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Funny chats

The FUNNIEST questions from people

This page shows the funniest and weirdest messages sent by website visitors. They are usually messages and questions that you should NOT ask to a customer support service.

Also please DO NOT contact me and talk funny, intending “to contribute” to website. The purpose of website NOT to make funny chats, but to show my works, primarily in architecture & real estate fields, and this page show funny chats that happened accidentally during running this website.

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ANGRY people

I started a thread in Google Product Forums, hoping a little volunteer help. But, instead of answering my questions and telling me what is the real cause of Google Penalty and how to fix it possible issues/mistakes, the “helpers” used all possible words to make me guilty for all mistakes that I done and said that I deserve being penalized, bad words against me, against my website and business… this made ANGRY one of the visitors of my website, who joined me and posted the following RUDE message towards “helpers”.

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Good indian customers

Most of world businesses avoid Indian customers because most of them aggressively ask services but do not want to pay for, ask off-topic stuff without reading what we offer, bargain asking for ridiculous discounts, try to scam you to work for free and run away without paying, etc.

Here are few examples of GOOD Indian customers PAYING for services, hope others will do the same.

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BAD indian customers

I am writing this page to inform all architecture students and professionals (and not only) what they should expect from Indian customers.

Architecture is a difficult job to be done online, with many customers coming for free consultation and not interested in paying complete service, but Indian people are by far, the WORST customers, having NO RESPECT for architects and aggressively requesting custom house plans that they are not willing to pay for. This makes almost impossible to get a paying customer in India (also nearby countries, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc).

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Ask help and run away!

Please don’t consider these cases as lost customers or failure in customer services. Most of these people not interested in  my services, but just browsing multiple websites for ideas and free house plans. They may have found something better in another website and forgot me. But some of them are still funny how they asked for help from me then gone away…

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Some people hate chat pop-up

I use a chat widget on my website since January 2012. As 2014 about 10 people message me per day, over 3000 per year, thousands people say thanks for helping them via chat, but someone thinks that the chat widget invade his privacy… probably he will never visit my website again!

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Hi, I am Mr. X

People who previously chatted with me, when they visit my website again, are advised to say Hi, I am Mr. X, to help me knowing that are same person. But sometimes people who visit my website for first time also start conversation using their names, and if it match someone else’s name, the chat turns FUNNY!

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What this guy wants from me?

Every day, I am contacted by few people from Singapore for info about HDB and chit-chat, I am also contacted by people all around the world for architecture / CAD design services. I differentiate customers by chit-chatters by the way they address me and by what pages they click. Look how THIS guy is addressing me!! Sometimes I mistreat chit-chatters as potential customers, but could be this a potential customer, mistreat as chit-chatter and lost?

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What service are you interested in?

In November 2017 I had a large number of visitors on Life Story page. This do not happen naturally. Most likely someone has presented my website to his friends, having mysterious interest in my personal life for unknown scope. I received a comment, followed by 2 chats, all 3 mysterious people asking SIMILAR questions. 2 days later, a 4th person started a chat asking a series of questions about my services but without saying what service he actually want from me.

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IDIOT comments about SERS

A random IDIOT pretending to be HDB insider, posted a speculative comment about future SERS sites, if his first comment was somewhat nice, he posted more comments using with multiple names from same IP as well as multiple IPs, praising himself and insulting me as well as other visitors of my website, a very idiotic behavior, losing his trust.

He (or they) posted 25 comments in List of SERS sites plus few more comments on other pages of my website.

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