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Scammer still trying to trick me even after I showed him previous scams published

This person started chatting in a weird way, without saying what service he needs from me, plus his location in an African country gave me impression of a SCAMMER. I gave him link to a chatlog with a previous scammer and despite of this he keep trying to SCAM me mentioning that wants to transfer me 17 million euro…

Country: Burkina Faso
Page URL:

Chat started on Friday, June 26, 2020 8:14:26 PM

(8:14:26 PM) *** Visitor 83141569 has joined the chat ***
(8:14:26 PM) Visitor 83141569: hi
(8:14:34 PM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(8:14:35 PM) Teoalida: hello
(8:14:47 PM) Visitor 83141569: how are you doing ?
(8:15:16 PM) Teoalida: hardworking
(8:16:39 PM) Visitor 83141569: are you Michael Teoalida ?
(8:16:43 PM) Visitor 83141569: ?
(8:16:53 PM) Teoalida: where did you got Michael name?
(8:19:18 PM) Teoalida: and what are you looking for? why did you came at me?
(8:19:20 PM) Visitor 83141569: here, when i am going through his estate
(8:19:37 PM) Visitor 83141569: profile
(8:23:46 PM) Visitor 83141569: for better communication why am looking for Michael
(8:24:01 PM) Visitor 83141569: write me in my email
(8:24:01 PM) Visitor 83141569: [email protected]
(8:24:24 PM) Teoalida: what I should write?
(8:25:21 PM) Visitor 83141569: send me your email address
(8:25:21 PM) Visitor 83141569: ?
(8:25:33 PM) Teoalida: where I should write my email [email protected] so people can see it without asking via chat? (think that I cannot be online 24/7 in chat) I wrote it in banner and footer and seems that is still not seen
(8:26:24 PM) Teoalida: but do you have any business proposal or just sending SPAM emails?
(8:28:24 PM) Visitor 83141569: for security issues pls may we speak on private email or phone ?
(8:29:28 PM) Teoalida: we can speak via email, but why do I have a feeling that you’re another ?
(8:31:17 PM) Visitor 83141569: i don’t actually understand you
(8:31:49 PM) Visitor 83141569: pls call me less speak on phone first
(8:32:03 PM) Visitor 83141569: +226 01659476
(8:32:44 PM) Teoalida: I do not call high toll numbers
(8:33:09 PM) Visitor 83141569: where are you now ?
(8:39:08 PM) Teoalida: I am in Romania, if this have any importance in online business
(8:39:30 PM) Visitor 83141569: reply to my message,if you are in position
(8:45:27 PM) Visitor 83141569: is this your email still active ?
(8:45:33 PM) Visitor 83141569: [email protected]
(8:45:33 PM) Visitor 83141569: ?
(8:45:34 PM) Visitor 83141569: ?
(8:46:01 PM) Teoalida: I still use it, but is highly spammed
(8:46:30 PM) Visitor 83141569: ok
(8:46:47 PM) Visitor 83141569: do you received the message i sent you ?
(8:47:44 PM) Teoalida: I received it, so what help do you need from me?
(8:49:22 PM) Visitor 83141569: ineed your assistant as Real Estate businessman
(8:49:41 PM) Visitor 83141569: for transfeering money out from my country
(8:50:39 PM) Teoalida: how many million dollars do you have?
(8:51:10 PM) Visitor 83141569: 17 Million Euros
(8:51:30 PM) Teoalida: are you representing Ayesha Gaddafi?
(8:52:04 PM) Visitor 83141569: who is Ayesha Gaddafi
(8:52:06 PM) Visitor 83141569: ?
(8:52:51 PM) Teoalida: daughter of Libyan leader who been killed in 2011
(8:53:16 PM) Visitor 83141569: ok i understand now
(8:53:17 PM) Teoalida: she also contacted me from Burkina Faso to give me 16 million USD, read full story
(8:53:23 PM) Visitor 83141569: but answeris no
(8:59:21 PM) Visitor 83141569: hello
(9:02:13 PM) Teoalida: what do you want me to do?
(9:03:26 PM) Visitor 83141569: write me in email
(9:05:49 PM) Teoalida: OK, I replied your email
(9:10:43 PM) Visitor 83141569: ok
(9:11:55 PM) Visitor 83141569: i received your email but to further more, call me
(9:12:11 PM) Visitor 83141569: +226 01659476
(9:15:05 PM) *** Visitor 83141569 has left ***


Subject: Communication Urgent.

Karim Zakari <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]

Fri, Jun 26 at 8:35 PM

Dear Mr. Michael,

How are you and your family, is Mr. Karim Zakari, from Burkina Faso.

Reply me back as soon as you receive this message.

Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Karim.

Teoalida T <[email protected]>
To: Karim Zakari

Fri, Jun 26 at 9:05 PM

What do you want from me? Do you want to be feature in HALL OF FAME for scammers?

Karim Zakari <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]

Fri, Jun 26 at 9:14 PM


i received your email but to further more, call me +226 01659476

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