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Only Nightlife

The Sims 2 house downloads that require only Nightife expansion pack

Home Alone House

Home Alone house 3×3 S 396

I built in The Sims 2 the famous house of Kevin McCallister from favorite movies: Home Alone 1 & 2, in September 2012, after I got its location and floor plan (671 Lincoln Street, Winnetka, Illinois, a 2-story house plus attic and basement, 4250 square feet, built in 1921). A luxury property for families up to 8 sims, decorated including the rear garage and minivan seen in movie, but it resulted a messy floor plan.

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American Home

American Home 2×2 E 131

Is possible to have a single-story house with driveway and swimming pool, on a 2×2 lot? YES! Designed in August 2012 for a family of 4 Sims, in American Style: asymmetrical, asymmetrical, siding wall covers, front porch and carport. Improved September 2018 changing furniture and removing fences.

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Asymmetrical House

Asymmetrical House 2×3

This home is a spontaneous idea (house built without any pre-planning) made after a friend criticized my The Sims homes for being unrealistic, too much symmetry, too bright colors, told me to use brick. There are 5 rooms in the house, which may be used as 3 bedrooms, 1 den, 1 disco room. Made in April 2013. Redesigned in September 2018 to remove fences and dark green grass and replace bricks with siding.

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