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core game worlds

Isla Paradiso

Isla Paradiso

Isla Paradiso is a world featured in The Sims 3: Island Paradise. The town is an archipelago of many islands and is used to showcase the many features of Island Paradise.

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Midnight Hollow

Moonlight Falls

Moonlight Falls was “inspired by the misty valleys of the Pacific Northwest”. EA representatives have not gone into detail about the world, but have described it as a mysterious town, filled with mystical creatures.

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Starlight Shores

Starlight Shores

Starlight Shores is a world that was shipped with The Sims 3: Showtime. It is loosely based on a Californian-type urban area, specifically Hollywood. It has a park, coffeehouses, Show venues, etc.

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Bridgeport is a world that ships with The Sims 3: Late Night. It is the first urban city of its kind to be featured in The Sims series games as most past neighborhoods and worlds were either towns or suburbs

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Twinbrook is a world which shipped with The Sims 3: Ambitions. It is most likely named after the twin rivers that flow on either side of the richer part of the town, near households such as the Whelohffs.

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Sunset Valley

Sunset Valley

Sunset Valley is the world that shipped with The Sims 3 base game, having a total of 92 lots with various playable characters and about 86 in total pre-made.

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