Current website was started in Aug 2012, but the “heavy” content has been added on Nov 2012. For Jan-Oct 2012 see the old website (FREE hosting) suspended my website 3 times during November, for high traffic, 2 times restored at midnight, 3rd time suspended for ever… since 1 December 2012 I am hosted by ($4.84 per month) that guarantee no more problems. 4 days of website down caused loss of 2/3 of traffic, BUT as you can see, in one month it recovered, reached 300 daily visitors, exceeding original traffic level of 200 daily visitors!
November 2012 – 4958 visitors = 165 per day
December 2012 – 2855 visitors = 92 per day
January 2013 – 7733 visitors = 249 per day
February 2013 – 8017 visitors = 286 per day
March 2013 – 11002 visitors = 355 per day
April 2013 – 9884 visitors = 329 per day
May 2013 – 8475 visitors = 273 per day
June 2013 – 8552 visitors = 285 per day
July 2013 – 13580 visitors = 438 per day – On 15 July someone posted in a forum then people copied on Facebook… traffic from Google boosted with 50%, probably Google learned to track Facebook LIKES.
August 2013 – 15241 visitors = 492 per day
September 2013 – 15351 visitors = 512 per day
The huge peak on 12 Nov is because TheOnlineCitizen posted me on Facebook, sending 800 visitors in 4 hours.
The drop since mid-April 2013 is because of some changes in WordPress, Google add the title from the first post in SEO ranking. and since April I rotated posts and put at top of page a post with not so-good title. No changes in WordPress, was a BUG on my website. I was not aware of this until ~30 May 2013, solved on 20 June by reinstalling entire website, traffic re-started rising.
Since October 2013 I am experiencing problems in Google ranking causing massive fluctuations of traffic. A drop to 150 daily visitors in October then rise back to 500 daily visitors in January and fall again to 150 daily visitors few days later.
I will post new screenshots after the traffic remain constant over 1 full month.
2014-2015 stats
(clickable links to PDF report)
April 2014 – 30715 visitors = 1024 daily (on 3-12 April multiple people shared and re-shared links on Facebook, I got additional 1000 LIKES and a traffic spike… this also boosted ranking in Google, from 550 daily visitors before getting additional LIKES to 740 daily visitors last 2 weeks)
May 2014 – 25469 visitors = 822 daily (Sale of Balance Flats in Singapore, boosted traffic to 800+ daily visitors)
June 2014 – 22962 visitors = 765 daily (note: Clicky got BUGGED in counting visitors, shows only 2409 in entire month, while the chart is showing 600-900 visitors per day, had to count manually day by day and make a sum.
July 2014 – 23763 visitors = 767 daily
August 2014 – 24796 visitors = 800 daily
September 2014 – 22286 visitors = 743 daily
October 2014 – 21741 visitors = 701 daily
November 2014 – 22461 visitors = 749 daily (Sale of Balance Flats in Singapore = boosted traffic)
December 2014 – 19399 visitors = 626 daily (school vacation in Singapore = lost 20% of traffic)
January 2015 – 24658 visitors = 795 daily
February 2015 – 23001 visitors = 821 daily
March 2015 – 25070 visitors = 809 daily
April 2015 – 28944 visitors = 965 daily (traffic spike 26 April – 1 May due to students sharing links on Facebook)
May 2015 – 29356 visitors = 947 daily (Sale of Balance Flats in Singapore = boosted traffic)
June 2015 – 24702 visitors = 823 daily (school vacation in Singapore)
July 2015 – 26964 visitors = 870 daily
August 2015 – 28915 visitors = 933 daily
September 2015 – 29299 visitors = 973 daily
October 2015 – 30622 visitors = 988 daily
November 2015 – 35375 visitors = 1179 daily (Sale of Balance Flats in Singapore = boosted traffic)
Traffic Stats for whole year 2015
I no longer saved monthly reports after November 2015 thinking that this job is unnecessary as almost nobody is interested in how much traffic I have.
How much bandwidth this website is eating?
See Bandwidth-Stats.png.
The old website, hosted on free hosting, was using over 2 GB monthly bndwidth at its peak in October 2014 (230 daily visitors), this 2 GB included HTML codes only, excluding template (it was provided by thus not counting in bandwdith) and images (all hosted on third-party websites, Imageshack, Photobucket).
This website, made using WordPress platform and hosted on Hosting24 since December 2012, used initially 10-20 GB monthly bandwidh, with images still hosted on third-party websites. Moving images on own server starting from July 2013 raised bandwidth usage to 100 GB monthly (500 daily visitors).
Google penalty that was October 2013 to March 2014 reduced traffic to 25% and bandwidth use to 50 GB monthly.
The Facebook madness in April 2014 raised bandwidth usage to a record of 240 GB in April month and 160 GB in next months (800 daily visitors).
Image optimization in August 2014, creating thumbnails for all floor plan images in HDB Floor Plans page (the most visited page), reduced page size from 30 to 10 MB, and overall bandwidth was reduced to about 90 GB per month.
What do I see about you when you visit my website
I use to monitor traffic, and THIS is what I see. Operating system, browser, what pages do you open and what links do you click. However, I am NOT checking what every visitor is clicking. For what reason I would waste time checking 800 visitors per day? What I am interested is to see what pages gets most traffic, bounce ratio for every page, etc, this for statistical purposes, and for optimizing my website.
Additionally I use Zopim chat software, when you message me, a Google Talk window pops up and I see THIS: your IP, city, country and page URL.
Seeing this info is for your benefit, for improving customer service. For example, I get often questions from visitors who do not tell me what they are asking about, and I seeing visitor country and the page where he is looking, is useful to provide a relevant answer. But I may fail in confusion in case of people overseas or using proxy, as seen in this chat.
Some people may consider this an invasion of privacy and will quit my website.
For your info: ANY website owner is theoretically capable to see such things. Your phone company is also logging all numbers you call, and your internet service provider is logging all sites you access, emails you send (time, date and address only, email content is not logged). If you do not agree, then please disconnect from internet and turn off phone, and communicate only face-to-face.
In most countries the internet providers are required by law to keep the logs for 6 months, so in case someone report a serious crime such as bank fraud, the police can track down the criminals. You can type an IP on sites like and and get ISP name who own the IP. But to get name and address of particular IP you need to go to ISP, which for privacy reasons should not disclose this private info to anyone except police in case of a criminal investigation. This does NOT mean that a human is monitoring you all time, what sites do you visit, etc, but only if you commit a serious crime.
Stop being paranoid and think that over 1 billion people in the world use internet every day and are not hurt in any way.
The internet is designed to be monitored… for purpose of protecting you, otherwise it would have been full of cyber criminals freely to to sell non-existent products on eBay and steal your money from credit card, who would be never caught.
WARNING for people who think that I get rich from this website
Having 1000+ daily visitors doesn’t mean that I earn $1000+ per day. As you can see from above screenshots, about 60% are Singaporeans looking for HDB-related stuff. They are not interested in my architecture design services. Just about 10% are coming via House Design / Apartment Design pages showing the services that I offer, of them the majority are just browsing the internet for free floor plans, without being interested in my services, some people are contacting me for my services but not everyone is willing to pay.
Having in architecture business more than 1 paying customer for month means LUCK. Of course I have additional income from selling stuff and non-architecture design jobs. Yes I have customers, the website is money-marking, but not enough to live alone. I am still dependent by family money.