to check
(2:10:31 PM) Visitor 78179496: may i know the HDB statistics of Jurong East
(2:10:44 PM) *** Visitor 78179496 has left ***

Chat started on Saturday, May 25, 2019 2:10:49 PM

(2:10:49 PM) *** Visitor 78179496 has joined the chat ***
(2:10:49 PM) Visitor 78179496: may i know the HDB statistics of Jurong East
(2:10:52 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(2:11:02 PM) Teoalida: number of units in town is shown in this table
(2:11:07 PM) Teoalida: or what statistics do you need?
(2:11:17 PM) Visitor 78179496: what table
(2:12:40 PM) Teoalida: table in HDB statisitcs page
(2:12:43 PM) Teoalida: what do you want to know?
(2:13:06 PM) Visitor 78179496: tell me all you know about Jurong East
(2:13:28 PM) Teoalida: vague question
(2:13:40 PM) Teoalida: what answer do you expect?
(2:13:48 PM) Teoalida: see also the map on homepage
(2:13:57 PM) Visitor 78179496: What do you know about housing in Jurong East
(2:14:29 PM) Teoalida: or if you want number of units breakdown by block and flat type in Excel format, you can buy from
(2:15:25 PM) Teoalida: or you want statistics of market price evolution?
(2:16:00 PM) *** Visitor 78179496 has left ***

Chat started on Saturday, May 25, 2019 2:27:57 PM

(2:27:57 PM) *** Visitor 78179496 has joined the chat ***
(2:27:59 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from Singapore, what are you looking for? If you need any help or just want to talk about what is on my website, drop here a message!
(2:38:16 PM) Visitor 78179496: ok
(2:38:33 PM) Visitor 78179496: Do you have statistics for condo
(2:38:43 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(2:38:44 PM) Teoalida:
(3:00:31 PM) *** Visitor 78179496 has left ***

Disrespectful language but claim that is 34 years old

Country: United Kingdom
Page URL:

Chat started on Wednesday, June 19, 2019 4:58:38 PM

(4:58:38 PM) *** Visitor 75786443 has joined the chat ***
(4:58:40 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from United Kingdom, what are you looking for? If you need any help or just want to talk about what is on my website, drop here a message!
(4:59:02 PM) Visitor 75786443: what are houses like in india?
(4:59:16 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(4:59:18 PM) Teoalida: look in these photos
(4:59:32 PM) Visitor 75786443: is it poor there?
(5:00:04 PM) Teoalida: there is huge inequality, poor and rich mixed up
(5:00:17 PM) Visitor 75786443: whats your house like?
(5:00:41 PM) Visitor 75786443: —–+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
(5:00:51 PM) Teoalida: but why do you ask these vague questions?
(5:01:03 PM) Visitor 75786443: your a bitch
(5:01:17 PM) Teoalida: and you probably are a kid having no respect for businessmen
(5:01:25 PM) Teoalida: this is for you
(5:01:51 PM) Visitor 75786443: im a 34 year old women i know more that u you silly bitch
(5:03:25 PM) Teoalida: if you are 34 years old then you should be retarded to talk like this here “your a bitch”
(5:04:04 PM) Visitor 75786443: im a retard you have just hurt my feelings crying noe
(5:04:12 PM) Visitor 75786443: gonna kill myself
(5:05:20 PM) Visitor 75786443 has rated the chat Bad
(5:05:34 PM) Visitor 75786443 commented: “very rude”
(5:05:50 PM) Visitor 75786443: very disrespectful
(5:06:09 PM) Visitor 75786443: get anyother job because im getting u sacked
(5:06:56 PM) Teoalida: if you can’t have a nice conversation, please DON’T message me again
(5:07:10 PM) Visitor 75786443: niogger
(5:07:22 PM) Teoalida: beside this I am a busy man working for paying customers but you aren’t paying anything, you just disturb me with childish questions
(5:07:37 PM) Visitor 75786443: u are nigger
(5:07:50 PM) Teoalida: ban IP?
(5:08:02 PM) Visitor 75786443: what does that mean
(5:08:14 PM) Visitor 75786443: beren
(5:10:33 PM) Visitor 75786443: hi
(5:10:34 PM) Visitor 75786443: hi
(5:10:35 PM) Visitor 75786443: hih
(5:10:35 PM) Visitor 75786443: hih
(5:10:36 PM) Visitor 75786443: hi
(5:11:01 PM) Teoalida: I’m gonna ban your IP, stop disturbing me from doing my job!
(5:11:08 PM) *** Visitor 75786443 has left ***

Chat started on Wednesday, June 19, 2019 5:10:10 PM

(5:10:10 PM) *** Visitor 73584058 has joined the chat ***
(5:10:10 PM) Visitor 73584058: hellon
(5:10:31 PM) Visitor 73584058: i need help
(5:10:41 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(5:10:42 PM) Teoalida: with?
(5:11:20 PM) Visitor 73584058: pooing in my cat
(5:11:54 PM) Visitor 73584058: hello?
(5:12:02 PM) Teoalida: what do you want from me?
(5:12:18 PM) Visitor 73584058: anal poopoo sex
(5:12:29 PM) Visitor 73584058: are you down?
(5:12:32 PM) Teoalida: what does say the 1st row in Contact page?
(5:12:57 PM) Visitor 73584058: it say beren is very sexy
(5:13:06 PM) Teoalida: Feel free to contact me if you have any enquiry about AutoCAD, architecture, real estate, databases research, data mining and analysis, or any other stuff covered by articles of this website, comments about my works, errors to report, suggestions, critics, etc.
(5:13:08 PM) Visitor 73584058: i cant read btw am dyslexic
(5:13:19 PM) Teoalida: since you don’t have any of these, please DON’T disturb me again!
(5:13:22 PM) Visitor 73584058: i have enquiry
(5:13:40 PM) Visitor 73584058: how do poopoo sex with cat
(5:13:48 PM) Visitor 73584058: ??
(5:14:17 PM) Visitor 73584058: henlo are you thehhehre??:>??:
(5:14:59 PM) Visitor 73584058: where you go you fricking scummy little bum suck
(5:15:37 PM) Teoalida: I am here, busy talking with a customer… 3 people in chat
(5:16:54 PM) Visitor 73584058: poo ear
(5:17:58 PM) *** Visitor 73584058 has left ***

Chat started on Wednesday, June 19, 2019 5:15:37 PM

(5:15:37 PM) *** Visitor 71849797 has joined the chat ***
(5:15:37 PM) Visitor 71849797: henlo
(5:15:44 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(5:16:00 PM) Teoalida: Can you please stop disturbing me and tell to your friends to stop too?
(5:16:05 PM) Teoalida:
(5:16:30 PM) Visitor 71849797: i have 0 friends
(5:16:38 PM) Visitor 71849797: and i not kid
(5:17:30 PM) *** Visitor 71849797 has left ***

Was really necessary to contact me for THIS question?

Country: United States
Page URL:

Chat started on Thursday, June 20, 2019 8:31:37 PM

(8:31:37 PM) *** Visitor 25077279 has joined the chat ***
(8:31:39 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from United States, what are you looking for? If you need any help or just want to talk about what is on my website, drop here a message!
(8:32:24 PM) Visitor 25077279: I have a question
(8:32:39 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(8:32:39 PM) Teoalida: ?
(8:33:03 PM) Visitor 25077279: Why is South Korea better than North Korea?
(8:33:23 PM) Teoalida: because capitalist is better than communist?
(8:33:31 PM) Teoalida:
(8:33:46 PM) Visitor 25077279: Ok. Thank you
(8:33:52 PM) Visitor 25077279: i don’t like communist
(8:33:54 PM) Teoalida: I can’t believe that you disturb me with such dumb questions
(8:34:16 PM) Visitor 25077279: Well I have another question
(8:34:20 PM) Visitor 25077279: it is a smart one
(8:35:10 PM) Visitor 25077279: nvm
(8:36:16 PM) *** Visitor 25077279 has left ***

The way he/she is addressing me indicate that is a KID

Country: Australia
Page URL:

Chat started on Sunday, August 25, 2019 1:34:18 PM

(1:34:18 PM) *** Visitor 87443489 has joined the chat ***
(1:34:19 PM) Visitor 87443489: hi babe
(1:34:36 PM) Visitor 87443489: hi have a question
(1:34:41 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(1:34:43 PM) Teoalida: hello
(1:34:46 PM) Visitor 87443489: hi
(1:35:07 PM) Visitor 87443489: what is the housing in china
(1:35:16 PM) Teoalida: read my article
(1:35:23 PM) Teoalida: and other countries too
(1:35:29 PM) Visitor 87443489 has rated the chat Bad
(1:35:31 PM) Teoalida: what do you want to know more exactly?
(1:35:50 PM) Visitor 87443489: suck a d***
(1:35:59 PM) Teoalida: excuse me? do you want ban IP?
(1:36:01 PM) Teoalida: how old are you
(1:36:09 PM) Teoalida: maybe you should read
(1:36:37 PM) *** Visitor 87443489 has left ***

Chat started on Sunday, August 25, 2019 1:38:15 PM

(1:38:15 PM) *** Visitor 22441879 has joined the chat ***
(1:38:16 PM) Visitor 22441879: hi
(1:38:29 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(1:38:35 PM) Visitor 22441879: what does chines people eat
(1:38:55 PM) Teoalida: If you don’t buy anything, pay any service, or need any professional consultation, please DON’T message me again!
(1:39:25 PM) Teoalida: This answer you
(1:39:34 PM) *** Visitor 22441879 has left ***

Chat started on Sunday, August 25, 2019 1:41:56 PM

(1:41:56 PM) *** Visitor 22441879 has joined the chat ***
(1:41:57 PM) Visitor 22441879: ok
(1:42:07 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(1:42:13 PM) Teoalida: Read this please
(1:45:57 PM) Visitor 22441879 has rated the chat Bad
(1:46:05 PM) *** Visitor 22441879 has left ***

Chat started on Sunday, August 25, 2019 1:50:11 PM

(1:50:11 PM) *** Visitor 22441879 has joined the chat ***
(1:50:13 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from Australia, what are you looking for? If you need any help or just want to talk about what is on my website, drop here a message!
(1:50:57 PM) Visitor 22441879: what is the most common language in china
(1:51:36 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(1:51:42 PM) Teoalida: chinese obviously
(1:51:51 PM) Teoalida: why do you keep coming here and ask dumb questions?
(1:51:59 PM) Visitor 22441879: thank you very much
(1:52:29 PM) Teoalida: if you have more such questions please use Google to find answers and DON’T disturb me again. I am a busy man working for paying customers
(1:52:57 PM) Visitor 22441879 has rated the chat Bad
(1:53:29 PM) *** Visitor 22441879 has left ***

Vague question and leave a BAD comment

Country: United Kingdom
Page URL:

Chat started on Thursday, August 29, 2019 11:47:37 AM

(11:47:37 AM) *** Visitor 83293477 has joined the chat ***
(11:47:39 AM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from United Kingdom, what are you looking for? If you need any help or just want to talk about what is on my website, drop here a message!
(11:48:11 AM) Visitor 83293477: hello
(11:48:25 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(11:48:27 AM) Teoalida: what’s up
(11:48:38 AM) Visitor 83293477: i need help on an interesting housing fact in china
(11:50:11 AM) Visitor 83293477: do u have any ideas?
(11:50:12 AM) Teoalida: more exactly?
(11:50:24 AM) Visitor 83293477 has rated the chat Bad
(11:50:59 AM) Teoalida: why do you rate chat bad?
(11:51:01 AM) Visitor 83293477 commented: “didn’t understand even though i clearly stated what i was asking!!!!!!!!!!!!”
(11:51:20 AM) Teoalida: don’t you realize that you ask too vague question?
(11:51:59 AM) Teoalida: what is that interesting housing fact you ask about?
(11:52:01 AM) *** Visitor 83293477 has left ***

Non-serious customer @ architecture, probably was another kid

Country: Africa
Page URL:

Chat started on Monday, September 16, 2019 8:56:16 PM

(8:56:16 PM) *** Visitor 98435390 has joined the chat ***
(8:56:18 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from United States, what are you looking for? If you need any help or just want to talk about what is on my website, drop here a message!
(8:58:51 PM) Visitor 98435390: hello
(8:59:05 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(8:59:07 PM) Teoalida: what’s up
(8:59:22 PM) Visitor 98435390: nothing much hbu
(9:00:28 PM) Visitor 98435390: did you leave me
(9:01:40 PM) Teoalida: just say if you need any help from me
(9:02:11 PM) Visitor 98435390: tell me about architecture 😉
(9:02:25 PM) Teoalida: are you building something?
(9:02:33 PM) Visitor 98435390: A house
(9:03:01 PM) Visitor 98435390: in pennsylvania
(9:03:24 PM) Teoalida: I feel strange that you are looking on my website AFRICA page but talk about Pennsylvania
(9:03:54 PM) Teoalida: see my past architectural work, but for you I will ask my US partner architect to help you
(9:04:23 PM) Visitor 98435390: sorry i mis spelled africa
(9:05:49 PM) Visitor 98435390: don’t leave me
(9:06:07 PM) Teoalida: i am not leaving until I go to sleep in about 5 hours
(9:06:47 PM) Visitor 98435390: what kind of house should I get if im living in a cold area of africa
(9:07:21 PM) Teoalida: sorry to ask but do you own any land now?
(9:07:52 PM) Visitor 98435390: I own 24 acres in sutherland
(9:08:16 PM) Teoalida: where is this sutherland?
(9:08:30 PM) Visitor 98435390: Its in south Africa
(9:08:39 PM) Teoalida:
(9:10:35 PM) Teoalida: Honestly, the way you talk sounds more like a child making pranks rather than a serious customer who want to build a house. If you are serious please send us land ownership title, we need to see exact land dimensions, orientation and street type in order to provide BEST house plan for you
(9:12:24 PM) Visitor 98435390: thats a paper how do I send it
(9:13:10 PM) Teoalida: photo/scan and drag and drop here or email attachment
(9:13:34 PM) Visitor 98435390: ok that works thank you for your time
(9:13:48 PM) Visitor 98435390: hold on let me send it
(9:13:49 PM) Teoalida: and see
(9:14:37 PM) Teoalida: because trying to engage me for architectural design services WITHOUT checking my architectural works gave me impression of prank. I get often prank messages from visitors of “Housing in…” pages
(9:15:08 PM) Visitor 98435390: ohhhh sorry about thta, I type like a kid
(9:15:44 PM) Teoalida: “don’t leave me” is also childish. An adult would imagine that you are not the only customer I am talking with
(9:17:08 PM) Visitor 98435390: ya, It was a long time since you typed back
(9:17:49 PM) Visitor 98435390 commented: “tank you”
(9:17:51 PM) *** Visitor 98435390 has left ***

Chat started on Monday, September 16, 2019 9:18:21 PM

(9:18:21 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:18:21 PM) *** Visitor 98435390 has joined the chat ***
(9:18:26 PM) Teoalida: Agent uploaded: 1568657904170.png
Type: image/png
Size: 844372
(9:18:34 PM) Teoalida: see how many chat windows opened
(9:18:35 PM) Teoalida: + Skype
(9:18:57 PM) Teoalida: + Excel where I do some work
(9:20:03 PM) Visitor 98435390: oh wow, youve got a lot
(9:21:02 PM) Visitor 98435390 has rated the chat Good
(9:21:10 PM) *** Visitor 98435390 has left ***

Chat started on Monday, September 16, 2019 9:22:50 PM

(9:22:50 PM) *** Visitor 98435390 has joined the chat ***
(9:22:50 PM) Visitor 98435390: someones popular
(9:22:55 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:23:03 PM) Teoalida: finally do you need architectural design services or not?
(9:24:00 PM) Visitor 98435390: no
(9:26:32 PM) Teoalida: in this case what was the reason for contacting me?
(9:26:48 PM) Teoalida: you just wasted my time when I was in middle of a business deal with a serious customer
(9:39:37 PM) Visitor 98435390: sorry my mom made me do it
(9:40:12 PM) Visitor 98435390: how much business are you actually getting anway
(9:41:19 PM) *** Visitor 98435390 has left ***

Non-sense childish chat

Country: United Kingdom
Landing page URL:

Chat started on Sunday, September 22, 2019 11:44:01 PM

(11:44:01 PM) *** Visitor 4352877 has joined the chat ***
(11:44:03 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from United Kingdom, welcome to my The Sims fan page… if you need any help or just want to chat, drop here a message!
(11:47:35 PM) Visitor 4352877: NO
(11:47:54 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(11:48:02 PM) Teoalida: if you don’t need any help, just don’t message me
(11:48:20 PM) Visitor 4352877 has rated the chat Bad
(11:48:28 PM) Visitor 4352877: WOOOOOOOO
(11:49:39 PM) Visitor 4352877: l(
(11:50:26 PM) Teoalida: it’s like making a phone call to a store to say that you don’t buy anything
(11:50:53 PM) Teoalida: if I wasn’t home you risk making me pulling phone out from pocket for no reason
(11:53:23 PM) Visitor 4352877: is this real
(11:55:09 PM) Teoalida: what does not look real?
(11:55:33 PM) Visitor 4352877: is this a chat bot
(11:56:17 PM) Teoalida: I configured chat to greet automatically everyone after staying on website for few minutes… this is why you may see same message repeating if you visit my website multiple times. You NEED to type a message so I can notice you and answer your questions. So-called “robot” cannot reply questions but only greet you, any reply is human. 9 of 10 chats were initiated by this greeting, without it, most people would not even notice that there is a live chat available.
(11:56:42 PM) Teoalida:
(11:57:38 PM) Visitor 4352877: wat]
(11:58:08 PM) Teoalida: may I know your age?
(11:58:52 PM) Visitor 4352877: I am 3
(11:59:09 PM) Teoalida: I don’t think that a 3 year old can use internet
(11:59:33 PM) Teoalida: anyway, you think childish… to not realize that there may be a BUSY man at other end of chat
(12:00:16 AM) Visitor 4352877: XD
(12:21:53 AM) *** Visitor 4352877 has left ***

Kid asking help at homework unrelated wit website content

Country: United States
Page URL:

Chat started on Monday, November 11, 2019 6:03:55 PM

(6:03:55 PM) *** Visitor 41186797 has joined the chat ***
(6:03:55 PM) Visitor 41186797: Frank goes to the library to check out books each week. If he checks out x number of books each week, which expression can be used to find how many books he checks out in 6 weeks?
Group of answer choices

A. LaTeX: x+6 x + 6

B. LaTeX: x-6 x − 6

C. LaTeX: 6x 6 x

D. LaTeX: x\div 6 x ÷ 6
(6:04:12 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(6:04:21 PM) Teoalida: why do you message me THIS?
(6:04:36 PM) Visitor 41186797: oh my bad
(6:04:48 PM) Visitor 41186797: How is living in Brazil and Mexico similar to living in the U.S
(6:05:38 PM) Teoalida: if you need help with homework, ask your parents or friends, don’t disturb businessmen unless you want to buy something from me or pay a service
(6:06:17 PM) Teoalida: feel free to read my website to get answer about living conditions
(6:07:32 PM) Visitor 41186797: i might be 13 but you are not gone talk to me like that this poped up and i thought it is somebody that could help me with my test and that’s it
(6:08:43 PM) Teoalida:
As 2018, per month the website have ~40,000 visitors, ~500 contacting me via chat or email, ~50 buying something or paying a service, while the rest are thankful for free information offered on website.
(6:09:02 PM) Visitor 41186797: peace i said what i needed to say
(6:09:36 PM) *** Visitor 41186797 has left ***

Kids with annoying questions

Chat started on Sunday, November 17, 2019 12:58:31 AM

(12:58:31 AM) *** Visitor 5659640 has joined the chat ***
(12:58:31 AM) Visitor 5659640: I’m wondering if people have good estate in china…
(12:59:11 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(12:59:23 AM) Teoalida: communists build cheap stuf
(12:59:31 AM) Visitor 5659640: ok thanks
(12:59:33 AM) Teoalida: many people can afford them
(12:59:39 AM) Teoalida: but quality is questionable
(12:59:52 AM) Teoalida: you’re from US, do you get chinese products sold here too?
(1:00:00 AM) Visitor 5659640: yep
(1:00:33 AM) Visitor 5659640: Wait…
(1:00:53 AM) Visitor 5659640: IM SUPPOSED TO BE ASKING THE QUESTIONS!!!
(1:03:29 AM) Teoalida:
(1:32:30 AM) *** Visitor 5659640 has left ***

Chat started on Sunday, November 17, 2019 1:45:21 AM

(1:45:21 AM) *** Visitor 5659640 has joined the chat ***
(1:45:21 AM) Visitor 5659640:
(1:45:42 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(1:46:03 AM) Teoalida: why do you send me this CRAP?
(1:47:19 AM) Teoalida: please DON’T disturb me again unless you have business to do with me
(1:57:24 AM) Visitor 5659640: ok
(1:57:34 AM) Visitor 5659640 has rated the chat Bad
(2:35:43 AM) *** Visitor 5659640 has left ***

A kid (I think) asking a vague question that have nothing to do with the services I offer, and unhappy of my answer, he start swearing!

Country: Australia
Page URL:

Chat started on Wednesday, February 26, 2020 9:53:51 AM

(9:53:51 AM) *** Visitor 92747459 has joined the chat ***
(9:53:53 AM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from Australia, what are you looking for? If you need any help or just want to talk about what is on my website, drop here a message!
(9:54:02 AM) Visitor 92747459: when
(9:54:10 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:54:10 AM) Teoalida: ?
(9:54:14 AM) Visitor 92747459: when
(9:54:34 AM) Visitor 92747459: are you going to?
(9:54:53 AM) Teoalida: going to do what?
(9:54:59 AM) Visitor 92747459: shut up
(9:55:04 AM) Visitor 92747459: hahahha get it
(9:55:23 AM) Visitor 92747459: What is the housing like in Delhi
(9:55:24 AM) Teoalida: if you don’t buy anything, pay any service, or need any professional consultation, please DON’T disturb me again with dumb messages. I am a BUSY talking with customers buying stuff from me or working at projects they paid me for!
(9:56:48 AM) Teoalida: Agent uploaded: 1582703806791.png
Type: image/png
Size: 790690
(9:57:13 AM) Visitor 92747459: what the reason for that
(9:58:20 AM) Teoalida: reason for working for paying customers or what do you want?
(9:58:28 AM) Teoalida: you ask only vague questions
(9:58:53 AM) Teoalida: see above screenshot what been talking with someone else and you interrupted me with your vague questions
(9:59:42 AM) Visitor 92747459: okay well the reason why im on my website is i want some graphs on delhi housing
(9:59:50 AM) Visitor 92747459: and info on delhi housing
(10:00:57 AM) Teoalida: graphs? what do you want graphs to contain
(10:01:15 AM) Teoalida: if you want to see what is the housing, look at photos on my website or do a google image search
(10:01:40 AM) Visitor 92747459: Growth on Delhi housing graph
(10:01:45 AM) Teoalida: “What is the housing like in… country X” I got this vague question from dozens different people. What is going on?
(10:02:47 AM) Teoalida: I don’t have present or historical number of houses so I CANNOT help you making charts on housing growth
(10:02:50 AM) Visitor 92747459: We want housing in a specific city so im asking you is there any info on Delhi houses l
(10:03:15 AM) Visitor 92747459: good customer service when im trying to ask you simple question
(10:03:23 AM) Visitor 92747459: and you abusing me
(10:03:39 AM) Teoalida: next time say “I need a chart showing number of houses in Delhi year by year
(10:03:50 AM) Teoalida: instead of “What is the housing like in Delhi” which is very vague
(10:03:55 AM) Visitor 92747459: okay well that is what i need
(10:04:06 AM) Visitor 92747459: do you have a graph on that
(10:04:24 AM) Teoalida: but I don’t have that. Why do you ask that have nothing to do with the services I offer?
(10:05:04 AM) Visitor 92747459: well ur pointless
(10:05:09 AM) Teoalida: the only country I have detailed statistics is Singapore, see here few charts
(10:05:09 AM) Visitor 92747459: get a real job mate
(10:05:26 AM) Visitor 92747459: that not what i asked for smartone
(10:05:38 AM) Teoalida: you ask on wrong website
(10:06:14 AM) Visitor 92747459: your website is a massive flop and you career
(10:06:47 AM) Teoalida: you think that a person working in architectural design can answer EVERY question about housing in any country or city?
(10:07:10 AM) Visitor 92747459: no but make sure your usefull
(10:07:27 AM) Visitor 92747459: by telling me straight away i dont have any of that
(10:07:35 AM) Visitor 92747459: what city do you live in
(10:08:02 AM) Teoalida: “What is the housing like in Delhi” if you want to see what is the housing, look at photos on my website or do a google image search
(10:08:42 AM) Teoalida: see QUOTE “As 2019, per month the website have ~60,000 visitors, ~600 contact me via chat (90% of chats I answer in less than 1 minute), few more contact me via email, Hangouts and Skype, ~60 buying something or paying a service, while the rest are thankful for free information offered on website. See full statistics.”
(10:09:16 AM) Visitor 92747459: fuck me your so dumb you hurt my brain you probs should be living in the slumps
(10:09:48 AM) Teoalida: DON’T disturb me again unless you are building a house and require architectural design services… or other service mentioned on website
(10:10:16 AM) Visitor 92747459: fuck of mate
(10:12:31 AM) *** Visitor 92747459 has left ***

I though that is a customer, but the way he talk give impression of a kid

Location Carrollton, Texas, United States
Page URL:

Chat started on Tuesday, March 03, 2020 6:59:13 PM

(6:59:13 PM) *** Visitor 14153133 has joined the chat ***
(6:59:13 PM) Visitor 14153133: Hello, you guys do work in north texas?
(6:59:47 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(7:00:01 PM) Teoalida: I had 1000+ customers all over the world
(7:00:06 PM) Teoalida: what service are you interested?/
(7:00:49 PM) Visitor 14153133: I am interested in building a house for a land I got
(7:01:41 PM) Teoalida: would be OK to have project done by my partner architect from USA instead of by myself?
(7:02:13 PM) Visitor 14153133: sure
(7:02:17 PM) Visitor 14153133: My asshole burnss
(7:02:50 PM) Teoalida: the way you talk give me impression of the numerous kids who come on my chat to make jokes…
(7:02:58 PM) *** Visitor 14153133 has left ***

Chat started on Tuesday, March 03, 2020 9:05:05 PM

(9:05:05 PM) *** Visitor 7181666 has joined the chat ***
(9:05:06 PM) Visitor 7181666: Hello
(9:05:10 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:05:10 PM) Teoalida: hi
(9:05:23 PM) Visitor 7181666: Hello sir, my bed is on fire
(9:05:25 PM) Visitor 7181666: Help
(9:05:27 PM) Visitor 7181666: Please
(9:05:29 PM) Visitor 7181666: Little man
(9:05:34 PM) Visitor 7181666: YOU WILL HELP ME
(9:05:40 PM) Visitor 7181666: fortnite player
(9:05:46 PM) Teoalida: Agent uploaded: 1583262343814.png
Type: image/png
Size: 114846
(9:05:54 PM) Teoalida: go make jokes elsewhere please
(9:05:58 PM) Visitor 7181666: fortnite mode
(9:06:01 PM) Visitor 7181666: ion
(9:06:21 PM) Teoalida: if you don’t buy anything, pay any service, or need any professional consultation, please DON’T disturb me again with dumb messages. I am a BUSY talking with customers buying stuff from me or working at projects they paid me to do! One more dumb chat and I ban your IP
(9:06:30 PM) Visitor 7181666: Okay I AM SORRY
(9:06:33 PM) Visitor 7181666: What can I buy
(9:06:40 PM) Visitor 7181666: Do you have vbucks?
(9:06:52 PM) Teoalida: and report you to
(9:08:59 PM) *** Visitor 7181666 has left ***

Chat started on Tuesday, March 03, 2020 9:13:41 PM

(9:13:41 PM) *** Visitor 39250600 has joined the chat ***
(9:13:41 PM) Visitor 39250600: Hello one of my friends was using my chromebook and was trolling on your chat. Im sorry for the incovenience
(9:13:52 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(9:13:54 PM) Teoalida: and you do the same
(9:14:05 PM) Visitor 39250600: I had lended him my chromebook for a google doc project
(9:14:05 PM) Teoalida: Agent uploaded: 1583262842852.png
Type: image/png
Size: 114846
(9:14:24 PM) Teoalida: if wasn’t saying “asshole” I was thinking that is a serious customer
(9:14:31 PM) Teoalida: my US partner architect resides in Denver
(9:14:33 PM) Teoalida: quite close to you
(9:14:52 PM) Visitor 39250600: I know sir. He showed me your screenshot
(9:15:25 PM) Teoalida: As 2019, per month the website have ~60,000 visitors, ~600 contact me via chat (90% of chats I answer in less than 1 minute), few more contact me via email, Hangouts and Skype, ~60 buying something or paying a service, while the rest are thankful for free information offered on website.
(9:15:38 PM) Visitor 39250600: He is going to stop now. Dont worry for any “trolls now
(9:15:42 PM) Teoalida: why he is wasting time of a busy website owner? AND showing you screenshots?
(9:16:21 PM) Visitor 39250600: i dont know. He is a kid that I help a lot out in his projects, he also didnt have his chromebook charged either which is why i lent him mine
(9:17:16 PM) Visitor 39250600: i also learned why i should not lend anyone a chromebook
(9:17:42 PM) Visitor 39250600: Thank you for handling all that. I am very sorry for what he did
(9:17:46 PM) Teoalida: how old are you and him?
(9:17:52 PM) Visitor 39250600: 13
(9:18:44 PM) Visitor 39250600 has rated the chat Good
(9:19:12 PM) Visitor 39250600 commented: “Thank you for controlling of what my classmate did. I am very sorry for any incovenience”
(9:20:01 PM) Teoalida: you can lend chromebook, the main question is why he came specifically to my website?
(9:20:33 PM) Visitor 39250600: I saw my history. He searched places to troll on live website chats
(9:21:16 PM) Teoalida: not plausible explanation
(9:21:44 PM) Teoalida: I can’t believe what idiot contacted me… someone from USA probably a kid although he said that is CEO of some company, offered to “help me” by telling people to visit my website and ask questions. He mentioned that also contacted me few times before and once told me name KARA FERREL I found 3 stupid chats with her from few months ago. I told him/her to stop wasting my time, she started threatening me that if I behave like this, number of people contacting me will never exceed 30 per day. I don’t understand how she thinks that bringing more chatters that don’t buy anything or pay any service will help me. just answering questions for real estate consultation have very little chances to see donators, and e given by the questions USA kid has asked is clearly that she was not needing any professional consultation but just wasting my time
(9:22:09 PM) Teoalida: Might be possible that she is also responsible for large number of stupid questions received from other people from USA last few months.
(9:26:34 PM) Visitor 39250600: Im very sorry to hear that. Kids my age find things like trolling funnt and I know that it isnt. My parents own a countertop business and they especially wouldnt like trolls who arent even going to buy anything like what you have gone through
(9:29:21 PM) *** Visitor 39250600 has left ***

Rude kid

Country: United States
Page URL:

Chat started on Thursday, April 09, 2020 11:35:22 PM

(11:35:22 PM) *** Visitor 7668389 has joined the chat ***
(11:35:24 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from United States, welcome to my The Sims fan page… if you need any help or just want to chat, drop here a message!
(11:35:34 PM) Visitor 7668389: bye
(11:35:43 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(11:35:55 PM) Teoalida: you start a chat just to say BYE??
(11:36:33 PM) Visitor 7668389: i aint now u was finna answer sorry lol
(11:36:52 PM) Teoalida: if you don’t need any help, don’t disturb me unnecessarily
(11:37:09 PM) Visitor 7668389: bitch dont be fuckin rude tf
(11:38:16 PM) Visitor 7668389: imma do it all the time now cus u pissed me off being rude
(11:38:47 PM) Visitor 7668389: and 2 this chat box just poped up on my screen i aint wanna talk to you
(11:39:07 PM) Visitor 7668389 has rated the chat Bad
(11:40:07 PM) Teoalida: that’s childish behavior
(11:40:12 PM) Visitor 7668389 commented: “being hella rude some one needa pop ha ass in the neck im finna get my bestie to put ha ass in a choke hold”
(11:40:21 PM) Visitor 7668389: girl stfu
(11:40:28 PM) Teoalida: I don’t care if a kid call me rude, I only need to be nice with customers BUYING stuff from me
(11:40:43 PM) Visitor 7668389: im not a kid hun
(11:42:12 PM) Visitor 7668389: so ur just a disrespectful hoe that only wants money and if u dont get it u man awe sad ass bitch
(11:42:28 PM) Teoalida: but you behave like one
(11:42:38 PM) Visitor 7668389: u do too
(11:42:38 PM) Teoalida: this is what happens with I am working and someone message me
(11:43:23 PM) Visitor 7668389: with i am working bye lolllllll
(11:43:47 PM) *** Visitor 7668389 has left ***

Chat started on Thursday, April 09, 2020 11:45:31 PM

(11:45:31 PM) *** Visitor 7668389 has joined the chat ***
(11:45:33 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from United States, what are you looking for? If you need any help or just want to talk about what is on my website, drop here a message!
(11:46:11 PM) Visitor 7668389: i just ended this chat
(11:46:17 PM) *** Visitor 7668389 has left ***

Vague question > vague answer > he rate chat BAD and say that go to another website

Country: South Korea
Page URL:

Chat started on Thursday, May 07, 2020 5:55:10 PM

(5:55:10 PM) *** Visitor 9100036 has joined the chat ***
(5:55:12 PM) Teoalida (site owner): Hello visitor from United States, what are you looking for? If you need any help or just want to talk about what is on my website, drop here a message!
(6:16:08 PM) Visitor 9100036: what type of houses are there in south Korea other than apartments
(6:16:23 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(6:16:37 PM) Teoalida: read page before asking
(6:16:46 PM) Teoalida: As 2010, 25,008,212 people live in high-rise apartments; 15,941,063 in houses; and 4,974,719 in villas, or smaller apartment buildings (source).
(6:17:25 PM) Visitor 9100036: What kind of houses and where are they
(6:17:40 PM) Visitor 9100036: ex: small houses in north kores
(6:17:43 PM) Visitor 9100036: korea
(6:17:52 PM) Teoalida: and I wrote similar articles about other countries too… are you interested
(6:18:47 PM) Visitor 9100036: I am doing a project about architecture in south and north korea and we have to include the types of houses
(6:18:48 PM) Teoalida: your questions are too vague, why do you ask these things?
(6:19:06 PM) Teoalida: then just say apartments, villas and houses
(6:19:06 PM) Visitor 9100036: forget going to another website
(6:19:17 PM) Visitor 9100036 has rated the chat Bad
(6:19:32 PM) Teoalida: feel free to go in another website, and please don’t disturb its owner unnecessarily as you do with me
(6:20:04 PM) Visitor 9100036 commented: “disrespectful didn’t clearly answer my question”
(6:20:09 PM) Teoalida: contact me only if you want to buy something, pay a service, or professional consultation
(6:20:32 PM) Teoalida: how do you expect a clear answer to an UNCLEAR question?
(6:21:13 PM) *** Visitor 9100036 has left ***

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1 comments about Kids, please DON’T disturb me with dumb questions!

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